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Concept of Organized Crimes

Organized crime or criminal
  are transnational, national, or local
groupings of highly centralized enterprises
run by criminals for the purpose of
engaging in illegal activity, most commonly
for monetary profit.
Organized crime means
• the illegal activities carried out by an organized
criminal group or groups of persons, however
loosely or tightly organized, operating over a
period of time and having the aim of
committing serious crimes through concerted
action by using intimidation, violence,
corruption or other means in order to obtain,
directly or indirectly, a financial or other
material benefit.
"Organized crime"

• is understood to be the large-scale and

complex criminal activity carried on by
groups of persons, for the enrichment of
those participating and at the expense of the
community and its members.
Encyclopedia of Crime and
 Organized Crime can be broadly defined as
two or more persons conspiring together on
a continuous and secretive basis, with the
aim of committing one or more serious
crimes to obtain, directly or indirectly, a
financial or other material benefit.
(Schneider, 2002: 1112)
The way organized group
works- commonly for the
organization to work there
must be;
An Enforcer

• one who make arrangement for killing and

injuring (physically, economically and
psychologically) the member or non
A Corrupter

• one who bribes, buys, intimidates,

threatens, negotiates and “sweet talk” into a
relationship with the police, public officials
or anyone else who might help the member
security and maintain immunity from arrest,
prosecution and punishments.
A Corruptee

 a public official, usually not a member of

the organization family, who can influence
on behalf of the organization interest.
Characteristics of Organized
• It is a conspiracy activity involving coordination of
• Economic gain is the primary goal.
• Economic goal is achieved through illegal means.
• Employs predatory tactics such as intimidation,
violence and corruption.
• Effective control over members, associates, and
• Organized crimes does not include terrorist
dedicated to political change.
Generic Types of organized
Political Graft

• manned by political criminals (political

graft), who use force and violence of a
means to obtain profit or gain, and or
achieving political aims or ambitions.
The Mercenary/Predatory
Organized Crime
crimes committed by groups for direct
personal profit but prey upon unwilling
In Group-Oriented
Organized Crime
• group manned by semi organized
individuals whose major goals are for
psychological gratification such as
adolescent gangs.
Syndicated Crimes

 the organization that participates in illicit

activity in society by the use of force, threat
or intimidation.
Essential Composition of
Organized Crime
Professional Crimes

 refer to occupations or their incumbent,

which posses various traits including useful
knowledge that requires lengthy training.
Characteristics of Professional
Crimes (Quinney)
 Crime is a sole means of livelihood or
economic gain.
 There is highly developed criminal career.
 There is considerable skill involved.
 Group of professional career offender.
 Hard to detect by authorities and can be
able to avoid imprisonment.
Characteristics of Professional
Crimes (Sutherland)
 Crime is a sole means of livelihood.
 Careful planning and reliance upon
technical skills and methods.
 Offenders are of migratory life style.
 The group shared a sense of belongingness,
rules, codes of behavior, and mutual
specialized language.
Criminological Types of
Organized Crimes
 Traditional crime syndicates.
 Non-traditional crime syndicates.
 Semi-organized crime syndicates.
 Politically controlled organized crime.
Victimizing Business

 hijacking of cargo trucks

 Robbery
 Bankruptcy fraud (also known as bust-out)
 Insurance fraud
 Stock Fraud (inside trading)
Victimizing individual
 Car theft (either for dismantling at “Chop
shops” or for export)
 Burglary
 Credit Cards
 Stock Fraud
Providing illegal services
and goods:
• Gambling
• Prostitution
• Pornography
• Drug trafficking
• Arms dealing
• Murder for hire
• Toxic waste dumping
• People smuggling
• Trafficking in human beings
• Loan sharking
Business and labor
 Casino skimming
 Setting up monopolies in rigid market low-
tech industries (e.g. garbage collecting,
cement pouring)
 Bid rigging
 Abusing labor unions
Miscellaneous Activities

