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Telling Stories

Frontrunner 6

By Steven Davies
Exercise 1
Decide if the statements are true or false

1. The man bought a computer that was brand new. True/False

2. The man put the computer in his suitcase. True/False

3. The man bought the computer at a market. True/False

4. The man knew he had too much luggage. True/False

5. The cost of transporting the computer was not high. True/False

6. The man was not pleased with the cost. True/False

7. The computer arrived in London in a damaged condition True/False

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Exercise 1 (answers)
Decide if the statements are true or false

1. The man bought a computer that was brand new. True/False

2. The man put the computer in his suitcase. True/False

3. The man bought the computer at a market. True/False

4. The man knew he had too much luggage. True/False

5. The cost of transporting the computer was not high. True/False

6. The man was not pleased with the cost. True/False

7. The computer arrived in London in a good condition True/False

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Exercise 2
Choose one of the two options.

1. They are at work/at school.

2. Martin/Noah tells the ghost story.

3. Martin’s grandmother lives in/near London.

4. The furniture in his grandmother’s room had been destroyed/rearranged.

5. They heard a quiet/loud noise.

6. The carpet was burnt/rolled up.

7. Martin’s grandmother was probably more/less scared than Martin by the ghost.

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Exercise 2 (answers)
Choose one of the two options.

1. They are at work/at school.

2. Martin/Noah tells the ghost story.

3. Martin’s grandmother lives in/near London.

4. The furniture in his grandmother’s room had been destroyed/rearranged.

5. They heard a quiet/loud noise.

6. The carpet was burnt/rolled up.

7. Martin’s grandmother was probably more/less scared than Martin by the ghost.

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Past Continuous
The past continuous consists of was/were + present participle

I was walking to work when I met an old friend.

They were crossing the bridge when they saw a boat.

He was eating his dinner when he found a hair in it.

Negative statements consist of wasn’t/weren’t + present participle

She wasn’t listening when the teacher described the homework.

They weren’t living in New York when the disaster happened.

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Past Continuous
Auxiliary Verb (was/were)

The auxiliary verb is finite.

It indicates tense (past) and also tells us about the subject.

Main verb (present participle)

The main verb (present participle) is non-finite.

It does not indicate tense. It just describes the action.

Tim was sailing down the river at 3:00 p.m. yesterday.

Tim is sailing down the river now.

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Past Continuous
1. Interrupted Actions

We use past continuous to describe an action that was interrupted in the past by another action

Simon was serving a customer when the bell rang.

James and Karen weren’t working when the boss opened the office door.

We also use past continuous to describe an action that is interrupted by a specific time in the past.

Michael was cleaning his house at 2:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon.

Katie wasn’t making a sandwich in the kitchen at 1:00 p.m. yesterday; it was Robert.

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Past Continuous
2. Ongoing Actions in the Past

Ongoing actions are ones that happen repeatedly, consistently, or intermittently over a distinct period of
time. In 2005, Patrick was living in Manchester,

Yesterday afternoon, I was writing an assignment.

Last month, I was travelling a lot by train because my car was damaged.

Last year, she was studying Medicine at the University of New York.

In 2004, Tom and Sally weren’t working; they were travelling around the world.

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Past Continuous
3. Simultaneous Actions

We also use the past continuous to describe two or more actions that happened at the same time as each
other in the past.

The man was carrying a suitcase while his wife was talking on her cell phone.

On Christmas Day, the children were opening their presents while the dog was barking and running

Giles and Mary were playing tennis while their Mum was watching and clapping.

Tina, Gary, and Luke were working in the office while Michelle was buying lunch.

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Past Continuous
4. Atmosphere

The past continuous can also be used to create a specific atmosphere of a location.

It was a summer’s day. The birds were singing and flying from tree to tree.

Shoppers were walking down the street, musicians were playing music, and the wind was blowing.

Snow was falling, animals were staying in shelters, and candles were burning in windows.

Huge waves were collapsing, children were building sandcastles, and adults were sunbathing.

Rain was falling, people were using umbrellas, and others were running to find taxis.

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Exercise 2
1. While I was walking to work, I injured my a) Describes an action that was ongoing.
b) An interrupted action with ‘when’ as the
2. Ben was listening to music while doing his connector.
c) Using past continuous to create a specific
3. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the atmosphere.
birds were singing, and children were playing in
the playground. d) A simultaneous action.

4. In 2008, Clarissa was studying Chemistry at the e) An interrupted action with ‘while’ as the
University of Cambridge. connector.

5. Michael was cooking when he received a call.

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Exercise 2 (answers)
1. While I was walking to work, I injured my a) Describes an action that was ongoing.
b) An interrupted action with ‘when’ as the
2. Ben was listening to music while doing his connector.
c) Using past continuous to create a specific
3. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the atmosphere.
birds were singing, and children were playing in
the playground. d) A simultaneous action.

4. In 2008, Clarissa was studying Chemistry at the e) An interrupted action with ‘while’ as the
University of Cambridge. connector.

5. Michael was cooking when he received a call.

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Listening to the recording and fill in the gaps.

1. I was playing tennis when it __________ to rain.

2. She ___________ when she received a phonecall.

3. They were having a party when __________ knocked on the door.

4. He was singing _____________ when someone knocked on the door.

5. They were sleeping when their ___________ woke them up.

6. She was playing with __________ when she met an old friend.

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Listening (answers)
Listening to the recording and fill in the gaps.

1. I was playing tennis when it started to rain.

2. She was driving when she received a phonecall.

3. They were having a party when the police knocked on the door.

4. He was singing in the shower when someone knocked on the door.

5. They were sleeping when the baby woke them up.

6. She was playing with her dog when she met an old friend.

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