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Maintenance and

Table of Content

1. LEDs display 2. MSP Installation 3. Introduction to MSP 4. Temperatures

8. Weight Range
5. Messages 6. Resonance 7. OneShot Selection

9. Recalibration 10. Load Programs 11. Load Parameters


LED display
Midas : LED display
LED display: (MWP-1 Processor board)
- The LED display gives useful information related to the operating
status of the micro-wave scanner.

LED Display
Green Red Operating status
On On Processor initialization
Flashing at 1 Hz Boot sequence
Program execution without error
Flashing at 1 Hz Off
Flashing at 1 Hz On Program execution with error message
Flashing at 1 Hz Download in progress
Flashing at 3 Hz Checksum error
On Off Debugging mode

Off Off Processor at rest


MSP Installation
Midas : Preparation
Service cable:
- There are now two types of service cables:
- A standard RS232 serial connection cable which should be connected
as follow :

- And a USB – RS232 adaptor for computers without serial connector.

Service cables
Item Function Part number
Serial RS232 Connection between service
cable interface of the microwave 7593259 000 xx EN8548
sensor and PC
USB – RS232 The Adaptor is intended for
adaptor cable connection to the USB port
1157235 000 xx EN3310
of a PC and there it provides
a RS232 port.
Midas : Preparation
- In the CD, the installation program “setup.exe” can be found in the
following directories: ..:\Software PC\Service Program (MSP)\.

- On the other hand, the default installation directory is:

C:\Program Files\Midas_Msp
Midas : Preparation
- Double click on the SETUP.EXE installation program.
- Then follow the instructions.
Midas : Preparation
- Follow the instructions.
Midas : Preparation
- Restart the PC.
Midas : Preparation
Connecting the service PC:
- 1) Remove the service cover (1) by removing the cross-head screws
(2) to access the service DB9 connector.
- 2) Then connect the service PC.

1 2

Introduction to MSP program
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
MIDAS not connected
At the start of the MIDAS_MSP program, select « not connected »
when working offline.
- Then choose the type of scanner: single or twin rod.
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
MIDAS not connected
- Then offline access to various previously recorded data is given:
- Temperature reports.
- Messages reports.
- Resonance curves tests results (No-load tests).
- One Shot tests results (Tests in production).
- Recalibration service test results and reports.
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
MIDAS connected
- When starting the MIDAS_MSP program, there is an automatic
detection of the serial communication port.
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
MIDAS connected
- If the automatic detection fails, the port number can eventually be
manually selected. For that set the selector to « Manual ».
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
MIDAS connected
- After that, the MIDAS diagnostic function’s menu appears.
- The micro-wave scanner is automatically identified.
Midas : MSP startup
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Function’s menu:
The various reports or functions are:
- 1. Temperature levels and AC & DC monitor.
- 2. Weight Range selection.
- 3. List of messages stored in the memory of the
- 4. Resonance curve monitor (No-load test).
- 5. MIDAS Recalibration service function. Includes a
diagnostic report.
- 6. “One Shot” test (test in production).
- 7. Load programs: Load programs updates.
- 8. Program « Close » command. Back to main
selection window.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- 9. Load parameters: Load parameters updates.
- 10. Exit of the service program.

Midas : Temperature levels
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- 1. The " MIDAS - temperatures " window displays
all the temperature levels measured by the micro-
wave scanner including the AC et DC signals. By
clicking on the “Get Samples”  button, the
temperatures are read in real time and displayed
graphically. The sampling frequency can be adjusted
from 0.3 till 60 seconds.
- 2. By clicking on the “Write File”  button, this
temperature data can be saved in a file for further
analysis or consultation.
- 3. By clicking on the “Read File” button, the
previously recorded temperature data can be

2 3 1
Midas : Temperature levels
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Important information:
- Check that the temperature levels do not exceed the
maximum limits (see table on next slide).
- Compare the no-load values of the AC & DC figures
(measuring tube empty and clean) with the AC0 et
DC0 values. Any possible difference is the result of
components aging.

