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The University of


College of Education

Lecturer Topic: Presenter:

Seam Chanthoul Management Sun Sima
And Supervision
SUBJECT: ID: 60200091

17/Sep/2022 Classroom Management and Supervision 1

Table of Contents
1. What is classroom management and supervision?
2. Classroom Management
3. Foundations of classroom management and supervision
 Factors influencing student behavior and learning
 Approaches to classroom management
 Understanding students’ basic needs
 Principles of classroom supervision
4. Classroom management skills and techniques
 Creating positive classroom environment
 Classroom organization Interpersonal relationships in the classroom
 Managing and conducting learning activities
 Choosing rules and procedures

17/Sep/2022 Classroom Management and Supervision 2

Classroom Management
and Supervision
Classroom management refers to the wide variety
of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep
students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on
task, and academically productive during a class.

Classroom supervision: Teachers’ continuous

monitoring of student behavior and learning in the

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2. Foundations of classroom management
The following skills have been underlined as being at the core of effective classroom
• Developing a solid understanding of students’ personal/psychological needs.
• Establishing positive teacher-student and peer relationships that help meet students’
psychological needs.
• Developing the skills of supervising students’ into the appropriate behavior.
• Implementing instructional methods that facilitate optimal learning by responding to
the academic needs of individual students and the classroom group.
• Using organizational and group management methods that maximize on-task student
• Using a wide range of counseling and behavioral methods that involve students in
examining and correcting their inappropriate behavior
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i. Factors influencing student behavior
Simple classification of student behavior:

a) On-task behavior b) Of-task behavior c) Disruptive behavior

Students who cooperate When a student is not When the behavior of

with the teacher and do attempting to follow the a student is not only
what their teacher instructions of the of-task but also
planned for them to do teacher and not prevents or
display on-task behavior. engaged in disruptive discourages other
behavior, his/her students from being
behavior can be on-task, that behavior
described as being off- is described as being
task. disruptive.

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I. Factors influencing student behavior

Social factors influencing student behavior School factors influencing student behavior

The following social factors have been

Studies have shown that teachers and
noted to be of paramount importance:
schools make dramatic differences in the
lives of many children. he extent to which
i) Family structure and stability
children lean academic material, how they
ii) Poverty
feel about themselves as learners and
iii) Child abuse and negligence
how responsibly they behave are
iv) Work of parents
significantly influenced by what happens
v) Student drug use
in the schools.

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II) Approaches to
classroom management
Behavioristic methods
The counseling approach (1960s and 1970s)
- to ignore inappropriate behavior
- Focus on discipline and reinforce appropriate
- Focused on what to do behavior
after students misbehaved - to write contracts with students,
and use time-out procedures.
- to state general behavioral
expectations to punish disruptive
- to provide group reinforcement
for on-task behavior.

17/Sep/2022 Classroom Management and Supervision

II) Approaches to Comprehensive classroom management
classroom Five major factors or skill areas are associated with
management classroom management:
1) Classroom management should be based on solid understanding of
Teacher effectiveness (1990s) current research and theory in classroom management and on
students’ personal and psychological needs.
Three sets of 2) Classroom management depends on establishing positive teacher-
teacher behaviors student and peer relationships that help students’ basic psychological
1) teachers’ skill in organizing and 3) Comprehensive classroom management involves using instructional
managing classroom activities methods that facilitate optimal learning by responding to the academic
2) teachers skill in presenting needs of individual students and the classroom group.
instructional material 4) Comprehensive classroom management involves using
3) teacher student organizational and group management methods that maximize on-
relationships. task student behavior.
5) Comprehensive classroom management involves the ability to
use a wide range of counseling and behavioral methods that involve
students in examining and correcting their inappropriate behavior.
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III) Understanding student
basic needs
B) Academic needs
A) Physiological needs
1. Understand and value the learning goals
- heat, water and sometimes food 2. Understand the learning process
3. Be actively involved in the learning process
- Safety and security
4. Relate subject matter to their own
- Need for belonging and affection 5. Take responsibility for their own learning, setting goals and/or following
- Need for self-esteem their own interests
6. Experience success
- Need for self-actualization
7. Receive realistic and immediate feedback that enhance self-efficacy
8. Receive rewards for performance gains
9. See learning modeled by adults as an exciting and rewarding activity
10. Experience an appropriate amount of structure
11. Have time to integrate learning
12. Have positive contact with peers
13. Receive instruction matched to their cognitive and skill level and
learning style

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2. Classroom management
skills and techniques
i. Classroom Environment
Classroom management is the heart of teaching and
learning in school settings. A classroom that is well
managed provides students and teachers with the
opportunity to grow together and realize the aim for
which they are there. Teacher skills and knowledge in
classroom management cannot have much effect if the
environment in which learning is to take place does not
support the process. Students need an environment
that caters to their needs. Classroom environment is
more than the physical location of the learning setting.
It denotes the atmosphere – both living and non-living
part- surrounding the center of learning.

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ii. Classroom Organization

The starting point of practicing effective classroom management is the

arrangement of the physical setting so that teaching would low smoothly.

When arranging the classroom for instruction, teachers will need to make
decisions regarding
a) Setting of desks, tables and chairs
b) Location of teacher’s desk, computer and other teaching resources
c) Area of the room to be used for presentation
d) How the teacher and students will obtain materials and supplies
e) Where the teaching/learning materials are stored
f) Traffic lanes within the classroom
g) How students should exit and enter the classroom

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iii. Managing learning activities
Types of activities
The management of activities
Opening the period
The term activity describes organized
behavior that the teacher and student
engage in for a common purpose. Checking class work or homework



Small group work


Content development


17/Sep/2022 Classroom Management and Supervision 12

Thank You!!!
10/Sep/2022 Unit3 Assessment 13

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