Mech S of Fluids - 2231-2021

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• In this we consider the motion of inviscid fluids. That is, the fluid is assumed to have zero viscosity. If the viscosity
is zero,then the thermal conductivity of the fluid is also zero and there can be no heat transfer except by radiation.
• In practice there are no inviscid fluids, since every fluid supports shear stresses when it is subjected to a
rate of strain displacement.
• For many flow situations the viscous effects are relatively small compared with other effects. As a first
approximation for such cases it is often possible to ignore viscous effects. For example,
• often the viscous forces developed in flowing water may be several orders of magnitude smaller than
forces due to other influences, such as gravity or pressure differences. For other water flow
situations,however,the viscous effects may be the dominant. 
• Bernoulli’s theorem, in fluid dynamics, relation among the pressure, velocity, and elevation in a moving fluid
(liquid or gas), the compressibility and viscosity (internal friction) of which are negligible and the flow of which is
steady, or laminar.
• First derived (1738) by the Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli,. Bernoulli’s theorem is the principle of energy
conservation for ideal fluids in steady, or streamline, flow and is the basis for many engineering applications.
• The theorem states, in effect, that; the total mechanical energy of the flowing fluid, comprising the energy
associated with fluid pressure, the gravitational potential energy of elevation, and the kinetic energy of fluid
motion, remains constant.
• Proper use of the Bernoulli equation requires close attention to the assumptions used in its deriva-
tion. In this section we review some of these assumptions and consider the consequences of incor-
rect use of the equation
Bernoulli’s theorem
• For steady flows each particle slides along its path, and its velocity vector
is every where tangent to the path. The lines that are tangent to the
velocity vectors throughout the flow field are called streamlines. For
many situations it is easiest to describe the flow in terms of the.
“streamline "coordinates based on the streamlines, are as illustrated . P +
ꝬV2 + ƔZ = Constant along streamline.

Flow in terms of streamline and normal coordinates

Types of flow
• Osborne Reynold’s(1883) Experiment; Identified Laminar and
Turbulent flows
Types of flow

• The following work only applies to Newtonian fluids; i.e. fluids which obey the
Newton’s law of viscosity.
•  stream line: is an imaginary line with no flow normal to it, only along it. When
the flow is laminar, the streamlines are parallel and for flow between two parallel
surfaces we may consider the flow as made up of parallel laminar layers. In a pipe
these laminar layers are cylindrical and may be called stream tubes.
• In laminar flow, no mixing occurs between adjacent layers and it occurs at low
average velocities.
• In this; Re≤ 2000 and Re =
• N.B Laminar flow is not common in water works.
• When the flow is laminar the dye injected into the pipe passes along without
mixing with the water.
Types of flow

• The shearing process causes energy loss and heating of the fluid. This increases
with mean velocity.
• When a certain critical velocity is exceeded, the streamlines break up and mixing
of the fluid occurs. The diagram illustrates Reynolds coloured ribbon experiment.
Coloured dye is injected into a horizontal flow.
• When the flow is laminar the dye injected into the pipe passes along without
mixing with the water. When the velocity of flow is increased, turbulence sets in
and the dye mixes with the surrounding water. One explanation of this transition is
that it is necessary to change the pressure loss into other forms of energy such as
angular kinetic energy as indicated by small eddies in the flow.

• In this we consider the motion of inviscid fluids. That is, the fluid is assumed to have zero viscosity. If the viscosity
is zero,then the thermal conductivity of the fluid is also zero and there can be no heat transfer except by radiation.
• In practice there are no inviscid fluids, since every fluid supports shear stresses when it is subjected to a
rate of strain displacement.
• For many flow situations the viscous effects are relatively small compared with other effects. As a first
approximation for such cases it is often possible to ignore viscous effects. For example,
• often the viscous forces developed in flowing water may be several orders of magnitude smaller than
forces due to other influences, such as gravity or pressure differences. For other water flow
situations,however,the viscous effects may be the dominant. 
• Bernoulli’s theorem, in fluid dynamics, relation among the pressure, velocity, and elevation in a moving fluid
(liquid or gas), the compressibility and viscosity (internal friction) of which are negligible and the flow of which is
steady, or laminar.
• First derived (1738) by the Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli,. Bernoulli’s theorem is the principle of energy
conservation for ideal fluids in steady, or streamline, flow and is the basis for many engineering applications.
• The theorem states, in effect, that; the total mechanical energy of the flowing fluid, comprising the energy
associated with fluid pressure, the gravitational potential energy of elevation, and the kinetic energy of fluid
motion, remains constant.
• Proper use of the Bernoulli equation requires close attention to the assumptions used in its deriva-
tion. In this section we review some of these assumptions and consider the consequences of incor-
rect use of the equation
Momentum Equation