MAX AC0 DC0 Remark

Difference (digits) (digits)
Opposite ± 3.00 ± 3.00 Acceptable.
Same direction ± 15.00 ± 15.00 The difference between the
two variations can get a
maximum value of 6.00

- If you observe larger variations than the ones shown

in this table, proceed to a resonance check.
Midas : Temperature levels
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- Temperatures limit values :

Value (measuring point) Location MAX Unit

Resonator MIDAS 70 °C
Diodes MIDAS 70 °C
Case inside MIDAS 75 °C
Power supply MIDAS 75 °C
CPU board MIDAS 75 °C
Tobacco Feeder 45 °C
AC voltage MIDAS 4096 Digit
DC voltage MIDAS 4096 Digit
- (1 Digit ^= 0.64 mV)
- If the tobacco temperature signal oscillates, the earth terminals of the
cable connections must be checked.

Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- The 300 last messages of the MIDAS are saved to memory.
- The current report indicates for each message, the order number, the
code, the date and time of appearance, the status (active or inactive)
and the text.
- Different priority and type of messages are distinguished by the
background color.
Error messages Red
System messages Yellow
Information messages White
Program start Green

-The date and time of these messages are determined by an internal clock
module in the sensor.
- This clock is set to local time in Hamburg at the time of delivery.
- By selecting the buttons « Options / Set MIDAS time / Set », the time
will be transferred from the service PC to the micro-wave sensor.
- Nevertheless, in systems using a CAN bus, the time is automatically
set at the beginning of every shift.
Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- By clicking on the button « Messages » in the main menu, the MIDAS
messages report opens.
- All the current messages can be listed when clicking on « Get Messages ».
Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- By the way, the messages can be sorted by type as follow:
Active All active messages (recommended)
System System messages.
All All stored messages (History since program start)
Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- By clicking on the button “Write File”, the data can be stored in a file.
- By clicking on “Read File” , stored data are displayed.
- By selecting the buttons “Options / Set MIDAS time / Set”, the time will
be transferred from the service PC to the micro-wave sensor.
Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
-Example of messages:
Midas : Messages
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- List of messages with explanations :
Note: It can be found on the cd: ..\pdf\Msg1.pdf.

Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Preparation :
- The resonance test must be performed without tobacco and with a cleaned
measuring tube. Of course the machine should be at stand still.
- Remainders of rod or glue or other contamination falsify the measured
values !

The measurement can be realized individually, however it should be used
preferably with the 'Recalibration service'.
Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
How to proceed :
- When starting the Resonance test, the micro-wave scanner starts
downloading the calibration program. This can take up to 30 seconds.
Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
How to proceed :
- To start the test, simply click on the « Get Curve » button.
Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Procedure :
- Once the measurement is finished, it is recommended to save the data
by clicking on the « Write File » button.
Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Analysis :
- Standard values of the resonance frequency and amplitude are: 6200
MHz and 4.00 Volts.
- The quality factor should be within 50 and 60.
- Anyhow, differences can exist between MIDAS scanners.
Midas : Resonance
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- When closing this test function, the AC & DC empty values are saved
and will be used as new reference values: AC0 & DC0.
- Before restarting the maker, wait for the complete reset of the scanner.

Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Conditions :
- The measurement is implemented only at the machine.
- The microwave sensor is on operating temperature.
- The machine produces evenly.

The measurement can be realized individually, however it should be used
preferably with the « Recalibration service ».
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Realization :
- Click on the “OK” button of the information message.
- Then click on the « Get Sample » button.
- Then data acquisition from the MIDAS starts.
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Realization :
- The acquisition of data may take up to 30 seconds.
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
5 different curves are displayed:
- The AC signal in red color.
- The DC signal in yellow color.
- The weight in brown color.
- The moisture in blue color (average value).
- The instantaneous moisture value in white color.

