The Brothers Grimm

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The Brothers


By: Katja
Who are the Grimm Brothers?
Jacob Ludwig Grimm Wilhelm Carl Grimm

The Grimm’s Birthplace
Family History
• Father Philipp Wilhelm Grimm 1751-
1796 , A very respected lawyer
• Mother Dorothea Zimmer 1755-1808
• 9 children
• 3 sons die during infancy
• Leaving 5 boys and 1 girl
Unfortunate Events
• 1791 the Grimm’s move to
• Philipp Grimm obtains a
district magistrate position
• Family had a large home
with servants
• Philipp Grimm passes in
1796 due to pneumonia
• This causes a major declass
in the family
• Jacob & Wilhelm are sent to
Lyzeum High School by their Aunt
Henriette Zimmer
• Jacob graduates in 1802
• Wilhelm in 1803
• Both at the head of their class
• Jacob & Wilhelm proceed to
Marburg University together
hoping to follow in their fathers
• Jacob drops out to follow Roman
Law expert Friedrich Karl Von
Savigny and moves to Paris
• Wilhelm receives a law degree in
Some more Events
• Dorothea Zimmer dies in 1808 at age 52
• Jacob overwhelmed takes a position as
Librarian in Kassel to support his siblings
• Wilhelm soon follows to work with Jacob in
• This is when the story collecting began
The Facts
Richtig Falsch
• Grimm’s primary method for • It was believed that the
collecting tales was by inviting Grimm’s brothers went
story tellers to their homes and around to various peasants
writing the information down collecting tales
• Story tellers consisted of
young educated woman from
middle class to aristocracy
The Grimm’s wanted the people to
know the basic truths about the
customs and practices of the
German people and on preserving
their authentic ties to the oral
Kinder-und Hausmarchen
• English translation Children’s
and Household Tales
• 1812 1st volume was
published. Consisted of 86
stories and folktales
• 1814 2nd volume is published.
Consisted of 70 stories and
• All together the Kinder-und
Hausmarchen saw 8 editions
• The final contained 200
stories and folktales,
including 10 children's
Their Achievements
• The Grimm brothers produced
a significant amount of books
during their lifetime
• Jacob Grimm publishes 21
• Wilhelm Grimm publishes 14
• Together the brothers
published 8
Grimm’s Scholarly Contributions
• Folklore
• History
• Ethnology
• Religion
• Jurisprudence
• Lexicography
• Literary Criticism
Further More
• 1819 Jacob and Wilhelm receive honorary
doctorates from the Marburg University
• 1825 Wilhelm marries Henriette Wild a former
story teller, having 4 children(3 boys & 1 girl)
• Jacob resides with Wilhelm and Henriette
• The Grimm brothers were always inseparable
The Later Years
• 1829-1830 Grimm’s leave Kassel accepting librarian
positions in the University of Gottingen
• Wilhelm fears for his family’s welfare and accepts a
position as Ordentlicher professor
• 1837-1841 the Grimm brothers take a stand along with 5
colleagues against Ernst August King of Hannover over
Constitutional rights
• This resulted in the loss of their jobs
• They were called the Gottingen Seven
• The Grimm brothers accept jobs at the university of Berlin
• Jacob leaves in 1848
• Wilhelm in 1852 dedicating themselves to their own
studies and research
n Seven
The Grimm’s Final Days
• Wilhelm Carl
Grimm dies on
December 16,
1859 at the age of
• Jacob Ludwig
Grimm dies on
September 20,
1863 at the age of
Some fairy tales
• Aschenputtel….
• Schneewitchen… Snow
• Rumpelstilzchen
• Rotkappchen… Little
Red Riding Hood
• Hansel und Gretel….
Hansel and Gretel
• Der Froschkonig…. The
Frog King
• Dornröschen…..
Sleeping Beauty
Their Intentions

• The Grimm’s were writers of violent vivid imagery

• Their fairy tales would allow us to work through
our fears
• Also the Grimm’s wanted to teach people lessons
on moral values “Right & Wrong”
• The number one message that people were to
gain out of their stories was… “Children should
use their brains to overcome any situation”
Walt Disney
• Today's versions
of children's
stories are toned
• Its more of a
“Happily Ever
After” theme
• It was made so
children wouldn’t
have fear or
The Fairy Tale Road
ambles for 370 miles
through German
That evoke dreams-
and nightmares.
Some stories with Violent Themes

Snow White
Red Riding Hood
The Goose Girl
Hansel and Gretel
Sleeping Beauty
Some Examples Of The Violence
• In Hansel and Gretel the witch was burned to
death in her oven
• In Cinderella the stepsisters try to cut off parts of
their feet in order to fit into the slipper, thus
deceiving the prince pigeons came and pecked
their eyes out
• In The Goose Girl a servant girl was dragged to
death in a barrel spiked with nails
• In Snow White the witch is forced to wear red
hot iron shoes and danced herself to death
Little Red Cap

• Once she gave her a

little cap of red velvet,
which suited her so
well that she would
never wear anything
else; so she was always
called Little Red-Cap.
Illustrations of Snow White

Grimm’s Snow White Disney’s Snow White

Illustrations of the Grimm’s Cinderella
Things To

• Kinder-und Hausmarchen came

second only to the Bible as the
best seller in Germany and
remains that way today
• There are theme parks, films,
books, and plays dedicated to the
brothers Grimm
In the
Works Cited


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