•According to Newton’s 3rd law Law: In the bend of a mas of fluid is, there is an equal and opposite force (F) exerted by the bend o
the mass of fluid.
•If ▲t is the time taken for the element of fluid ▲Q to traverse the stream tube, the mass of the tube is Ꝭ ▲Q ▲t. according to
Newton’s 2nd law;
•Forces in any direction = Rate of change of momentum in that direction. In x-direction; dFx = Ꝭ ▲Q ▲t
•Or Ꝭ ▲Q
•For the entire flow stream assuming uniform velocity distribution at the two sections; Fx = Ꝭ ▲Q
• Fy = Ꝭ ▲Q
•These are called momentum equations. For a control point fluid, mass flow rate entering = Mass flow rate leaving the control
volume Ꝭ1A1V1 = Ꝭ2A2V2. From this;A1V1 = A2V2 since density is the same. This is the continuity equation and hence the
discharge Equation Q = AV
•and opposite force (F) exerted by the bend on the mass of fluid.
•direction. In x-direction; dFx = Ꝭ ▲Q ▲t
•Or Ꝭ ▲Q
•For the entire flow stream assuming uniform velocity distribution at the two sections; Fx = Ꝭ ▲Q
• Fy = Ꝭ ▲Q
•These are called momentum equations. For a control point fluid, mass flow rate entering = flow rate leaving the control volume
Ꝭ1A1V1 = Ꝭ2A2V2. From this;A1V1 = A2V2 since density is the same.This the continuity equation and hence the discharge
Equation Q = AV
Momentum Equation cont.….

• In case of compressible fluid.AV = const. In case of incompressible fluid. Differential form of continuity equation
in Cartesian co-ordinates system. Considering a stream tube ABCD,which constitutes a control volume. Assuming
the flow to be steady so that 1A1v1 = ,which is the mass flow rate. The density remaining constant, A1v1 = which
continuity equation and so then the discharge equation Q = A.V.
• Mass flow rate entering the control volume ABCD though point 1 of the control volume. Mass flow rate leaving
the control volume ABCD though point 2 of the control volume.

• According to Newton’s third law; the fluid ABCD will exert and equal and opposite reaction on the surroundings
such that F = m(V2 – V1) is applicable to one-dimensional flow on which velocities in which the velocities V 1 & V2
were in the same direction. Whatever amount enters the control volume at AB leaves the control volume at CD.For
such kind of flows, it is convenient to consider the rate of change of momentum.
Momentum Equation
• Considering a fluid element so that it occupies part of a stream tube. of any shape but of a
small cross-section, Ends of the element are plane and perpendicular to the central streamline
of the stream tube. The flow being steady and non –viscous forces in the analysis are those
due to;
• (i) pressure of liquid on all surfaces of chosen element.
• (ii) Gravity
• . + V + g = 0 .This is known as the Euler’s equation for flow in a stream tube.
• For steady condition; - g = V
• Integration along a streamline + +gz = constant valid for a streamline and can be applied
only if the relation between the pressure p and density and is known. For the case of an
incompressible flow remains constant equation yields ;
• + + gz = Constant.. Provided is constant.This is the Bernoulli’s equation. Momentum
Momentum Equation

• 1.Oil flows through a0.8m diameter pipe. The flow in the pipeline is laminar and velocity at any
radius r is given by; V = (0.5 – 15r2) m/s. Determine;
• (a) Volumetric rate of flow
• (b) The mean velocity Vmean =
• (c)Momentum correction factor = AV2
• (d) The energy correction factor =
Momentum Equation
• Fluid flow may be steady, unsteady , uniform ,nonuniform, rotational , irrotational, laminar or
turbulent ,one, two or three-dimensional.
• When the system is restricted to acceleration in one direction only, then it is called one
dimensional flow. Accelerations in the other two coordinate directions is negligibly small .
• In such cases, average values of velocity, pressure and elevations are considered to represent the
flow as a whole taking single dimension along central streamline of the flow.
• When velocity and acceleration have components in the x-, y-, and z- directions the flow is said
to be three –dimensional.
• An arrangement for velocity and acceleration to be symmetrical about one axis, then the
cylindrical coordinates can be used, which is a form of two-dimensional flow.
• Considering forces acting on the an element of a fluid, in the direction of the streamline( see
• Forces normal to the direction of motion have not been shown. In this case, shear stress exerted
on the element by the adjacent fluid and opposes motion.
• Fluid flow problems can be analysed by application of THREE basic principles:
• (a) Principle of continuity (i.e conservation of mass)
• (b) Principle of conservation of energy- evaluating energy possessed, added or deleted on a control volume
• (c) The impulse momentum principle – which is useful in evaluating the dynamic forces exerted by flowing
Momentum Equation
On the basis of the newton’s second law of motion;

