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Radio Communication Course

Prof. Amer Zreg

Lec 8 Digital Microwave Radio Links Part #III
By: Idris Enbis
According to Text Book by Roger Freeman
(Radio System Design fo Telecommunication)

Out lines

1- Application of High-Level M-QAM to High-Capacity SDH/SONET Formats

2- Considerations of Fading on LOS Digital  Microwave Systems

3- Other Views of Calculations of Fade Margins on Digital LOS Microwave

4- Multipath Fading Calculations Based on TIA TSB 10-F

5- Simple Calculations of Path Depressiveness)

6- Path Analyses or Link Budgets on Digital LOS Microwave Paths

1- Application of High-Level M-QAM to High-Capacity
Digital LOS radio systems are often required to transport SDH or SONET high-
capacity formats for Synchronous digital channel multiplexing.
SDH, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) is a group of fiber
optic transmission rates that transport digital signals with different
capacities. SDH technology enables low-bit rate data streams to combine
with high-rate data streams. Furthermore, as the whole network is
synchronous, it enables users to embed and extract individual bit streams
from high-rate data streams relatively easily
SONET , Synchronous Optical Network, (North America) and SDH
(Europe) have almost the same capabilities of dealing with high speed
data and offer a synchronous processing to different speed streams.
SDH levels are classified as STM’s(1,2,..) and SONET has STS’s(1,2,…)
levels of data speeds.

The following table shows up the equivalent data rate and formats plus the
capabilities of SDH and SONET.

2- Considerations of Fading on LOS Digital  Microwave
 Below 10 GHz ,multipath is the dominant factor for fading.
 Above about 10 GHz, the effects of rainfall determine maximum
path lengths through system availability criteria.
 reduction in path length due to rainfall loss limitations tends to reduce
the severity of multipath fading.
 Unavailability is mainly due to Rain Fall.
 Error performance is mainly due to multipath.
 Frequency dispersion could be a result of multipath and cause ISI
distortion but rain fall has no effect on that.

3- Other Views of Calculations of Fade Margins on Digital LOS
 Digital radio systems are more concerned with the dispersiveness of
a path.
The concept of ‘‘net’’ or ‘‘effective’’ fade margin is used for digital
 The ‘‘net’’ fade margin is defined as a single-frequency fade depth in
dB that is exceeded for the same number of seconds as that selected
for the BER threshold, usually 1 × 10ˉ³.
 A composite fade margin accounts for the dispersiveness of the
fading on a hop by using dispersion ratios.
 Dispersion ratios can be used as a parameter to compare the dispersi
-veness of different hops in relation to single frequency fading.


This net fade margin is considered as the composite of the effects of

thermal noise, ISI due to multipath dispersion, and interference from
other radio systems.

= Known dispersion ratio for a path

DFMR =Reference dispersive fade margin for a path of disperse ratio
dispersive fade margin for path of DR IS given by
4- Multipath Fading Calculations Based on TIA TSB 10-F
The composite fade margin (CFM) consists of 4 factors:
1- TFM Thermal fade margin.
2- DFM Dispersive fade margin.
3- EIFM External interference fade margin.
4- AIFM Adjacent-channel interference fade margin.

These four fade margins are power added to derive the composite fade
margin (CFM) as follows:
The outage time due to multipath fading in a nondiversity link is calculated


Where s=vertical antennas separation ,D=Path length (m,ft) , f is frequency GHz

For nondiversity outage Time equation could be simplified assuming certain case of
climate , temperature and terrain roughness as:
5- Simple Calculations of Path Depressiveness

Multipath delay for LOS microwave paths can be as high as 20 s.

Ideally this dispersion should be less than half a symbol period to avoid
destructive ISI.
Path with dispersion on the order of 10 μs would be highly destructive
for QAM-64 (0.0116 μs symbol duration).
Commonly path may reach 50 km/hop display median dispersion in the
range of maxima 20-30 ns.
There are two formulas calculating the maximum allowed dispersion:
1- Depending on path length in miles

2- Depending on path length in km and HPBW in Degree

6- Path Analyses or Link Budgets on Digital LOS Microwave
The procedure for digital radiolink analysis is very similar to its analog
Calculate EIRP.
Algebraically add FSL and other losses due to the medium (PL.) such as
gaseous absorption loss, if applicable.
Add receiving antenna gain (Gr) .
Algebraically add the line losses (Lr )
Inserting minus signs for losses, we have the following familiar equation
calculate RSL (receive signal level):

For Eb/No related to a certain value of BER we should refer to

manufacturers data sheets and to typical curves and tables shown in
the next slides.
1- Radio System Design For Telecommunications Third Edition

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