 Money laundering
 Political corruption
 Bullying
 Piracy
Evolution and growth of
Organized Crime
Organized Crime in Asian
• adopting to the changing political conditions,
warfare’s and the development of technology,
communications, travels and the emerge of a
global economy.
• Drug trafficking
• Illegal migration
• Arms trafficking
• Exploitation of women and children and
• Wide spread public and private corruptions
Some of the Asian
Organized Crime Groups
 Triads and tongs in Hong Kong and China
 Yakuza in Japan
 United Bamboo gang in Taiwan
 Warlords in Myanmar
 Nam Cam gang in Vietnam and
 Other ethnic entrepreneurs throughout the
China Organized Criminal
Groups, comes in two forms
Gangs (triads)

• works in cooperative ventures involving

black market activities, large burglaries,
thefts and hijackings.
• Other activities of these groups include
extortion of small business.
Criminal Syndicates

 commonly involved in more sophisticated

crimes such as prostitution, illegal
immigration, slavery and other organized
• Hong Kong Criminal Groups-
• Triad groups like: “Wo sing Wo” and “14 k “
• Japan-
• The Yakuza or boryokudan, is the most
influential organized crime group in Japan.

• Chinese and Myanmorese is the major

controller of organized transnational
activities in Cambodia.
Republic of Korea-
• Keandal emening Scarups- although not
considered as criminal groups, they also engage
in criminal activities and intervene violence, on
some way to help the weak and poor.
• Their main trademark is their honored loyalty
and faithfulness.
Myanmar (formerly Burma)

 led by a military Junta, which exploits its

citizen to forced labor.
 A country which produce and supply at
least 68 percent of illicit drugs around the
Taiwan Organized Crime
 have direct connections with bamboo union
gangs, it has close relationship with the
triad groups from China and Hong Kong
with primary crime activities into drug
trafficking, prostitution, child and women
smuggling aggravated by parents who sold
their young daughters to criminal groups.

• The country which has the lowest cases of

organized activities due to stringent laws
and severe penalties and the government
strong will power for the implementation of

• considered the heaven for sex industry;

organized criminal groups virtually control
every aspect of the commerce in women
and child trafficking.

• considered as the most notorious in the

world in terms of sex industry, importing at
least one (1) million women from China,
Laos and Vietnam.

 mostly affiliates of the “Nam Cam Gang’

these organized groups are involved in
corruption of public officials and the police.
Basic types of organized
Criminal Structure in Europe
The Sicilian Mafia (Cosa
 this is often regarded as the archetype of
organized crime and has been the subject of
The Russian Mafia and the
Vory V. Zakone
 this is the Sicilan counterpart, it is linked to
a territoriality based provision of protection
services and to alliance between upper-
world and under-world.
Organized Crime in Latin
America- two dimensions
The Positive and Explanatory
 it is understood that political criminal differ
from their ordinary brother, basically in
their intentions and not in their actions.
The Normative Dimension

 the theory support that only ordinary

criminals should be penalized and the rebel
must be accorded a privilege treatment.
Organized Crime in North
La Cosa Nostra (LCN)
• also known as the Mafia, the Mob, the Outfit,
is a collection of Italian American organized
“families” that has been operating since
• Example
• The bonnano
• The Colombo
• The Genovese
• The gambino and
• The hucchese
Organizational Structure (family)
 The family has a boss
– First in command
 The under boss
– is a second in command
 The senior adviser or Consigliera
– act as screener
 Capo-regimes
– supervise crews made up of soldiers
Economic Resources
• LCN – is known to be entrepreneurial, opportunistic and
adorable, their biggest money making business are:
• Gambling
• Drug trafficking
• Loan sharking
• Extortion of business for protection
• Labor racketeering- organized crime labor unions
• Business racketeering- in the area of construction, music,
garbage collection, air cargo, bars and restaurants and trucking
• Bid rigging
• Business fraud
• Industry cartels- monopoly to a business, ex. Waste hauling
Fraud Strategies (LCN)

