Low Birth Weight

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Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune College of Nursing Paediatric

Presented by : Kafia Hashim Karim

A study to Assess of the factors leading to low birth weight babies among mothers in selected hospital of Pune city

y To assess the maternal factors in mother leading to

low birth weight babies y To correlation the maternal factors leading to low birth weight babies with select demographic variable

y Assess according to oxford dictionary: assess means

evaluate or estimate the value importance or quality of. In this study assess means to find out factors leading to LBW babies. y Factors According to oxford dictionary : factor means circumstances that contributed towards result. In this study factors means occurrence connected with the event of LBW babies. y Leading According to oxford dictionary : Leading means guiding. In this study leading means important causes contributing to LBW babies.

y Low birth weight: Any newborn or neonate weighing

less than 2500 g (up to including 2,499g) at birth irrespective of gestational age (S. Gupte 2001). In this study it refers to those newborns whose weight at birth is less than 2500 gram irrespective of gestation age. y Mother According to oxford dictionary: mother means a female parent of a child ;a person who is acting as a mother to a child. In this study Mother means the mother of the low birth weight baby.

Certain maternal factors may have an effect on the weight babies

y Mothers who can read English or Hindi or Marathi. y Mothers having LBW babies y Mothers who are willing to participate.

y Mothers who are critically ill.

y Study will be limited to mothers of LBW babies. y Study will be limited to selected hospital of Pune city.

y Research design- Exploratory survey method y Approach- Non experimental y Setting of the study- Bharati hospital , KEM & Pune y y y y

hospital Population- mothers of LBW babies Sample - mothers of LBW babies from selected hospital Sample Size- 100 Sampling technique non probability convenient sample

y Independent Variable factors leading to low birth

weight babies y Dependent Variable low birth babies

1- Age of the mother  Below 18 years  18-22 years  23-27 years  27-32 years  33 years & above 2- Religion  Hindu  Muslim  Christian  Any other specify............................

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3- Occupation  Housewife  Business  Service  Labourer  Any other specify........................... 4- Monthly family income in Rupees (Rs)  Below 5000  5001-10,000  10,001-15,000  15,001- 20,000  20.001 and above

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5- Type of family  Nuclear family  Joint family  Separate 6- Marital status of mother?  Married  Unmarried  Widow  Divorced

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7- Habits of the mother?  Smoking  Drinking alcohol  Tobacco  Chewing misri  None 8- History of abortion  Yes  No

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9- Gestational age of the new born in weeks  Less than 37 weeks  More than 37 weeks

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1- What was your age at the time of marriage?  Below 18 years  18-22 years  23-27 years  27-32 years  33 years & above

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2- What was your age at the time of the present delivery?  Below 18 years [ ]  18-22 years [ ]  23-27 years [ ]  27-32 years [ ]  33 years & above [ ]

3- Did you register in a hospital when you were pregnant?  Yes [ If yes, when?  1st trimester [  2nd trimester [  3rd trimester [  No [ 4- How many times you had antenatal check up?  One  Two  Three

] ] ] ] ]

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5- Did you take medicines during pregnancy?  Yes  No If yes, which?  Iron and folic acid tablets  Calcium tablets  Antiemetic/ analgesics  Any other specify .. 6- Did you take iron tablets during pregnancy?  Yes  No 7- Have you taken TT injection during pregnancy?  Yes  No

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

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8- How many times have you taken TT injection during pregnancy?  One [ ]  Two [ ]  Three [ ]  Nil [ ] 9- Did you have any of following medical disorder during pregnancy?  Yes  No If yes, which of the followings have you suffered?  Hypertension  Heart disease  Any other ..

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10- Did you have any of the following complication during pregnancy?  Bleeding  Fever  Increasing blood pressure  Anemia  edema  Any other  No

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11- Did you have pregnancy with more than one baby like twin?  Yes [ ]  No [ ]

12- What was the interval between previous pregnancy and present pregnancy?  One year [ ]  Two years [ ]  Three years or more [ ] 13- What was your normal meal pattern?  Twice a day  Thrice a day  Four times a day  More than four times a day 14- Did your intake have increased during pregnancy?  Yes  No

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15- What was the weight gain during the present pregnancy?  8 kg  9-10 kg  11-12kg  13-15 kg 16- How many hours did you use to sleep during pregnancy?  8 hours sleep at night, and 2 hours at noon  6 hours sleep at night, and 2 hours at noon  6 hours sleep at night without rest at noon

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17- Is there history of low birth weight in your family?  Yes [ ]  No [ ] 18- Did you experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy?  Yes [  No [

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19- In your daily activities, which one had you done during pregnancy?  Cooking, Sweeping, washing, cleaning.  Lifting heavy weight  Pushing or pulling heavy weight  Standing on foot for long time  Any other activities

[ [ [ [ [

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20- Have you experience any psychological trauma during pregnancy?  Yes [  No [

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