Instantaneous moisture

Rod Weight

DC signal
AC signal
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- When observing the white curve, it becomes obvious whether the
results are correct or not.
- Large variations indicate a lack of precision in the calculation of the
moisture level.
- A recalibration can generally help improving the precision of the
tobacco density measurement.

Instantaneous moisture
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- Save data on the hard disk by clicking on the « Write File » button.
- The « Show Graph » button is then enabled.
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- Click on the « Show Graph » button to obtain more information.
- Then, enter the requested data: Rod length, Target weight, Product
Moisture level, Weight Range in use and status of the NTRM option (if
- Then click on the “OK” button.
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- A weight/Moisture scatter plot is displayed on the left part of the
window as well as with a diagnostic of the scanner on the right.
- The user should observe the following 5 criteria when making a visual
1) The values should lie as far as possible within the rectangle. The vertical
marks correspond to the weight range and the horizontal marks correspond to
the moisture tolerance.

Weight Range
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
2) The target weight (vertical blue dotted line) should lie within the set weight
3) The average cigarette measured weight (vertical pink dotted line) should
coincide as far as possible with the target weight.
4) The measured values should be distributed as close as possible around the
horizontal axis of the target moisture (horizontal pink dotted line).

Target Weight
Average Measured Weight
Target Moisture
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
5) Within the weight range, the regression line (red oblique line) should also lie
within the moisture limits. The difference in moisture content should not
exceed 1% in this range.

In case of problem, proceed to a recalibration of the MIDAS scanner.

The red dot(s) in the diagnostic section give(s) information concerning
the cause of the trouble.
Diagnostic report

Moisture tolerance

Regression line
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Examples of curves:

Before recalibration:
- Wide instantaneous moisture variation (white curve).
- Moisture value outside tolerance.
Midas : One Shot
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Examples of curves:

After recalibration.
- All defaults solved.

Midas : WR selection
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Start up :
- Select the language (if available).
- Then click on the “OK” button.
Midas : WR selection
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- The available weight ranges are displayed with a green color background
while the active one has a blue color background.
- Select the weight range which corresponds the best to the density of the
product. For that, click the corresponding button on the right column.
- Click on « Acknowledge » to confirm your selection or on « Close » to
Midas : WR selection
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- To enable real-time calculation of the weight data for the new weight range,
new tabular values must be generated in the microwave sensor. This takes a
few minutes.
- The progress is displayed on the PC screen.
- The LEDs on the front of the microwave sensor flash alternately during this
Midas : WR selection
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- The sequence can be terminated prematurely by clicking the « Abort »
- In this case, there is no longer any generated table in the sensor to calculate
the weight data.
- All the available weight ranges are then displayed with a green color
- Therefore, you will be prompted to make another selection and to confirm it
by clicking the « Acknowledge » button.
Midas : WR selection
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- At the end of the table calculation, the active weight range is displayed
with a blue color background.
- Just click on the « Close » button to shut down the function.

Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- The rod density measurements need to be carried out extremely accurately.
- Therefore, the component design tolerances were taken into account when the
microwave sensor was calibrated prior to delivery.
- However, individual components sometimes undergo changes during
operation, which can affect the measuring accuracy.
- These changes are unavoidable with the current level of technology.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- To determine the characteristics of the microwave sensor,
measurements and evaluations are undertaken using the
”recalibration service” routine and corresponding recommendations

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Not OK Not OK
Measurements Measurement of
Load parameters during production no-load values

OK OK 1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- The measurements should be performed for each used weight range.
- The measured data is then stored on the service PC's hard disk under a
directory structure which is automatically generated: C:\Programs files\
Midas_MSP_Data .

- All file names consist of the following:

Letter code, serial number of the tested sensor, tested weight range, rod
identification (C = single rod, F = front twin-rod, R = rear twin-rod),
modification status.