 Health Insurance
 Pre-paid Telephone cards
 Stock Market fraud
Russian Criminal Business

 they are extensively engage in a broad array

of frauds and scams, including health care
fraud, insurance scams, stocks fraud,
antiquities, swindling, forgery, and gasoline
tax evasion schemes, and recently credit
card fraud are few examples of ROC’s
financial crimes.
Chinese Trasnational Organized
The Fuk Ching

• it is associated with the Fukien American

Association ( a legitimate organization) to
show their legitimacy within the
The organizational structure

• has an AH Kung (godfather) or Shuk Fu

(Uncle) who is their Tong (territory) leaser.
• The top gang position is the “Dai Dai Lo”
(big big brother) below the id
• the “Dai Lo” (big brother) the “Yee
Lo/soom lo” (clique leaders)
• at the bottom the “majai” or little horses.
Fuk ching Criminal Activities

 is heavily engage in alien smuggling and

human trafficking with most of their
sources some from Fujian Province. These
criminal groups are engage in legitimate
business in New York city’s China town.
Mexican Drug Cartels
 Carillo Fuentes Organization
– based on Cuidad Juarez, it is a major trafficker
of cocaine, heroin and marijuana.
 Arrelano-Feliz Organization
– one of the north America’s most violent drug
trafficking cartels.
Diverse Typologies of Human
Victims of human smuggling
 Poverty stricken
 Extremely uneducated
 Common criminals
 Intellectuals
 Political dissident
 Prostitutes
Europol Distinctions of Types
of Victims
 Exploited victims
 Deceived victims
 Kidnapped Victims
Philippine and Legal Instrument
against Human trafficking
R.A 9208 “the Anti-
Trafficking in Person Act of
 An act to institute policies to eliminate
trafficking in persons especially women and
children, establishing the necessary
institutional mechanism for the protection
and support of trafficked persons, providing
penalties for its violence, and for other
Sec.3 Trafficking in Persons
 Acts:
– Recruiting
– Transportation
– Harboring
– Receiving persons
• Threat
• Use of force
• Other forms of coercion
• Abduction
• Fraud
• Deception
• Abuse of power or position
• Taking advantage of the vulnerability of persons
• Giving or receiving payments or benefits to achieve
the consent of a person who has control over

 Prostitution
 Other forms of sexual exploitation
 Slavery
 Servitude
 Removal or sale of organs
R.A 9262

 An Act defining against Women and their

Children, providing for protective measures
for victims, prescribing penalties therefore,
and for other purposes.
Some Forms War Codes and
Crimes against Humanity in
Times of War
• The concept of humanity as the victim, rather than
just the individual victim, a crime against
humanity is defined as;
• Murder
• Extermination
• Enslavement
• Deportation
• Imprisonment
• Rape
• Persecution on political, Racial or religious grounds
• Or other inhuman acts
Controlling Organized Crimes

 Law enforcement effort.

 Organized of anti-0rganized crime
 Community awareness and cooperation.
Historical Types of
Transnational Crimes

• the submission to a dominating influence or

the state of a person who is chattel of

• a person held in servitude as the chattel of

White slavery

 engagement in the business for profit, or

enlistment of services of any other person
for the purpose of prostitution.
Piracy as a Transnational

