Bible Names Code Acrostic Long

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The Writing on the Wall

BibleBible-Code Series

B y S h e ke l

The Meaning-of-Names code strings together the meanings of every name in the genealogy from Adam all the way to Jesus, about 80 names in all.

They compose a revelation of Christ by summarizing major Biblical events that foreshadow Him.

s 6 a s ra c ff i t s s li , t rist s. t cl arly ai t yj i t a sc as vi t y t ir rf ct fit it t l . ( t y j i at L vi, ic a s j i !) The code still reads well without these six.

A lengthy acrostic has also been discovered in the genealogy from Adam to Moses.

The first letter of each consecutive Hebrew name from Adam to Moses reads:
"I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving those made from dust once again. Where will (Moses) lead the people?"

Another acrostic also occurs in the ungodly line of Cain.

The acrostic encompasses the first four genealogies recorded in the Bible, amounting to 35 names!

Gen. 5

Gen. 11
Noah Shem


Enosh Kenan

r haxa Shelah Eber Mahalalel Peleg Jare Reu Enoch Methuselah Lamech Serug mram Nahor Terah Moses Kohath Levi Jacob

Adam Seth Enosh enan Mahalalel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech

Gen. 5

I will forgive my enemies, showing compassion,


Gen. 11

Shem Arphaxad Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah

forgiving what is of dust once again.

Exod. 6






Where will he lead the people?



There are two more names in Moses ancestry.

(Gershom and Shebuel) Moses genealogy stops after these two names.

Why should Gershom and Shebuel be included?

1. They complete Moses known line of descent. 2. The two letters spell, Draw near! and is a play on sounds for Goshen in Hebrew as evident from Gen. 45:10, Thou shalt dwell in the land of Goshen, and thou shalt be near unto me . (The word Goshen sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew word meaning, to draw near .) 3. Moses name has a similar meaning, to draw out (i.e., to rescue). 3. The word Draw-near becomes the 10th word in the acrostic. Ten is the number of completion. For example, the first two genealogies are arranged with ten names each. 5. This totals 28 names, (7 x 4), plus another 7 names in Cain s line. Seven also symbolizes completion in biblical numeric, such as the 7 days of Creation. . The sub-acrostic also utilizes these two names as discussed later. 7. The meaning-of-names code also includes these two names, as we see next.

Recall the names code for example.

Note how well the last two names read with the rest.

(Note: God gave Abraham and Jacob each an extra name.)

Let s look again at the acrostic. This time we include the last two names in Moses genealogy, that is, Gershom and Shebuel .


Noah Shem Arphaxad Shelah

Abra am

Enosh enan

Jacob Levi

Eber Mahalalel Peleg Jared Reu Enoch Methuselah Lamech Serug Nahor Terah Moses Gershom? Sheb el? Amram Ko at

Exod. 6

Abra am

Jacob Levi

Where will he lead the people? Draw near!

A play on words for

Ko at Amram Moses Gershom? Gershom? Sheb el? el?

Where will he lead the people of Goshen?

Goshen is where the Israelites stayed while in the land of Egypt until delivered by Moses!


The acrostic from Adam to the grandson of Moses forms 10 Hebrew words consisting of 28 letters. But, from these 10 Hebrew words, in turn, comes another acrostic consisting of 10 letters and 3 more Hebrew words!
These 3 words, in turn, produce one more acrostic!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust once again! Where will he lead the people of Gosh(en)?

I have chosen those led forth by me, O Og! (king of Bashan)

I will cause (them/him) to wander/tremble!

The ungodly line of Cain

Gen. 4

The Bible also records for us the

ungodly line of Cain.

Amazingly, it reads in agreement with the acrostic derived from the godly line of Adam to Moses, as just explained. Both carry the theme of a chosen people .

Adam Cain Enoch Irad Mejujael Methusael Lamech Jabal

Cain s line can read two ways

Adam Cain Enoch Irad Mejujael Methusael Lamech Jabal

This, too, forms a sub-acrostic!

A close look at the first part of the acrostic ---

from Adam to the father of Abraham.

The acrostic from the first 19 names of Adam to Abraham s father forms a stairway-pattern. The last letter of each Hebrew word begins the next word, and so forth.

The stairway pattern reminds us of the Tower of Babel, an event recorded for us immediately before this genealogy.
Gen. 11

I will arise! I will be raised up! To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will forgive
I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

I will arise! I will be raised up! To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

my enemies,

I will arise! I will be raised up! To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will arise! I will be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

having compassion,

To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will arise! I will be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

To whom will he show compassion?


Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will arise! I will be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

what is dust

I will arise! I will be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

a second time!

I will arise! I will forgive

my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

I will arise! I will be raised up! To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will be I will raised forgive my enemies, up!

having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

I will arise! I will be raised up! To whom will he show compassion? Upon the Risen One will I look with favor, upon the dust of a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive Whom my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, will he showing show compassion? compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, Upon the forgiving one risen what is dust a second time.

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving I dust what is will look a second favor, with time.

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second (upon) time. dust of

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

a poor man

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

I will arise! II will arise! I will will be raised up! be raised up!

I will forgive my enemies, having compassion, forgiving what is dust a second time.

a second time!

To whom will he To whom will he show show compassion? Upon the Risen compassion? One will I look with the Risen Uponfavor, upon the dust of a One will I look poor man with favor, a second time! upon the dust of

a poor man a second time!

It is interesting that the stairway acrostic begins with the letter Aleph and ends with the letter Tav , which are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This corresponds to Alpha and Omega in Greek.

The first nine names (from Adam to Noah s father) also form a massive wordpuzzle expanding to 300 Hebrew letters. It forms a composite image of events at Creation, the Flood, the Red Sea, Christ on the cross, and Armageddon! It is too vast to explain here, but it is explained in great detail at our website.

This image is encoded in the first 9 names of the Bible, that is, from Adam to Noah s father.


The Names Code

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