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Questionnaire Design
and Fieldwork Plan

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© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2012 8– 2

After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

 Understand the basic rules of questionnaire design
 Implement do’s and don’ts while designing the
 Know how to validate the survey questionnaire
 Know how to pre-test the questionnaire
 Understand how to plan for fieldwork for survey

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© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2012 8– 3
8.0 Introduction

 The design of a questionnaire depends on the

purpose of data collection.
i. Exploratory questionnaires
– qualitative in nature not for statistical validation
ii. Formal standardised questionnaires
– to test the hypotheses for a conclusive study

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8.1 Designing Questionnaire
for Business Research
 A questionnaire should meet the objectives of the
 Complete and accurate information
 Easy for the respondents to respond
 Makes the interview concise and to the point

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8.1.1 Defining the Target

Define the target population about which

he/she wishes to generalize from the sample

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8.1.2 Language

The language the respondent is going to

understand and respond in.

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8.1.3 Deciding on What to Ask

 What information one needs to collect from the

 Three potential types of information:
– primary interest (DV)
– information on independent variables
(IVs) that explains the DV
– information on confounding variables

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8.1.4 Deciding How to Ask

Questions can be asked in the close-ended form or open-

ended form.
Advantages Disadvantages
Closedended • Easy and quick to answer • Can put ideas in respondent’s head
• Easy to compare responses across • Respondents can feel constrained/
the • frustrated
• respondents • Many choices can be confusing
• Answers easier to analyse on • Cannot tell if respondent misinterpreted
computer • the question
• Response choices make questions • Fine distinctions may be lost
• clearer
• Easy to replicate study
Openended • Permit unlimited number of answers • Answers can be irrelevant
• Respondents can qualify and clarify • Inarticulate or forgetful respondents are
• responses at disadvantage
• Can find the unanticipated answer • Coding responses are subjective and
• Reveal respondents thinking process tedious
• Requires more response time and effort
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8.1.5 Wording of Individual

 Use short and simple sentences

 Ask for only one piece of information at a time (no
double-barrelled question)
 Avoid negatives if possible
 Ask precise questions
 Questions must generate the required information
 Words must have the same meaning to all

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8.1.5 Wording of Individual
Questions (cont.)

 Avoid leading questions

 Avoid hypothetical questions
 Do not overtax the respondent’s memory
 Ensure those you ask have the necessary
 Level of details
 Sensitive issues
 Minimize bias

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8.1.6 Sequencing of Questions

 Opening questions
– begin with easy and non-threatening question
 Question flow
– in the sequence of psychological order
 Question variety
– avoid monotony

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8.1.7 Length of Questionnaire

Ask only necessary questions (specific to the


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8.1.8 Ease of Recording

Questionnaire design should ensure it is easy to

carry, visible in different kinds of light, and the
distance between different answer categories
should be sufficient so that there is no confusion or
mistake while placing a tick over the actual
response or a given question.

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8.1.9 Coding

If the questionnaire is coded before doing the

fieldwork (as most of the questionnaires are likely
to be these days), it must be ensured that the
fieldworkers know where to mark the answer – on
the code or actual answer choice.

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8.1.10 Analysis Required

To plan for analysis well before designing the


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8.2 General Appearance of a
Physical appearance of a questionnaire can
have a significant effect on both the quantity
and quality of survey data obtained.

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8.2.1 Introduction to

Cover letter required—if the questionnaire is to

be mailed or distributed to respondents

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8.2.2 Instructions

Interviewer instructions should be placed

alongside the questions to which they pertain.
Instructions on where the interviewers should
probe for more information or how replies should
be recorded are placed after the question.

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8.2.3 Concluding Questionnaire
with an Open-Ended Question
and Thanks

 Good to end the questionnaire with an open-ended

question to get free opinion on the topic
 At the end of the questionnaire do not forget to
thank the respondent

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8.3 Pre-testing Questionnaire

The purpose of pre-testing:

 Wording of the questions are correct to convey the
same meaning to all the respondents.
 Whether the questions have been placed in the right
 Whether the questions are clearly understood by all
classes of respondents.
 Whether additional questions are needed or whether
some questions should be eliminated.
 Whether the instructions to interviewers are clear and

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© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2012 8– 21
8.4 Validity of Survey

 A question measures what it was intended to

– Content (Face) validity
– Empirical (Predictive) validity
– Concurrent (Criterion) validity

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8.5 Design of Fieldwork

A clear plan for data collection should be

developed by the researcher so that:
 There is a clear overview of what tasks need to be
carried out, who should perform them and what
should be the duration of these tasks;
 Human and material resources for data collection
are organised in the most efficient way; and
 Delays in data collection because of lack of
planning is minimized.

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8.5.1 Fieldwork Plan

Fieldwork plan is clearly linked to the sampling plan.

 Who will do the fieldwork?
 When should the fieldwork start?
 How long should the fieldwork be carried out?

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Figure 8.1
Structure of the research team
in a fieldwork plan

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8.5.2 Briefing and Debriefing

This briefing session is conducted after the

recruitment of fieldworkers, and ends with a
practical round of mock interviews and
questions from fieldworkers on the
possibility of any difficulties they may face.

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© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2012 8– 26

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