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• M2 Comparison must be in a paragraph.

• How has one adapted to the life event compared to the other
• Is one person adapting to the life event more positively than the
other person? How do you know?... Are they still alive, have they
committed suicide? Are they still on drugs, have they lost friends?
Are they no longer famous.
• Amy winehouse has adapted to the life event of addiction negatively-
she continued to take drugs regularly and she also included drinking in
her addiction, this affected her negatively and she was less resilient
in trying to improve her self. Physically she was affected because she
lost a lot of weight, she had constant headaches and she also lost her
voice at many concerts. Intellectually she…
• Using the key words- Resilience/ understanding the change and
taking time
• Stretch and challenge:
• What primary care services have you used out of the list
• Informal: such as family, friends and
partners. These are sometimes known as
informal carers.

• Statutory: This type of service is usually

delivered by the NHS. Examples are GP
surgery, A&E and hospitals, Psycho therapy,

• Alternative: Community, Voluntary and Faith

Based services.
• Emotional support
• Effective support
Think about sources of support available for
particular people going through
• Divorce
• School
• Addiction etc

• Research what services there are to support individuals through YOUR CHOSEN LIFE

• E.G ALCOHOL- service is rehabilitation

• Over the summer you must explain what formal support- Physiotherapist, counsellor,
psychotherapist, GP, Nurse, is, informal support (friends and family) , emotional support (best
friend, close sibling, intimate relationship) and voluntary support(Charities)
• Chose 4 services that have helped both of your celebrities (Pies)
• Chose which service in a detailed paragraph had the most impact on your celebrity (positive or
negative impact) which service had no impact at all )

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