For example :
Example of files Function
RESxxxxC00.mi1 Resonance test results (No-Load).
RTSxxxxB4C00.mi1 OneShot test results (Production).
PBxxxxB4C00.dat Set of parameters.
TRMxxxxB4C00.txt Sum data file of all collected measurement data of
a sensor.
ATRxxxxB4C00.txt Recalibration result file.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
- Once the « Recalibration service » button has been selected in the main
menu, the data transfer from the connected microwave sensor can be started
using « Get reference data ».
- If a test has been previously made using the same microwave sensor and the
same weight range but was not fully completed, you will be asked whether you
want to continue the test or restart it.
- Do not wait too much before completing the test (max 24 hours)!
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Get reference data:

- Data transfer is only possible when the scanner is not in measuring mode
(download mode). Therefore, no weight data is transmitted to the control unit
during this process. So, stop the machine or switch the automatic control off.
- Click “OK” to confirm that data transfer is ready to commence.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Get reference data:

- The sensor current data is transferred and displayed.

- The parameter set currently loaded is stored on the hard
- The path and designation of the current parameter set are
- Click “OK” to confirm and continue the program.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Get reference data:

- Current brand parameters are then displayed. Check them,

they may need correction.

These parameters are:

- Rod length.
- Rod target weight.
- Product moisture level.

- Click “OK” to confirm and continue the program.

Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration Service:
- End of the first step.
- Recommendation: “Continue test at step 2”.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Get reference data OneShot test Measurement of

no-load values

1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
One Shot:

- To check the accuracy of the sensor in the current weight range, continue the
test with step 2.
- The PC will perform a rod data recording.
- For that, click the « One shot » button.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
One Shot:
Important: The recording of data must be carried out when production is
The operating temperature of the microwave sensor must also be reached!
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
One Shot:
See the ONESHOT chapter for more information.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
- If the « One Shot » test is correct, the recalibration function does not
go any further.
- The MIDAS scanner is good and performs well: “Sensor OK”.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Get reference data OneShot test Measurement of

no-load values

OK 1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
-If the « One Shot » test is not correct, proceed to step 3: Resonance
Curve test.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Not OK
Get reference data OneShot test Resonance test

1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
- Click on the « Get Resonance » button.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Get Resonance:
See the RESONANCE TEST chapter for more information.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
- If the « Resonance Curve » test is correct, the following message
This MIDAS is out of specifications.
Please use the OPS program to recalibrate.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Not OK
Get reference data OneShot test Resonance test

OK 1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
This MIDAS is out of specifications.
Please use the OPS program to recalibrate.

- If the limit values comply with the standards in the Resonance test
(step 3) but not in the OneShot test (step 2), the set of parameters
should be optimized by using the OPSxx.xls file.
- It can be found on the Midas_System CD in the directory Software PC\
Recalibration program (see related information).
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
- If the « Resonance Curve » test is not correct, the following message
This MIDAS is out of specifications.
1. Repeat the test steps.
2. Contact Hauni for repair.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Not OK Not OK
Get reference data OneShot test Resonance test

1. Recommendation:
Repeat measurements.

Recommendation: 2. Recommendation:
Sensor OK Use the OPS program Return sensor for
for optimization. repair
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Recalibration service:
This MIDAS is out of specifications.
1. Repeat the test steps.
2. Contact Hauni for repair.
1) Repeat the recalibration process and collect new data.
2) If the problem remains, the MIDAS sensor should be sent to Hauni
Maschinenbau AG for repair.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Sum Data Files :
- By using this button, all the individual data files of a measuring procedure can
automatically added together. It is then easy to send data when support from
Hauni is required.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- After clicking on the “Sum data files” button, a menu appears for selecting
data files. In doing so, the test results file for the last carried out series of
measurements is defined. However, any other test results file of tested single-
rod or twin-rod systems can also be selected.
Confirm your selection with “OK”.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
- All recorded measured data of the selected process are written in one file in
the directory …\SumData\…
- The file name begins with TRM. Then follow, the serial number of the sensor,
the weight range and the modification status.
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Sort Sum Data :
- This button automatically separates the combined data of a
measuring process into individual data files and sorts them into the
defined file structure. After clicking on the button, a menu appears
for selecting the TRM file.
- Confirm your selection with “OK” .
Midas : Recalibration Service
MIDAS Service Program (MSP):
Example of tests results:

