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TTL 1- Lesson 3

Prepared by: Albert C. Santos, Ph.D.

ASSURE model
• The ASSURE model is an instructional system or
guideline that teachers can use to develop
lesson plans which integrate the use of
technology and media (Smaldino, Lowther &
Russell, 2008). The ASSURE Model places the
focus on the learner and the overall outcome of
accomplishing learning objectives.

• Behaviorism was popularized in the mid-20th century as

psychologists studied behavior patterns and response
systems in humans and other animals.
• Behaviorism treats learning as a response to stimulus. That
is, humans and other animals are trained to respond in
certain ways to certain stimuli, such as salivating when a
dinner bell rings or repeating a memorized fact to receive
some external reward.

• Teaching and learning, then, is a process of conditioning

students to properly react to stimuli, and technology can
help facilitate this training by providing incentives to
learning, such as games or other rewards, or by providing
systems to efficiently develop stimulus-response
conditioning, such as drill-and-kill practices.

• Cognitivism arose as an alternative to behaviorism in part

because behaviorism treated the processes of the brain as an
imperceptible black box, wherein understanding how the
brain worked was not considered important for helping
people learn.
• Cognitivism, therefore, dealt with brain functions and how
information is processed, stored, retrieved, and applied.

• By treating humans as thinking machines, rather than as animals to be

trained, research in cognitivism for teaching and learning focused on
helping people develop efficient teaching and studying strategies that
would allow their brains to make meaningful use of presented
• Through this lens, technology can help in providing information and
study resources that assist the brain in efficiently storing and
retrieving information, such as through the use of mnemonic devices
or multiple modalities (e.g., video, audio).
• However, both behaviorism and cognitivism tended to treat learning
the same for all humans, despite their age, culture, or personal
experiences. Recognizing that these factors might influence how
learning occurs, constructivism arose as a means for understanding
how individual and social factors might influence the process of
learning for different groups of people and individuals.
• Constructivism holds that learning is constructed by learners on top of
previous experience, attitudes, and beliefs. 

• This means that for learning to occur, new learning

experiences must take into consideration these human
factors and assist the individual in assimilating new
knowledge to their existing knowledge constructs. Thus, if
you are teaching students about fractions, you must teach
them using language that they will understand and connect
their learning to experiences in their own lives that will have
meaning for them.