Euler’s Equation: One - dimensional

Momentum Equation
• = ma., in the direction of the streamlines
• pdA – (p + dp)dA - – 2(
• But = , = = = V
• 2dA VdV
Dividing through by –pdA
• + VdV +gdz = - . The terms on the right hand side is due to friction in the case of real fluids
and zero for ideal fluids.
• Also = = where dP = perimeter and R is the mean hydraulic radius R =
• One – dimensional equation for ideal fluid is + + gdz……..(Euler,1750) for both
incompressible and compressible flow.
• The fundamental equation for steady flow in the direction of motion is ++ dz + dhL = 0
Momentum Equation
• Remember = = dhL (head lost).
• For an inviscid and incompressible fluid g = since is constant;
• Integrating + =
• + z = constant = Total head H. This is called the ‘Bernoulli’s equation’ for steady flow of
frictionless(Inviscid) incompressible fluid along a streamline or stream tube after “Daniel
• For real incompressible fluid between two sections 1 and 2 of distance L apart gives;
where HL is head lost due to friction in a length L and HL = = HL = 0.
The energy possessed by a flowing fluid consists of internal energy and energy due to position,
pressure and velocity.
From the principle of conservation of energy, the general equation in the direction of flow
can be written as,
since change of internal energy is negligible for a steady incompressible (ideal or real fluid). This equation
can be written as E1 + HA – HL – HD = E2
Momentum Equation

Where E = Energy per unit weight of the fluid(m)

H = Head added, lost or deleted(A,L,D) per unit weight of the fluid.
Energy per unit weight(1 N) of an incompressible flowing fluid generally consists of thee
1) Due to position or elevation Z above an arbitrary datum(elevation head); E1 = WH = 1 x z = z
2) Due to pressure p; Ep = Wh = 1, = N.m/N
3) Due to velocity of flow(Kinetic energy or velocity head) E(k)or(v) = mV2 = .V2 = N.m/N
The total energy per unit weight of flowing fluid, is called the total head H
E = E1 + Ep + E(v)or(k) = z + + or J/N in this case z + is the piezometric head or static head h, i.e
Total energy of flowing fluids H is the sum off piezometric (h) and kinetic energy ; E = h + =
1. A 100mm penstock (pressure pipe) terminates in 50mm nozzle 14m below the water surface in a reservoir as shown.
Determine the velocity and the pressure at A in the pipe. What would be the velocity and pressure at A without the nozzle?
Neglect losses.
Momentum Equation
(a) Penstock with nozzle; apply B.T 1 and 2 with 2 as datum
E1 = E2 + losses
Neglecting losses 14 + 0 +0 = 0 + 0 + = 16.53m/s
Momentum Equation

From continuity: AV = av small letters for the nozzle

• V = 2 x 1 6.53 = 4.15 m/s
B.T 1 and A, A datum
8+0=0+ +
= 7.124m of water or 7.124 x 9.81 = 69.87KN/m2
• (b) Penstock without nozzle:
B.T 1 and 2 ;2as datum
14 = , V = 16.53 m/s
B.T 1 and A, A datum 8 + 0 + 0 = 0 + +
= 8 – 14 = -6 m of water
= -6 x 9.81 = 58.86 KN/m2
Momentum Equation
2. Water is siphoned through 150mm rubber tube as shown in the figure
(i) Neglecting friction, determine the discharge through the siphon and the minimum pressure in
the siphon tube. What is the pressure at B inside the tube?
(ii) If the minimum pressure in the siphon should not fall 7.5m of water below atmosphere, what
is the maximum possible depth of the outlet at D below the water surface ?
(iii) If the frictional loss is 0.6m and in DC 1.0m, determine the pressure at C and the discharge of
the siphon?
Momentum Equation

(i) To find Q,Pc and PB since lowest pressure occurs at summit C of the siphon
5 + 0 +0 = 0 +0 + = 5
V = = 9.9m/s but Q = AV = 2 x 9.9 = 0.175m3/s = 175lps
energy Eqn. 1 and C at 1 datum
0 + 0 +0 = 1.5 + +
= +-1.5 – 5 = 6.5m of water = -6.5 x 9.81 = 63.77KN/m2
Energy equation 1 and B
0 + 0 +0 = 0 + + = -5m of water = 49.05KN/m2
min = -0.7.5m of water, depth CD, 1D = ?
Eqn C and D , at D datum;
CD + (-7.5) + = 0 + 0 + , Vc = VD ; CDmax = 7.5m,, 1 Dmax = 7.5 – 1.5 = 6m hence maximum
depth of outlet D is 6m below the water surface
Momentum Equation

(iii) PC =?
EA = ED + hLA-D = 4 + 1 + 0 = 0 + 0 + + (0.6 + 1.0)
= 5 +- 1.6 = 3.4m = 8.17m/s but Q = AV = 2 x 8.17 = 0.1446m3/s = 144.6lps
Energy equation A and C at A datum
EA = EC + hLA-D
0 + 1 + 0 = 2.5 + + + 0.6
= 1 – 2.5 – 3.4 – 0.6 = -5.5m of water
Pv the siphon is good working condition

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