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Definition Of Social Function General Structure Language Feature
Proverb Of Proverb Of Proverb Of Proverb

Social Function General Structure Characteristic
Of Types of riddles
Of Riddles Of Riddles Of Riddles
Definition of Proverb

Proverb is a collection of wise sayings in a certain culture that offer advice about how to live your life. A proverb
is a short pithy in general use, stating a general truth or a piece of advice. It is a simple saying which is popularly
known a repeated. Generally, a proverb is known as a sentence of the folk which contains a wisdom, truth, moral,
and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed, and memorizable form and which is handed down from generation
to the generation
Proverbs has 6 social function that included. It’s about to teach lesson, to advising, to warn, and to express a common truth about some
condition. The following are detailed about the social function of the proverbs:

1) Teaching, enlightening, and to persuading people.

Proverbs play many roles in society. The most common role is to educate people on what might happen if they do something. A proverbs
contain wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views to educate people to do something the right things and the positive affair.

2) Advising, warning, and commenting

Proverbs give general truth of advice, warning, and comments on human experience and encourage people to act and behave in a certain

3) Transmitting culture, social morality, manner, and ideas of a people from one generation to another.
It’s means that proverbs deal with knowledge, experience, hard work, and human relations.
4) Helping in difficult situations and encouraging.
Proverbs can be used to teach people, proverbs can give a motivation, give them some advice, help in the difficult
situation, and encouraging when they face a problems in life because proverbs show people what the most important
things in this life and show the proper way to life

.5) Bringing out the essence of given phenomenon, warn of danger, advice or give direct orders and prohibition.
It means proverbs are very often used in personal interaction. With the aid of proverbs, on can aim to provide an
endorsement to the statement or an opinions, forecast something, express doubts, accuse someone of something,
justify or excuse somebody.

6) Criticizing someone or situation.

Using politeness, pithy sentence we can hide our own thoughts and say something we would not dare to say in a direct
Imperative, Negative
Negative imperative is a mode that allows you to give a command using the negative. Negative imperatives
proverbs are used to prevent someone from doing something. This is an imperative sentence that usually use the
word don’t, and not.

Imperative, Positive
Positive imperative is a mode that allows to give you a command using positive. Imperative positive proverbs is
used to motivate or force someone to do the right things.
Declarative Sentence
A declarative sentences contain a statement that gives some information about the events,
different activities, attitudes, thoughts or feeling that write in a proverbs.

Parallel Phrases
Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas
have the same level of importance. Parallel structure involve two or more words, phrases,
or clause that are similar in length and grammatical form.
A. Example For Imperative Negative :

 Don’t judge a book by its cover. (Is a metaphorical phrases that means one should not judge the worth or value of
something by its outward appearance alone. You should wait until you know someone or something better before
deciding whether you like them or not, because your first opinions may be wrong.)
Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. (That means you should not make plans that depend on
something good happening before you know that it has actually happened.)

B. Example For Imperative, Positive

 Look before you leap. (That means to check that something is not going to cause problems or have a bad result
before you do it. Think of the consequences before you act.)
 Leaving no stone unturned. (That means you have to do everything you can to achieve a good result, especially
when looking for something.)
C. Example For Declarative Sentence
 Birds of feather flock together. (That means people of the same sort or with the same tastes and interest will
be found together. The meaning is that being of similar type, interest, personality, character, or other
distinctive attribute tend to mutually associate.)
 All roads lead to Rome. (That means all the methods of doing something will achieve the same result in the
end. Inevitable. Automatic. There are many different routes to the same goals.)

D. Example For Parallel Phrases

 Easy come, easy go. (The meaning of this idiom is that something that you achieved easily is also lost
as easily.)
 No pain, no gain. (It means that it is necessary to work hard or strive to reap rewards. In order to improve,
progress, or succeed you must subject yourself to a difficult or painful training. If not hardworking, then
there is not an achievement. Intense hard work returns more result.)
1. Usually proverbs is as short as just a two words that used. The full forms of popular longer proverbs are often replaced by
elliptical allusions.

2. When we use proverbs in a direct personal interaction, proverbs are often introduced with frames like you should, one should,
or always. For example:- You should do it well or not at all.-Always look before you leap.