• refers to robbery in the high seas or the

unauthorized of another’s production,
invention, or conception especially in
infringement of a copy right.
Smuggling as transnational
• the act of conveying or introducing
surreptitiously or to import export secretly
contrary to law and especially without
paying duties imposed by law.
Modern types of
Transnational Crimes:
 Terrorism as a Modern Transnational Crime
 Illicit Trafficking
 Computer Crimes
 Trans-chemical Environmental Crimes
 Drug Trafficking
 Trafficking of Human Beings
The Illicit Traffic Plunder of
 Antiques
– are cultural assets of a certain country which
portrays or symbolizes the traditions of such
– These are invaluable treasures that cannot be
transferred or taken out from the owner
Environmental Crimes
 Environmental crime is inherently
transnational, despite their transnational
character, most cross-border environmental
harms are not defined as crimes or
regulatory violations.
Mechanism of
Environmental Crimes:
 Transborder flow of toxic
 Transborder flow Economic Decisions
 Transborder Projections of Power
 Drug Trafficking as Transnational
 Trafficking in Human Being and Smuggling
of Migrants
Two Protocols of the U.N
Conventions against
Transnational Organized
Crime from 1990 to 2000.
• 1st- the protocol to prevent,
suppress and punish trafficking in
persons, especially women and
• 2nd- the protocol against the
smuggling of migrants by land, by
sea, and air supplementing the U.N
convention against transnational
organized crime-concentrates on
illegal immigration organized by
criminal groups.
These Protocols Gives
Definition to
 Trafficking in Person
– the activity that consist in the recruitment,
transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of
 Exploitation
– in the forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor,
servitudes or removal of organs.
 Illegal Entry
– crossing border without complying with the
necessary requirements
Factors Influencing these
Criminal Activities
 Push factor
– Those that force people to leave the country
and to resort to trafficking or smuggling
 Pull factor
– Those that make the final destination countries
attractive for those people.
Interpol Three Core Services

 a unique global police communication

 range of criminal data bases and analytical
 Proactive support for police operations
throughout the world.
The International Notices
• Red notices
• based on national arrest warrants; are used to seek the
arrest and extradition of suspects.
• Blue notices
• are used to seek information on the identity of persons or
on their illegal activities related to criminal matters.
• Green notices
• are used to provide warnings and criminal intelligence
about persons who have committed criminal offenses and
who are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries.
• Yellow notices
• are used to help locate missing persons including children,
or to help people to identify themselves.
• Black notices
• are used to determine the identity of deceased person
Political Crimes

 Political Ideology
– the “Body of ideas reflecting the social needs
and aspirations of an individual, or group, a
class or a culture.”
– Behavior defined it as “a set of doctrines or
beliefs that form the basis of a political,
economical or other system.”
The Six Asian Presidents
Sabotaged by their own
• Kusnasosro Soekarno of Indonesia by Gen.
Soeharto in 1965
• Ali Bhutto of Pakistan by Gen. Zia in 1997
• Jung Hee Park of Korea by Gen. Kim in 1979
• Anwar Al-Sadath of Egypt by Gen. Mubarack in
• Indira Gandhi of India by the General in Conspiracy
with the Sheik bodyguard in 1984
• Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines by Gen. Ramos
in 1986
Terrorism as a Political
 Cooper, 1978, said terrorist engage in all
types of crimes, but their purpose is not
 The ultimate objects of terrorism is to
change political behavior.
 Criminal activities enter the equation,
because terrorist commits crime as they
conduct political operations.
Different Types of Terrorism
Religious Terrorism
 Mark Juergens Meyer, 2000,” Terror in the
Mind of God”. The mere existence of a
demonized enemy is evil, and any deviation
from the orthodox path potentially represents
the work of the devil.
 Thereofore, tolerance of differences is
inconceivable. Violence in mandated as a
result of the cosmic necessity to purify
creation by purging evil.
Political ideologicalism

 “ the body of ideas reflecting the social

needs and aspirations of an individual, or
group, a class or a culture.”
Religious Fanaticism

 This religious fanaticism takes the form of a

dogmatic and isolationist extremist and
claims superiority of faith only the
traditional concept.
Terrorism Philippine Version
 known a the Human Security Act of
2007 was signed into law of the
President Gloria Macapagal arroyo on
March 6, 2007 and was made effective
May 15, 2007.
• PD No.1613
• the Law on Arson
• RA6969
• Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
Waste Control Act of 1990.
• RA5207
• Atomic energy Regulatory and Liability Act of
• RA6235
• Anti-Hijacking Law
Three transitory phases of
First phase-dominated by
• that love of country is the motivating cause
for its citizen to fight others in cases where
these National territory belief and customs
are invaded by the other nations.
Second phase-ethnic and
ideological violence
• the difference on ideological beliefs is the
ground for National citizens to react over
the other, example; the western belief of
liberalism the Asians beliefs of
Third phase/current phase-
motivated by religious
 The now never-ending holy war carried out
by Muslim’s over Christian world.
Some Types of Terrorism

 robbery of goods while in transit,

commonly from trucks. May involve
robbery of only goods. May also refer to
commandeering an airplane.

