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Properties of Matter

5-4.4 Use the processes of filtration, sifting, magnetic

attraction, evaporation, chromatography, and flotation to
separate mixtures.
Let’s explore six ways to
separate mixtures:

•Magnetic attraction
Filtration-Used to separate solid particles from a

For example: pouring a mixture through a filter

paper in a funnel will trap the solid particles and only
allow the particles of the liquid to pass through.

Thismethod is used in water treatment plants to

separate dirt and other solid materials from water to
produce clean drinking water.
Examples of filters:

Coffee filters Oil filter for a car Water filter

 Used to separate smaller solid particles from

larger solid particles.
 For example: we can use a screen to
separate different sized solid materials in
sand.—Sand and gravel companies separate
rocks into different sizes for road building and
other construction projects.
Sifting-archaeologists, forensic scientists and law
enforcement all use sifting to separate smaller solid
particles from larger solid particles.
Magnetic Attraction-used to separate
magnetic material from a mixture of other
substances that are not magnetic.

 Cow Magnets:
Cow Magnets - Master Magnetics, Inc.
Now you try it!

We are going to separate a heterogeneous mixture of sand and
iron particles using a magnet.
If you use a sheet of paper it will help you to separate iron particles
from the magnet.
After that you can weigh the mixture and then the sand without iron.
Which is the iron sand percent in the mixture?
Evaporation-used to separate a solid that has
dissolved in a liquid solution.

 The solution is heated or left uncovered until

all of the liquid turns to a gas (evaporates)
leaving a solid behind.
 For example: Salt in salt water or ocean
water can be separated by heating the
solution until all of the water has evaporated
and left the solid salt behind.
Flotation-used to separate solids that float in

 When the liquid is stirred, the solids that float

are skimmed off of the surface of the liquid
and put into a different container.
 This method is used in some water
purification plants.
 Can you think of an example where flotation
could be used to separate a mixture?
Chromatography-used to separate the
solutes in a solution.

 Click below for the step by step Lab


 The substances in the solution that dissolve

most easily travel the furthest
 The substances that do not dissolve easily
do not travel very far
 The bands of color that are formed allow
scientists to identify the substances forming
bands of color on different filter papers
Exit Ticket
What are the 6 methods
by which you can
separate mixtures?
Which method did we
use today?

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