• Technology can help the constructivist learning process by

making abstract concepts and facts more grounded in
personal experiences and the values of learners and also by
allowing the learning experience to be differentiated for
individual learners (e.g., through personalized
developmentally-appropriate software).
Dale’s Cone of Experience
• Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that incorporates several
theories related to instructional design and learning processes. During
the 1960s, Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information
by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or
“observed”. His research led to the development of the Cone of
Experience. Today, this “learning by doing” has become known as
“experiential learning” or “action learning”. The cone is diagramed
and explained in the next sections.
• According to Dale’s research, the least effective method at the top,
involves learning from information presented through verbal symbols,
i.e., listening to spoken words. The most effective methods at the
bottom, involves direct, purposeful learning experiences, such as
hands-on or field experience.
• Direct purposeful experiences represents reality or the closet things
to real, everyday life. The cone charts the average retention rate for
various methods of teaching. The further you progress down the
cone, the greater the learning and the more information is likely to be
retained. It also suggests that when choosing an instructional method
it is important to remember that involving students in the process
strengthens knowledge retention.
• It reveals that “action-learning” techniques result in up to 90%
retention. People learn best when they use perceptual learning styles.
Perceptual learning styles are sensory based. The more sensory
channels possible in interacting with a resource, the better chance
that many students can learn from it.
• According to Dale, instructors should design instructional activities
that build upon more real-life experiences.
• Dales’ cone of experience is a tool to help instructors make decisions
about resources and activities. The instructor can ask the following:
• Where will the student’s experience with this instructional resource
fit on the cone? How far is it removed from real-life?
• What kind of learning experience do you want to provide in the
• How does this instructional resource augment the information
supplied by the textbook?
• What and how many senses can students use to learn this
instructional material?
• Does the instructional material enhance learning?
TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge Framework
• Technology has become an increasingly important part of students’ lives
beyond school, and even within the classroom it can also help increase
their understanding of complex concepts or encourage collaboration
among peers.
• Because of these benefits, current educational practice suggests that
teachers implement some form of technology in their classrooms – but
many teachers face difficulties in doing so. 
• Cost, access, and time often form considerable barriers to classroom
implementation, but another obstacle is a lack of knowledge regarding
how technology can best be used to benefit students across diverse
subject matter.
• Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler’s 2006 TPACK framework,
which focuses on technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical
knowledge (PK), and content knowledge (CK), offers a productive
approach to many of the dilemmas that teachers face in
implementing educational technology (edtech) in their classrooms.
• According to the TPACK framework, specific technological tools
(hardware, software, applications, associated information literacy
practices, etc.) are best used to instruct and guide students toward a
better, more robust understanding of the subject matter. 
• The three types of knowledge – TK, PK, and CK – are thus combined
and recombined in various ways within the TPACK framework. 
• Technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) describes relationships
and interactions between technological tools and specific pedagogical
practices, while pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) describes the
same between pedagogical practices and specific learning objectives;
finally, technological content knowledge (TCK) describes relationships
and intersections among technologies and learning objectives. 
• These triangulated areas then constitute TPACK, which considers the
relationships among all three areas and acknowledges that educators
are acting within this complex space.
• Mishra and Koehler, researchers from Michigan State University,
developed TPACK in the absence of other sufficient theory to explain
or guide effective edtech integration. Since its publication in 2006,
TPACK has become one of the leading theories regarding edtech and
edtech integration: research and professional development activities
both draw from it heavily.
• Content Knowledge (CK) – This describes teachers’ own knowledge of
the subject matter. CK may include knowledge of concepts, theories,
evidence, and organizational frameworks within a particular subject
matter; it may also include the field’s best practices and established
approaches to communicating this information to students. CK will
also differ according to discipline and grade level – for example,
middle-school science and history classes require less detail and
scope than undergraduate or graduate courses, so their various
instructors’ CK may differ, or the CK that each class imparts to its
students will differ.
• Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) – This describes
teachers’ knowledge of the practices, processes, and
methods regarding teaching and learning. As a generic
form of knowledge, PK encompasses the purposes,
values, and aims of education, and may apply to more
specific areas including the understanding of student
learning styles, classroom management skills, lesson
planning, and assessments.
• Technological Knowledge (TK) – This describes
teachers’ knowledge of, and ability to use, various
technologies, technological tools, and associated
resources. TK concerns understanding edtech,
considering its possibilities for a specific subject area
or classroom, learning to recognize when it will assist
or impede learning, and continually learning and
adapting to new technology offerings.
• Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) – This describes
teachers’ knowledge regarding foundational areas of
teaching and learning, including curricula development,
student assessment, and reporting results. PCK focuses on
promoting learning and on tracing the links among pedagogy
and its supportive practices (curriculum, assessment, etc.),
and much like CK, will also differ according to grade level and
subject matter. In all cases, though, PCK seeks to improve
teaching practices by creating stronger connections between
the content and the pedagogy used to communicate it.
 In order for teachers to make effective use of the TPACK framework, they
should be open to certain key ideas, including:
1. concepts from the content being taught can be represented using
2. pedagogical techniques can communicate content in different ways using
3. different content concepts require different skill levels from students, and
edtech can help address some of these requirements,
4. students come into the classroom with different backgrounds – including
prior educational experience and exposure to technology – and lessons
utilizing edtech should account for this possibility,
5. educational technology can be used in tandem with students’ existing
knowledge, helping them either strengthen prior epistemologies or
develop new ones.

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