• A person is guilty of kidnapping if he

unlawfully removes another from his place
of residence or business or a substantial
distance from the vicinity where he find or
if he unlawfully confines another for a
substantial period in a place of isolation
with any of the following purposes.
Human Smuggling Human
 RA 9208 an Act to institute politics to
eliminate trafficking in persons especially
women and children, establishing the
necessary institutional mechanism for the
protection and support of trafficked
persons, providing penalties of its
Money Laundering
 RA 9160 as amended by RA 9194, Act
defining the crime of Money Laundering,
providing penalties therefore and for other
Paul Wilkinson, 1974, “political
terrorism” identifies three forms
of terrorism:
• Criminal
• terrorist simply engage in all types of
crime since they recognize no law.
• Political
• as the state repression, ideological
revolutionary activities or Nationalistic
• State repression
• refers to a government using terror to
keep citizen in line.
• it is the intentional destruction of a national
ethnic, racial, or religious group of people.
• The crime can be committed by killing,
seriously harming (bodily or mentally) or
inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring
about the whole or partial destruction of the
group, by imposing measures intended to
prevent births, or by forcibly transferring
children from the group, with the intention of
completely or partially destroying the targeted
group of people.
Genocide and the Nation State

• nationalism is the product of a nation-state

policy, it is predicated on the need to
achieve homogeneity.
• When confronted with social, religious and
cultural diversity, the nation state sought to
achieve uniformity by annihilation or
Cultural Genocide

 consists of destroying specific

characteristics of the group such as
language, literature, learning, religion and
Exploitation of Religious

 Are those marked by expressive enthusiasm

and often intense uncritical devotion.
• Deus vult (meaning God’s will) the battle
cry that Christian crusaders used to
slaughter millions of infidels.
• Gott mit uns (meaning God is with Us) the
Nazi instrument/motivation to go for war.
• Allah (meaning God) in his name, the
Muslim fanatics, maimed and killed with
equal fervor and ferocity.
Global terrorism by Religion
Pontious Pilate of Rome

• during his reign, the citizens were

bludgeoned to death, burned at the stake or
thrown into the lion’s den if they
vehemently refuse to accept the cross.
Stalin of Russia

• thousands after thousands of skeletal

remains was discovered in Russia and its
satellite states, a grim reminder that anyone
who has against the personality cult of
Stalin was doomed to death.
Mao’s Red Army of China

• during its great purge, anything that looks

churchy were destroyed and vanished to
• Only those who pay home age and
reverence to Mao’s thoughts find comfort
and insurance to peace.
Adolf Hitler of Germany

 subjugated and exterminated more than 6

million Jews into gas chambers, this implies
without an iota of doubt religious
persecutions to satiate the Feuhrer’s mad-
craze and genocidal dreams of building an
“Arian race”
Corruption as a Political Crime
• Corruption,
• “acting on opportunities, created by virtue of one’s
authority, for personal gain at the expense of the
public as one is authorized to serve.
• Graft-
• refers to exploitation of one’s role by accepting
bribes or protection money.
• Graft also occurs when officers receive kickbacks
from defense attorneys, bail bond companies and
other sources for any favor under the authority of
the officer.
Crime by Secret Police
 they are units of the internal security police of
the state, with the mandate to suppress all
serious, threatening political opposition to the
government in power.
 “Their mandate is to control political activity
within the borders of the nation state.
 Often involved in the extraordinary means of
surveillance, searches, detention, and arrest,
secret police.
Protest and dissent

• these acts vary from illegal protest,

demonstrations, and strikes to treason,
sabotage assassination and terrorism.
Political Whistleblowers

• information usually is classified as secret to

protect national security, but also in some
instances to misinform the public and cover
up questionable activities.

 James Clarke, 1982, the darker side of

Politics was critical of the assumption that
most assassins suffer from some mental
pathology, insanity, or derangement.
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