Seven Habits Part 1: Paradigm & Principles

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IKKU – Personal Development Module (Leader 101

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Part 1: Paradigm & Principles

Mohd Rapik Saat Institut Kepimpinan Kelab

12 September 2008 UMNO U.S.A (IKKU)
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IKKU – Personal Development Module (Leader 101

Part 1: Paradigm & Principles

• Goals & Expectations
• Inside-Out
– Personality and Character Ethics
– Paradigm Shift
– New Level of Thinking
• Overview of Seven Habits
– “Habits” Defined
– Maturity Continuum
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Goals & Expectations

• Habits of Private Victory
- will increase self-confidence
- we will come to know our self in a deeper, more meaningful way e.g. our
nature, deepest values and unique contribution capacity
- we will define our self from within, rather than by people's opinions or by
comparisons to others
• Habits of Public Victory
- we will discover and unleash the desire and the resources to heal and
rebuild important relationships that have deteriorated,
or even broken
- good relationships will improve -- become deeper, more solid, more
creative, and more adventuresome
• Become truly independent and capable of effective interdependence
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Personality and Character Ethics

• Two opposite view or social paradigm of success
• Personality Ethic
– emphasize personality, public image, attitudes and behaviors that
please others
– basic thrust is quick-fix influence techniques, power strategies,
communication skills, and positive attitudes
– communications skills, positive thinking etc are essential, but
• Character Ethic
– people can only experience true success and enduring happiness
as they learn and integrate basic principles of effective living into
their basic character
– things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice,
patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule
• Character is the foundation to hold the structure (personality)
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IKKU – Personal Development Module (Leader 101

Paradigm Shift
• Before we can really understand the Seven Habits, we need to understand
our own "paradigms" and how to make a “Paradigm Shift“
• In a more general sense, paradigm is the way we "see" the world
– in terms of perceiving, understanding, and interpreting
• The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act
– influences in our lives -- family, friends, etc shape our frame of
• We need to realize that others may see a situation differently from their own
apparently equally clear and objective point of view
• The more aware we are of our basic paradigms, the more we can take
responsibility for those paradigms, listen to others, getting a larger picture and
a far more objective view
• Paradigm Shifts move us from one way of seeing the world to another
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IKKU – Personal Development Module (Leader 101

New Level of Thinking

• "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of
thinking we were at when we created them”
– We need a new level, a deeper level of thinking -- a paradigm based on
the principles that accurately describe the territory of effective human
being and interacting
• The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People offers a new level of
thinking, "Inside-Out" approach to personal and interpersonal
• "Inside-Out" means to start first with the most inside part of self
– with your paradigms, your character, and your motives
– continuing process of renewal based on the natural laws that govern
human growth and progress
– upward spiral of growth that leads to progressively higher forms of
responsible independence and effective interdependence
– significant paradigm shift
• “Outside-In” paradigm is unhappy people who feel victimized and
immobilized, who focus on the weaknesses of other people and the
circumstances they feel are responsible for their own stagnant situation
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Overview of Seven Habits

• Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits, and produce our
effectiveness or ineffectiveness
• Habit is defined as the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire
– knowledge is the theoretical paradigm, the what to do and the why
– skill is the how to do
– desire is the motivation, the want to do
• The Seven Habits provide an incremental, sequential, highly integrated
approach to the development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness
– they move us progressively on a Maturity Continuum from dependence to
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Maturity Continuum
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IKKU – Personal Development Module (Leader 101


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