English 10 Quarter 1 Week 1

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S.Y. 2022-2023

INFORMATION during this:

Volatility, Uncertainty,
Complexity, and Ambiguity
(VUCA) time.
This Learning Plan is divided into four
Lesson 1 – Writing News Reports
Lesson 2 – Recognizing Information from
Contextualized Speech
Lesson 3 – Constructing Personal Informative
Lesson 4 – Organizing Panel Discussion in
Making Decisions
Mass Media refers to media technologies used to
disseminate information to a wide audience. The key
function of mass media is to communicate various
messages through radio, television, newspapers,
magazines, and electronic communications, i.e., the
internet. In many countries, mass media include outdoor
signs like billboards, signs painted on the sides of buildings,
and LED screens, which are illuminated displays with
changing messages and moving pictures. There are also
“transport signs and posters” placed inside or outside
buses, trains, and taxicabs.
Mass Media Examples
1. Newspapers- In 15th Century Europe, the printing press emerged
as a force for the growth of the newspaper industry. According to
scholar Benedict Anderson, the newspaper was the first mass media
that was powerful enough to create a shared culture – called an
‘imagined community‘– across an entire population.

For the first time, people were able to access the exact same
information, daily or weekly, and develop a sense of connection to
people they’ve never met (and live a long way away from).

This led to nationalism and the solidification of the concept of the

2. Radio- was invented in the late 1800s by a group of scientists who were exploring the new field of
electricity. At first, radio was used primarily for military and nautical communications, such as sending
Morse code messages. However, it wasn’t long before people began to realize that radio could be
used for entertainment as well.

But by the 1920s, radio was a fixture in most homes, providing people with news, music, and even
comedy shows.

Radio changed the world by giving people instant access to audio information and entertainment for
the first time. It also brought people together, creating a shared experience that transcended time and

Radio’s primary limitation, at the time, was lack of visual communication. Before long, television came
along to resolve this problem.
5. Websites- With the rise of the internet, a lot
of the old print media was transformed into
digital media. All major newspapers, for
example, now publish their information both via
print and online formats.
But the greater revolution of websites was that,
for the first time, everyday people could create
their own platform for distributing information
to the masses. From here on out, consumers
could also become producers (Jenkins, 2006).
Another great revolution that websites provided
was the ability for readers to provide comments
at the end of articles. Through the comments,
there emerged the ability for mass media
platforms to communicate back-and-forth with
their audience immediately. This gave producers
instant feedback on their work.
11. Flyers And Junk Mail- They are unsolicited
forms of print media, distributed by hand or mail,
which promote products, services, or events.
They are typically distributed in public places,
such as on sidewalks or in front of businesses, or
placed into mail boxes as ‘junk mail’. The idea is
to spread the message as far and wide as possible
within the target market with the goal of getting a
small percentage of readers to heed the message.
12. Text Message Alerts- Text message alerts are generally only used by
government authorities and reserved for emergencies. They are designed to be
sent en masse to literally everyone with a phone within an area, warning them
to take action immediately. For example, where I live, I occasionally receive
text message alerts if a child has gone missing. Everyone within a region
receives the text message with the child’s name, age, and appearance, in order
for the community to keep an eye out for the child. In this sense, an
emergency text message alert is an example of a public good.

One famous example of a text message alert was the Hawaii false missile alert
of 2018. Human error caused the government to send a text message out to
the entire population of Hawaii warning them that a missile was on its way to
Hawaii. The alert even said that this was ‘not a test’.

People sought shelter wherever they were and hid and waited. Slowly, news
got around that this was a mistake and everyone was safe!
13. Web Advertising- Once, advertising was restricted to impersonal formats
like billboards and television advertisements. But today, with the tools of the
internet, we now receive personalized advertisements on web pages we visit.

Websites do this by using cookies. Web cookies are text files that store
information about our internet usage. When we visit a website, the cookies are
sent to the server of that website. The specific information in these cookies is
used to target ads that are more likely to be relevant to us. For example, if we
visit a lot of car websites, we may see more ads for cars on other websites.

For companies, web advertising is highly profitable because they don’t waste
their ad spend on consumers who are not in their target demographic.
14. Video-Sharing Platforms-Video-sharing platforms are
websites that allow people to place their own videos online for
others to view and consume. Unlike traditional mass media,
these platforms give the everyday individual the opportunity to
share a video that can be consumed by anyone in the world.

The two most popular video-sharing platforms are YouTube and


As a result of video-sharing platforms, savvy content creators

have become online personalities who receive millions of views
for each video. Famous YouTube personalities such as Mr. Beast
and Graham Stephan have millions of subscribers and make
many millions of dollars
15. Email Lists-Email list are lists of people who have
provided their email to a company or agency as well as
consent to receive emails. These lists enable companies or
individuals to share their ideas, news, and new products to
their audience list.

