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The effect of modernization on our society

Course Instructor
Zakia Sultana School of Liberal Arts UITS

MD. Ruhul Amin

ID#08230005 EEE

Modern Communication system

Modern Peace System from Obamas view

Modern Economic System

Modern Communication system

Since dawn of civilization. We want to develop everything. To develop our communication system, we think about modern Internet, EEmail, through wave like Radio, Mobile, Satellite etc. In recent the most common technological think is VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). This is the most popular way of communication after mobile.

Open up VOIP technology

Bangladesh should open up the voice over internet protocol (VOIP) technology, focusing on the private sector to extend affordable service to the mass, observes a US-based ICT expert. I think Rather than focusing on revenue generation, lets open up the IP telephony or VOIP technology to create opportunities for the ordinary people and benefit the nation as whole.

In Bangladesh, VOIP technology is illegal and the telecom regulator has launched a massive drive against its users over the last two years. However, the telecom watchdog has recently announced that they would issue IP telephony licenses to internet service provider. IP telephony allows voice traffic as well as different type of data service to travel over data network.

In historic first, the budget speeches been dominated by ICT-centric vision in line with the alliance's commitment ton give shape to Digital Bangladesh. Fortunately for the alliance, the blueprint for Digital Bangladesh was already in hand in the form of the revised ICT policy that was prepared in consultant with all primary ICT stakeholders in mid 2008. We hope the budget will be proper utilized by government without any corruption.

Modern Peace System from Obamas view

Middle East Peace
The US administration is determined to achieve a truly comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace settlement that Arabincludes normal relation between Israel and all of its Arab neighbors. US president Barack Obama was referring to the so-called Arab peace plan, first soprocessed by Sudi king Abdullah in 2002 and reliance five year later. The obama administration had a series of meeting with Syria and hops the diplomatic outreach will encourage Damascus to play a positive role in both the Middle East Peace process and in neighboring Iraq.

On the other hand, North Korea conducted its second nuclear test in May and a barrage of missile test in July, drawing international condemnation and UN sanctions. US and Chinese officials are expected to discuss North Koreas nuclear programs and other regional security issues at a strategic dialogue in Washington. We hope that will help to establish peace not only in Asia but also over the world.

Modern Economic System

In modern economic system, we cant think about developed world without developed agriculture system. Although this is the time of industrialization. We can reconcile different way in modern economic view. Firstly, improvement of agriculture.  Secondly, improvement of local crafts.  Thirdly, promotion of cottage industries.  Finally, vocational guidance and exhibitions.

Thank you all

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