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At the end of this module, the learners should able to:
1. identify the account as assets, liabilities, capital,
income or expenses
2. cite an example of each type of account
3. prepare a chart of accounts
The Account
Account is the basic storage of information in
accounting. It is a record of the increases and decreases
in a specific item of asset, liability, equity , income or
An account may be depicted through a “ T – account”. A
‘T – account” is called as such because it resembles the
letter “ T “ . A “ T ” account has three parts namely:
1. Account title – describe the specific item of asset,
liability, equity, income or expense.
2. Debit Side – the left side of the account.
3. Credit Side – the right side of the account.
CASH This is the
“account title”
Debit Credit
Jan. 1 500
Jan 3 1,000 The term “Credit’ (Cr ) simply refers to the
800 Jan.4 right side of the account. It is sometimes
refered to as the “value parted with”

The term “debit” (Dr) simply The difference between the total debits and
Refers to the left side of the credits in the account represents the
account. balance of the account ( 500 + 1,000 – 800
It is sometimes referred to as the = 700)
“value received”
The Five Major Accounts
1. Assets are the resources owned and controlled by
the firm.
2. Liabilities are obligations of the firm arising from
past events which are to be settled in the future.
3.Equity or Owner’s Equity are the owner’s claims
in the business. It is the residual interest in the assets
of the enterprise after deducting all its liabilities.
The Five Major Accounts
4. Income is the increase in economic benefits during the accounting period in
the form of inflows of cash or other assets or decreases of liabilities that result
in increase in equity. Income includes revenue and gains.
Revenue-arises in the course of the ordinary activities of the business.
e.g. sales, service income.
Gains – represent other items that meet the definition of income and
may or may not arise in the course of the ordinary activities of an entity.

•• Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in

the form of outflows of assets or incidences of liabilities that result in decreases
in equity.
5. Expenses are decreases in economic benefits during
the accounting period in the form of outflows of assets
or incidences of liabilities that result in decreases in
equity. Expenses both includes expenses and losses.
a. expenses- arise in the course of the ordinary
activities of the business.
b. losses – represents other items that meet the
definition of expenses and may or may not arise in the
course of ordinary activities of the business.
Classification of Five Major Accounts
According to Financial Statements
Statement of Income Statement
Financial Position Accounts
Statement of Financial Position – (balance
sheet) is or components of a complete set of
financial statements that shows the financial
position of the business.
Income Statement- statement that shows the
profit and loss of the business.
The Five Major Accounts
1. Assets are the resources owned and controlled by
the firm.
Classification of assets
•Current Assets are assets that can be realized
(collected, sold, used up) one year after year-end
date. Examples include Cash, Accounts Receivable,
Merchandise Inventory, Prepaid Expense, etc.

•Non-current Assets are assets that cannot be
realized (collected, sold, used up) one year after
year-end date. Examples include Property, Plant
and Equipment (equipment, furniture, building,
land), long term investments, etc.
•Tangible Assets are physical assets such as cash,
supplies, and furniture and fixtures.
•Intangible Assets are non-physical assets such as
patents and trademarks
Common types of Current Assets
• Cash is money on hand, or in banks, and other
items considered as medium of exchange in
business transactions.
• • Accounts Receivable are amounts due from
customers arising from credit sales or credit
• • Notes Receivable are amounts due from
clients supported by promissory notes.
Common types of Current Assets
• • Inventories are assets held for resale
• • Supplies are items purchased by an enterprise
which are unused as of the reporting date.
• • Prepaid Expenses are expenses paid in
advance. They are assets at the time of payment
and become expenses through the passage of
• • Accrued Income is revenue earned but not yet
Common types of Current Assets

• • Short term investments are the investments

made by the company that are intended to be sold
Common types of Current Assets

• • Short term investments are the investments

made by the company that are intended to be sold
Non-Current Assets
• Land- the lot on which the building of the
business has been constructed or vacant lot which
is to be used as future plant site.
• Building- the structure owned by a business fir
use in its operations.
• Accumulated Depreciation- the total amount of
depreciation expenses recognized since the
building was acquired and made available.
Non-Current Assets
Equipment- consist of various assets such that
• A. Machineries and other factory equipment
• B. Transportation equipment (vehicles,delivery
• C. Office equipment (computers,laptops)
• Furniture and Fixtures (desk, cabinets,movable
Non-Current Assets
• Long term Investments are the investments
made by the company for long-term purposes
• Intangible Assets are assets without a physical
substance. Examples include franchise and
• Liabilities are the debts and obligations of the
company to another entity.

• Current Liabilities. Liabilities that fall due

(paid, recognized as revenue) within one year
after year-end date. Examples include Accounts
Payable, Utilities Payable and Unearned Income.
Non-current Liabilities are liabilities that do not
fall due (paid, recognized as revenue) within one
year after year-end date. Examples include Notes
Payable, Loans Payable, Mortgage Payable, etc.
Current Liabilities
• Accounts Payable are amounts due, or payable
to, suppliers for goods purchased on account or
for services received on account.
• Notes Payable are amounts due to third parties
supported by promissory notes.
• Accrued Expenses are expenses that are incurred
but not yet paid (examples: salaries payable,
taxes payable)
Current Liabilities
Interest payable- Interest incurred but not yet
Salaries Payable – salaries already earned by the
employees but not yet paid.
Utilities payable – utilities (electricity, water,
telephone, internet, cable etc.)
Unearned Income is cash collected in advance;
the liability is the services to be performed or
goods to be delivered in the future.
Non-Current Liabilities

• Loans Payable
• Mortgage Payable
Owner’s Equity
Owner’s Equity is the residual interest of the
owner from the business. It can be derived by
deducting liabilities from assets.
Capital is the value of cash and other assets
invested in the business by the owner of the
Drawing is an account debited for assets
withdrawn by the owner for personal use from the
Income Statement Accounts
Income is the Increase in resources resulting from
performance of service or selling of goods.
• Income increases equity.
Examples of Income Accounts.
• Service fees-revenue earned from rendering
• Sales (revenue earned from the sale of goods.)
Income Statement Accounts

Interest income-revenue earned from the issuance

of interest bearing receivables.
Expense is the decrease in resources resulting from
the operations of business
Expenses decreases Equity in the accounting
Examples of Expense Accounts
Salaries Expense -represents the salaries earned by
the employees for the services they have rendered
during the accounting period.
Freight out- represents the seller’s cost of
delivering goods to customers.
Rent expense-represents the rentals that have been
used up during the period.
Supplies expense- represents the cost of supplies
that have been used during the period.
Utilities expense- represents the cost of utilities
that have been used during the period.
Bad debt expense- the amount estimated losses
from uncollectible accounts receivable during the
Depreciation expense- the cost of depreciable asset
that has been allotted to the current accounting
Advertising expense- represents the promotional or
marketing activities during the period.
Insurance expense- represents the cost of insurance
pertaining to the current accounting period.
Taxes and licenses- represents the cost of business
and local taxes required by the government for the
conduct of business.

Transportation and travel expenses

Interest expenses
Miscellaneous expense
 is a listing of the accounts used by companies in
their financial records, it is usually arranged in
the financial statement order (assets, liabilities,
equity, income and expenses). Its function is to
guide the accountant or bookkeeper in ensuring
uniformity of and consistency in the use of all the
accounts in recording business transaction.
Steps on How to prepare chart of account
1. Create two columns;
2. Prepare the assets first, then liabilities, next is the
owner’s equity, followed by revenues and expenses;
3. On the first column, write or choose an account
number/code (discretion of the company), and
4. List all assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue and
expenses account on the second column.

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