Big e-commerce brands like Wayfair, Chewy, Shopify, Etsy,

and Groupon develop email lists that can have multiple
millions of subscribers.

Through just one email blast, these brands can get their
messages out to millions of people. As a result, email lists
are considered some of the most valuable assets in business.
16. Streaming Platforms-Video streaming platforms such as Netflix,
Crave, and Disney Plus have revolutionized mass media. For many
people, they have superseded television as a means for relaxing of an
evening after work.

The large streaming platforms serve a very similar mass media purpose
to television. They offer a one-to-many multimedia experience and
allow individual media producers to spread their content far and wide.

The benefit of streaming platforms over television is that people can

start, pause, and re-watch content at will. By contrast, television is
broadcast in real-time and must be watched concurrently with the
broadcast (unless you record it!).

Nevertheless, news content is one area of multimedia production

where television maintains its dominance.
17. Podcasts-A podcast is an audio file that is downloaded and watched via the
internet. They emerged in 2005 when RSS feeds were utilized to send audio
files directly to computers and smartphones. In subsequent years, podcasts
have enabled ‘amateur radio hosts’ to create their own pseudo-radio shows.

Podcasts have, for many people, superseded radio. Podcasts did for radio what
streaming services did for television: they enabled people to consume content
at their own pace rather than relying upon a concurrent broadcast.

Another upside of podcasting is that anyone can create and distribute a

podcast using a podcast distribution service. This has given rise to indie media
personalities such as Joe Rogan who have, subsequently, become some of the
most famous people in the world.
18. Town Crier-The last example of mass media is, perhaps, the most
fun. Before the printing press, the best way to get information out to
the masses was for the government to employ a person to literally
yell news on the public square.

The person with this job was called the town crier.

Traditionally, the town crier would be delivered a message from a

central government body (probably on horseback!). The town crier
would then walk around the town square or down the busy main
streets and read out his message at the top of his voice. Often, he
would also carry a bell that he would ring to get people’s attention.
Mass media is any type of media that can be distributed to
the masses. Because it’s consumed by the masses and not
just the elites, some may argue that it’s a form of low

While historically it was controlled and owned by

gatekeepers, new mass media platforms have enabled
anyone to become a mass media content producer. The
traditional mass media of the 20th Century, such as
television and radio, have been challenged by new media
such as podcasts and social media platforms.
Writing News Report
Using information from news reports is important since the
purpose is to inform readers especially about events that are
around us and may also affect us. It can make you feel
connected too, but conflict of interest may rise the way
news is reported. That’s why news reports have a certain
structure that you need to follow to ensure you can find the
most important information quickly.
In this lesson you will use information from news reports.
You will accomplish diverse tasks in completing news report
plans, with code facts using contents to order and separate
At the end of this lesson, you are expected
a. use information from news reports that can be used in
everyday life;

b. promote the interest and sense of responsibility of the

learners in
validating the quality of information needed in academic and
personal use by writing a news; and

c. develop the abilities to organize information and construct it

into a
What’s In…
Now, recall your favorite news reporter or anchor. How
did he/she craft the content of his/her report? Is the
information reliable and/or credible?
Imagine that you are the said reporter. As a reporter,
you should aim to write news reports that are truthful,
fair, balanced and interesting. How will you begin your
news report? Which information will you include in the
middle section? How will you end your report? What
do you need to remember about using paragraphs in
news reports?
What is It…
Follow this guide in writing the news report.
These are the parts of the news reports.
MANILA, Philippines — EJ Obiena clinched his first-ever win in
the Wanda Diamond League after he bested world record holder
Mondo Duplantis in Brussels, Belgium on Friday (early Saturday
morning, Manila time).

Obiena pounced on an off day for the Swede as the latter settled
for second place while USA's Christopher Nilsen completed the

The 26-year-old was coming off of back-to-back first place

finishes in Germany before he cleared 5.91m in his third attempt
to rule the latest edition of the Diamond League.
Teenage pregnancy affects about 6% of Filipino girls. It
sounds like a small number but is the second highest rate in
Southeast Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood
Report from 2019. An estimated 538 babies are born to
Filipino teenage mothers EVERY SINGLE DAY, according to the
Philippine Statistical Authority from 2017. This means nearly
200,000 teenagers get pregnant every year. And to make the
situation even worse, there are roughly 40 births each year
by girls who have not yet reached the age of 13. These young
girls are mostly unprepared for motherhood and often have
no place to turn except to give up the baby they just nurtured
for nine months.
Write your own sample of news report on a
short bond paper, handwritten or encoded are
both acceptable.
Century Gothic ,12 , Line Spacing: 1.5 lines


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