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s and their ro
le in membr
structures ane
0 Has the same constitutes as carbohydrate –
0 Carbon
0 Hydrogen
0 Oxygen
0 But has a lower proportion of O:H than Carbohydrates
0 Non-polar therefore cannot dissolve in water (and
other polar solvents)
0 Soluble in non-polar solvents like alcohol or benzene
0 These are the most common/well known lipids
0 They can be fats
0 (exist as a solid at 20 0C or room temperature)
0 They can be oils (exist as a liquid at 20 0C or room
0 Consist of glycerol (an alcohol which contains 3 – OH
groups) and fatty acids molecules
Fatty Acids
0 There are more than 70 different fatty acids
0 Common fatty acids
0 Steric acid - saturated
0 Oleic acid (found in Olive Oil) - unsaturated
0 Palmitic acid
A triglyceride

Fatty Acid

Fatty Acid

Fatty Acid
Formation of Triglycerides
0 Ester linkages involve the –COOH on the fatty acids
and the –OH groups on the glycerol
0 As these bonds are formed, the polar part of the
glycerol molecule and the fatty acids are lost in
condensation the resulting triglyceride is non-polar
0 Each glycerol molecule can combine with THREE fatty
0 which can be the same or different fatty acids
0 Can all be saturated, unsaturated or a combination of
Chemistry of Triglycerides
0 The types of fatty acid present affect
0 Its physical and
0 Chemical properties
0 If all or most of the fatty acids present are saturated
0 A saturated fat is formed
0 If all or most of the fatty acids present are unsaturated
0 A polyunsaturate is formed – An oil (usually)
Fats and Oils
0 Fats
0 Solids at room temperature
0 Formed in animals as energy stores
0 An animal product found in meat
0 Oils
0 Liquids at room temperature
0 Produced in plants as energy stores in seeds (sunflower
0 Fish tend to produce oils (cod liver oil)
The Human Experience
0 In humans some fatty acids can be made from other
molecules, while some can’t
0 Those that cannot be made must be acquired by
eating triglycerides that contain them
0 These fatty acids are called essential fatty acids
Other Types of Lipids
0 Waxes
0 Formed using alcohols other glycerol
0 Cannot be digested by animals
0 Commonly they are waterproof coverings on living
organisms (insects’ chitin exoskeleton is covered with a
waxy layer, leaves have a waxy cuticle, bees have glands
that make wax to build honeycombs)
Other Types of Lipids
0 Steroids
0 Highly complex molecules
0 Common steroids – testosterone, oestrogen and
0 Cholesterol
0 very important as part of cell membranes in regulating
membrane fluidity and aids phospholipids in forming a
0 Made in the liver and supplied in diet
0 This a lipid derivative
containing a phosphoric acid
0 The structure is similar to
0 The phosphate group makes
that part of the molecule
0 Phospholipids have a polar
end (hydrophilic head) and a
nonpolar end (hydrophobic
Function of Phospholipids
0 These form the basis for all cell membranes
Role of Lipids
0 High energy stores
0 Waterproof coverings
0 Insulating layer
0 Shock-absorbing layer
0 Cell membranes
0 Steroids – various roles
0 Scents
Refer to AS Biology p. 81

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