File contents Comment

ATR0976B4C00.txt Recalibration service result Step 1
16.11.2004 Date of execution Reference data
0976 Serial no. of the connected MIDAS (Set of parameters)
275942100110 Current measurement program
PB0976B4C00.dat Current referred parameter set
63 Current tobacco rod length [mm]
800.0 Current target weight [mg]
12.0 Current target tobacco moisture [%]
0 NTRM Function

RTS0976B4C00.mi1 Weight/moisture data saved (One Shot) Step 2

1 Target weight in current weight range Weight / moisture data
0 Moisture tolerance check (One Shot)
1 Bandwidth moisture check
1 Weight tolerance check
0 Suitability of measuring parameters

205.78 Current AC0 Step 3

365.53 Current DC0 No load values
RES0976C00.mi1 Resonance curve saved (Resonance curve)
1 Resonance tolerance check
1 DCmax tolerance check
1 AC0/DC0 check
1 ACoff/DCoff check
1 Recalibration recommended
0 Repair recommended

Midas: Load Program
Program update:
- Click the “Load Program” button.
Midas: Load Program
Program update:
- Now click on the “Select file” button and search for the programs
updates: DOWN1.HEX for the download utility program and
MESS1.HEX for the MIDAS measuring program.
- Current program versions are indicated on the right bottom corner.
Midas: Load Program
Program update:
- Right after accepting, the download process starts and the evolution
graph shows the progression of it.
Midas: Load Program
Program update:
- As soon as the download is over, press the “Close” button.
- The MIDAS then resets.
Midas: Load Program
Program update:
- For more information on the programs and utilities installed in the
MIDAS, click on the “Sensor Directory” button.

Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- Click the “Load Parameter” button.
- Now click on the “Select file” button and search for the new sets of
- They are generally saved in this directory:
C:\Program Files\Midas_MSP_Data\Parameter\Single_rod
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
Format of the Sets of parameters files.

For example : PBxxxxyyZ00.dat

PA = Set of parameters for the first models of MIDAS which does
not include the weight ranges (serial number < 0750) and the
NTRM option.
PB = Set of parameters for the new type of MIDAS which includes
the weight ranges (serial number > 0750) but not the NTRM option.
PC = Set of parameters for the new type of MIDAS which includes
the weight ranges (serial number > 0750) and the NTRM
xxxx = MIDAS serial number.
yy = Weight range (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 or K1, etc...)
Z = C : MIDAS single rod.
Z = F : MIDAS double rod, front track.
Z = R : MIDAS double rod, rear track.
00 = Evolution factor.
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- Right after clicking “OK”, the download process starts.
- Then click on the “Close” button.
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- If the scanner includes the Weight Range option, open the “Weight
Range Selection” and select the range corresponding to the loaded set
of parameters.
- Then press the “Acknowledge” button.
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- With the early version of MIDAS (serial number < 750), the calculation
of the new tables starts.
- The progression bar-graph shows the evolution of the tables
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- The progression bar shows the evolution of the table generation.
Midas: Load Parameter
Parameter update:
- When finished, click on the “Close” button.
Midas: Load Parameter
- After every parameter update, please check the weight of the
cigarettes and eventually make one or several corrections.

- On the other hand, in order to check the accuracy of the MIDAS

following a recalibration and optimization of the parameters, use the
“OneShot” test. If all the indicators are green, the microwave scanner
is fine.

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