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Lack of Effective Communication

at ABC Firm
MBA 5107 Organizational Behavior
Group 24
Trimester II: 2016/18 (Weekend)
List of Group Members
(in order of presentation)
 C S Wickramasuriya 2016/MBA/WE/121
 W U A Wijesooriya 2016/MBA/WE/123
 W M V D Wasala 2016/MBA/WE/116
 T R Warnapura 2016/MBA/WE/115
 N M Udawatta 2016/MBA/WE/113
 1. Identify and Describe the Issue
 1.1. Selected Organization and Division
 1.2. Identified Issue
 1.3. Results of the Questionnaire
 2. Analysis
 2.1. Theoretical Background
 2.2. Analysis of the Issue
 3. Recommendations
 Conclusion
1.1. Selected Organization and Division
 A firm of professionals who provide various consultancy services
 Medium-scale with over 50 years of operations in SL
 Firm will be referred to as “ABC Firm”
 Selected Division as “RAP Division”
1.1. Selected Organization and Division
 Personnel from each layer
will work in work teams
for each project
 The number of personnel Senior Managers (2)
and the mix can differ
from project to project Assistant Managers (3)

Senior Executive (1) Executives (5)

Officers (12) Assitants (15)

1.2. Identified Issue

 “lack of effective communication”

 An open-ended interview was conducted from four selected

employees; one Senior Manager, one Executive, one Officer, and
one Assistant
1.2. Identified Issue
Questions Answers
Communication Issues - Do not inform changes in client requirements
- What Types - Do not inform difficulties in meeting deadlines
- Lack of resource availability not informed on time
- Lapses in knowledge or information not communicated
- Lack of client information sharing

Communication Issues From both senior and junior staff

- From Whom
Causes of Communication - Power struggles between certain team members
Breakdowns - Lack of interest
- Language barriers
- Subjective importance of what is needed to be
1.2. Identified Issue
Questions Answers
Effects of - Duplication of work
Communication - Delays to finish project work and to submit reports
Breakdowns - Client dissatisfaction
- Conflicts between team members
- Demotivation to continue working in the same team
Suggested Solutions - Progress Review Meetings on a regular basis
- Clear guidelines to be given from the beginning of the
- Language training
1.3. Results of the Questionnaire

 21 responses received from 38 employees

 Mainly based on answers from the open-ended interview

 Selected questions were analyzed against the theory

1.3. Results of the Questionnaire

 Designation – Demographical Question

 Types of Communication Breakdowns – Firm Specific

 Who is responsible for the communication breakdown – Firm Specific

 Methods to Solve Communication Breakdowns – Firm Specific

1.3. Results of the Questionnaire

 Causes of Communication Breakdowns

 Power Struggles (Emotions)
 Fear of Admitting Problems (Silence And Lying)
 Lack of Interest (Communication Apprehension)
 Language Barriers (Semantics)
 Not Being Sure of What Needs to be Communicated (Filtering, Selective
1.3. Results of the Questionnaire

 Results of Communication Breakdowns

 Delays to Finish Work, Duplication of Work and Client Dissatisfaction
(Lower Efficiency)
 Conflicts Between Team Members (Dysfunctions Of Work Teams,
Workplace Conflicts)
 Demotivated to Continue Working in the Same Team (Demotivation)
1.3. Results of the Questionnaire
2.1. Theoretical Background
Communication Definition
 “a process by which information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or
behavior” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary
2.1. Theoretical Background
Communication Types
Types of Communication

Verbal Non-Verbal

Formal Informal Kinesic

Downward Lateral

Upward Diagonal

2.1. Theoretical Background
Barriers to Effective Communication
 Filtering
 Selective Perception
 Information Overload
 Emotional Disconnects
 Communication Apprehension
 Lack of Source Credibility
 Silence and Lying
 Semantics
2.1. Theoretical Background
Implications of Ineffective Communication
 Lower Efficiency
 Decrease of Employee Morale
 Decreased Innovation
 Dysfunction of Work Teams
 Workplace Conflicts
2.1. Theoretical Background
Solutions for Ineffective Communication
 Managers and leaders must see communications as being a
significant part of their role
 Actions and behaviors must be consistent with the messages the
organization wishes to convey
 Clear, jargon-free communication should be part of the company's
2.2. Analysis of the Issue
2.2. Analysis of the Issue
2.2. Analysis of the Issue
2.2. Analysis of the Issue
2.2. Analysis of the Issue
3. Recommendations
 Skills for Better Communicators:
 Expressive Speakers
 Empathetic Listeners
 Persuasive Leaders
 Sensitive to Feelings
 Informative Managers
 Communication becoming a significant part of manager’s role
 Actions should be consistent with what is communicated
 Clear, jargon-free communication
 Communication breakdowns result from underlying difficulties in
relationships in organizations
 Main Issue: Lack of Effective Communication
 Interrelated OB Issues:
 Dysfunctions of work team
 Workplace conflicts
 Demotivation
 Work stress
 Supervisory Communication to be further improved
 Further Research

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