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If I were you : Jika aku jadi kamu

I have been to Jakarta : Saya sudah pernah ke Jakarta. I have not been to London : Belum pernah
I have ever been to Bali twice : Saya sudah pernah ke Bali dua kali. Have you ever been to bali.?
When I feel bored, I will jog around : Ketika aku merasa bosan, aku akan jogging di sekitaran komplek.
I will arrange for someone to take you around
We have a security guard around the whole area.
The area of president’s residence is a no-go area after six p.m.
I will not have you running around the countryside without my authority.
I was very impressed with the talent of Michael Ball.
I looked around hopelessly.
I wandered around aimlessly.
Be quiet please. I’m watching a movie. He is a quiet boy. It’s very quiet in my house today. (kwA, yet)
Tolong diam, saya sedang menonton film. Dia anak yang pendiam. Rumah saya sepi banget hari ini.
1. The soup is quite spicy. 2. She is quite annoying. 3. During eid, Jakarta is a bit quiet. (Kwait)
Supnya agak pedas. Dia agak menyebalkan. Selama Lebaran, Jakarta agak sepi.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, : Jupiter adalah planet terbesar di tata surya kita,
while Saturn is the second largest. sedangkan Saturnus adalah yang kedua terbesar.

1. There is nobody in this room. 2. There is one person. 3. There is only ten thousand in my wallet.
Tidak ada orang di ruangan ini. Ada satu orang. Hanya ada 10 ribu didalam dompet saya.

4. There are many people. 5. There is no café that is open.

Ada banyak orang. Tidak ada kafe yang buka.

Let’s go upstairs. 2. The toilet is downstairs. 3. Let’s go to the upper deck.

Ayo ke lantai atas. Toiletnya ada di lantai bawah. Ayo ke deck atas.

4. Let’s go up/down. 5. There is karaoke room on the third/3 rd floor.

Ayo ke atas/bawah. Ada ruangan karaoke di lantai 3.

He plays game a lot/too much. That’s why, his eyes hurt.


I eat at home most often/very often.

Saya Paling sering/sangat sering makan di rumah.

You are very kind. PERSONALITY You are very good at sport. The movie is so good. QUALITY
Baik bagus/jago
Cook : memasak Cooking : masakan Cooked : matang
I cook some soup. I want to try your cooking The chicken is cooked.

boil : Merebus boiled : yang direbus (adj)

I,m boiling some water. This morning I ate some boiled eggs

steam : Mengukus steamed : yang dikukus

He steams the chicken for 30 minutes I want to order some steamed buns. (bakpau)

roast : memanggang ( Api tidak langsung ) roasted : yang dipanggang

These roasted beans are delicious.

grill : membakar ( api langsung ) barbecue grilled : yang dibakar

We have to grill

sauté / stir fry : Menumis sautéed :Yang ditumis

fry : Menggoreng fried : yang digoreng

I fry some fries/fried food. (gorengan)
appearance : Penampilan (fisik) performance : Penampilan (pertunjukan) perform : tampil ( V )
She only cares about her appearance. Her performance was amazing. She will perform tonight.

times : berapa kali time : waktu times : Countable noun

Once /one times : satu kali I’ve watched this movie a lot of/many/few times.
Twice / two times : dua Kali
Three times : tiga kali time : Uncountable noun
Dst….. I don’t have a lot of/much/liitle time.

take internship/do an internship : program magang work as an intern : anak magang

She must take internship for one year. I am doing an internship at Factory. I work as an intern at Hospital.

She gave birth to a son : dia melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki. ( sudah pasti past )
She is going to give birth soon : dia akan segera melahirkan. ( sudah pasti future )
Mom carried/was pregnant with me for 9 months: ibu mengandungku selama 9 bulan.

Don’t underestimate other people jangan menganggap remeh orang lain.

He underestimates this problem. : dia menganggap remeh masalah ini.
If you are famous, people consider you as a god. : klo kamu terkenal, orang menganggapmu sebagai dewa.

I am committed to + noun/gerund
I am committed to one person : saya sudah komitmen dengan satu orang. (adj)
She is committed to running every day : dia sudah komit untuk lari tiap hari.

I have made a commitment to + infinitive

I have made a commitment to follow this plan : saya sudah komit untuk mengikuti rencana ini. ( N )

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