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NAME : Gede Jonathan Christiano

● Tangsi Beach or better
known as Pink Beach from
Lombok Island is located in
Sekaroh Village, Jerowaru
District, East Lombok
Regency. The name Tangsi
is said to come from the
ancient Japanese era,
where this beach was used
as a barracks by Japanese
soldiers who had just
Pink Beach
Pink Beach is an attractive tourist destination and is worth a visit because
of its uniqueness. The entrance fee or entrance ticket to Pink Beach is
enough to pay Rp. 10,000,- each person. However, it will be different for
foreign tourists who have to pay Rp. 50.000,- each person. This beach is
one of seven beaches in the world that has pink sand beaches. This pink
sand color is formed because the original white sand grains mix with pink
coral flakes. Sunlight and exposure to sea water add to the pink color of the
beach more clearly. Pink Beach Lombok has many marine cultivation areas
around the beach. Some of the marine wealth found in this area are
lobster, grouper, and so on. In addition, the boatmen will provide a fish kiln
that makes your vacation more enjoyable.
Pink Beach
Pink Beach
This beach is so calm and only has small waves that make tourists more
comfortable when playing there. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the
pink sand beach, tourists are also presented with a panoramic view of the
beauty of the hilly cliffs that line the beach. The beauty of Pink Beach also
looks perfect with the surrounding hills. On the left side there is a hill with a
wide meadow and from this hill the view of Pink Beach looks very beautiful.
The sea water is very clean, so you can see some coral reefs living on the
bottom. You can further explore the underwater beauty with snorkeling or
diving activities. In addition, you can also rent a boat to explore several
islands around this Pink Beach.
Thank You

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