3. Proverbs use short words and contain prosodic devices In order to increase the reader’s interest and easy to remember.
Especially proverbs use some kind of rhyme, alliteration, assonance, parallelism, as ellipsis.
For example:-Birds of feather flock together (Rhyme)
-Live and let live. (Alliteration)
-Strike while the iron is hot. (Assonance)

4. Proverbs use of simple rhetorical devices, metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and personification.
5. Types Of Proverb
Proverbs has 4 kind of types that included:

1) Aphorism (pepatah) is the purpose of this proverbs is to offer an advice.

-Time is money.
-All for one and one for all.
-Actions speak louder than words.

2) Parable(perumpamaan) this proverbs has a moral lesson and has a parable.

-An eager wolf is settled to not spot.
-To carry coals to New-castle.
3 ) Slogan

this proverb gives pirit and some positive motivation for people around to be more motivated to live the
-Learn more, gain more.
-Move or you will be zero.
-Early birds gets worm.

it is a phrase that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all the individual word.
-A piece of cake.
-For time being.
-Get into hot water.
A riddle is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is,
leaving the reader to guess. Riddles can be about anything. There are no rules on how to
structure a riddle poem, a riddle can be funny or it can be rhyme, it depends on the person
writing the riddle.

Riddle can also be interpreted as questions or statements that offer a puzzle to be solved.
They often involve critical thinking on the reader’s part in order to figure out the answer, and
this offers challenging entertainment.
2. Social Function Of Riddles
a. Entertaining the audience
Riddles can be funny that make the audience laugh. And riddles can be great brain busters or conversation starters to get you
b Provoking challenge to figure out the answer
Riddles can make you start to think deeper regarding the issue and figure out the answer.
c. Helping in memory training
Riddles can help in memory training to remember the correct answer. Riddles can help to introduce a variety of vocabularies.
d. Educating and advising
riddles have significant roles for education, intellectual, ideological and political. Riddles teach logic about the social and cultural
environment, social norms, history, biology, and much more.
By using riddles, it requires the audience to think of several possibilities in a critical manner. therefore riddles have a role to
developing our critical thinking
Riddles has no form set. Most riddles are in form of a statement, a question, or a phrases. Sometimes they use
homonym, homophone and a poem form.
For example : - i have three eyes , all in a row , when the red ones open , all freeze like the snow.
- What the father of fruits?

The riddles as a text has a two-part structure that just includes the riddle itself and the answer to it. True riddles
consist of two parts, one functioning as a question, and the other is as an answer.
The answer is the nomination of the subject that is to be guessed.
Those who wants to solve the riddle usually must use some logic to arrive the correct answer, or see through some
misleading clues.
4. Types Of Riddles
There are two types of riddles that included :
1. Engima
this type of riddles is a statement or question that employs metaphorical or allegorical language.
The person who trying to solve the riddle must use carefully thinking and some ingenuity to reach and
find the correct answer of the question.
Example : - My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am
slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?
- I have a tail and a body, but I am not a snake. What am i?

2. Conundrum :
this type of riddles on some sort of either in the original statement or in the answe itself.
A conundrum is a question that opens either the question or the answer. Conundrum is a problem or a
puzzle which is diffcult or impossible for us to solve.
Example :
- I’m as small as a pea but I’m as big as the sky and I don’t belong to the person that purchases me.
What am I ?
- What is that which is full of holes and yet holds water?
1. Some riddles use pronoun “I” even though the word that should be guessed is a thing.
2. Using introductory formulas
3. present guiding elements
4. include disorienting elements
5. Completion formulas are established
6. riddles have aesthetic and poetic function
7. riddles have a type of didactic type
8. Develop linguistic aspects
9. riddles have a recreational and playful
Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings in certain cultures that offer advice, which is often used for teaching,
persuading people, enlightening ,advising, warning, commenting / criticizing someone or situation. Proverbs have
4 kinds such as aphorism, parable, slogan, and idiom.

Riddles is a type of poetry that describes something without actually naming what it is. Riddles is often used for
entertaining, helping in training memory, educating and also advising. Riddles is an enigmatic statement,
description or question posed by one person to another, or to a group, who have to guess the answer . Riddles can
be a phrase , statements, or a question.

Both have their own functions and their own uses for the people nowadays. So the things that we have to do is to
keep preserving about proverbs and riddles to the next generation, by learning the meaning, and disseminating
them to the others so that they are preserved.
Answer The Question

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