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The World During Rizal’s Time

Prepared by: Dennis Orila Pama for III-TED

The World During Rizal’s Time


• 1810: Philippine deputies were first admitted in the Spanish


• 1811: The last state galleon left Manila for Acapulco. In 1815, the last
state galleon left Acapulco for Manila.

• 1819: Secession of Mexico from the Spanish Crown

• 1820: Massacre of foreigners in Manila and Cavite

The World During Rizal’s Time


• 1830: The first Philippine bank was opened

• 1831: Zamboanga was opened for foreign trade

• 1834: Manila port was unrestrictedly opened to foreign trade

• 1835: Rebellion in Cavite led by Feliciano Paran

• The end of the galleon trade had a negative effect on economic development in

the Philippines with the emergence of trade with China.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• 1837: Philippine deputies were excluded from the Parliament

• 1840-1842: The First Opium War erupts in China. During this war,
the British Empire defeated the Chinese Empire, then under the
Manchu Dynasty. Hong Kong Island was ceded to Britannia.

• 1843: Philippines” Chinese shops were allowed to trade on equal

terms. On the same year, Claveria expedition against the Moros
The World During Rizal’s Time


• 1844: Foreigners were excluded from the interior of the islands

• 1851: Urbiztondo Expedition against the Moros

• 1852: The Banco Espanol-Filipino was instituted

The World During Rizal’s Time


• 1854: The rebellion of Cuesta

• 1855: Yloilo Port was opened to foreign trade

• 1857: The manila mint was established.

• During the early 19th century, however, there was a conspicuous
exception to the trend of colonial growth, and that was
the decline of the Portuguese and Spanish empires
The World During Rizal’s Time

• 1856-1860: Second Opium War: Britain won again and forced
Manchu Dynasty to cede Kowloon Peninsula
• Suppressed the Hindustan or Mogul Empire (India, Pakistan,
• Britain wins three Anglo-Burmese Wars and conquered Myanmar
(Burma). Other lands in Central Asia became British colonies:
• Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Maldives, Aden, Malaya, Singapore
• In South Pacific, they annexed Australia and New Zealand
• In Africa, they conquered Egypt.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• Annexed Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. They formed out of these
three colonies what they called “French Indochina”
• Netherlands colonized the rich archipelago of the East Indiesand
named it Netherlands East Indies (New Indonesia)
• Under the Czar, Russia conquered Siberia and the neighboring
plains, including Alaska. In 1867, Alaska was sold to US for USD7.2M.
• Russia acquires Manchuria and builds a 5,800mile Trans-Siberian
Railway. It is the world’s longest railroad system.
The World During Rizal’s Time


• Sought to open Japan to the world after 200 years to open one or
two ports for refueling. Prior to 1850, Japan was a closed society,
did not welcome Christianity and outside influence and has no

• Emperor Meiji Mutshuhito accepted Western Imperialism and

fought China in the Sino-Japanese War,annexed Formosa (Taiwan),
Pescadores and Korea.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• February 19, 1861: Alexander II, known as the liberal Czar issued a
proclamation emancipating 22.5Million Serfs to appease the
increasing discontent of Russian masses.

• April 12, 1861: Violent clashes occurring in the US due to black

slavery. American Civil War was raging.

• June 1, 1861: Benito Juarez, a native Zapotec Indian was elected

as President of Mexico. With ongoing political problems caused by
the civil war, President Juarez cannot obtain Military assistance
from the US.
The World During Rizal’s Time
• June 19, 1861: Birth of Rizal

• 1863: Manila City and Cathedral damaged by a strong earthquake, 2000

victims. On the same year, Cebu port was opened to foreign trade.

• September 22, 1863: President Lincoln issues the Emancipation


• June 12, 1864: Installation of Archduke Maximillan of Austria as the

puppet Emperor of Mexico by Emperor Napoleon II of the Second
French Empire. His aspiration was centered on conquering Mexico as
an entry point to conquering Latin America.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• 1867: Canada becomes a self-governing nation, away from direct

British rule.

• March 22, 1869: General Emilio Aguinaldo was born. Between 1868-
70, the Assembly of Reformists in Manila was formed.

• January 18, 1871: The Prussians, under Otto Van Bismarck, known as
the Iron Chancellor, defeated France in the France-Prussian War.
This heralded the defeat of Napoleon and the collapse of the Second
French Empire.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• May 6, 1867: Battle of Queretaro starts, followed by the siege of

Mexico on April 12, 1867. President Juarez again sought the help of
the US troops.

• They defeated Maximillan forces and executed Emperor Maximillan,

signalling the weakening and demise of Napoleon’s imperialistic
ambition to rule Latin America.

• Meanwhile, Italians and Germans unified their countries to drive away

Austrians and French armies from Italy. Under King Victor Emmanuel,
the Kingdom of Italy ws proclaimed with Rome as the capital city.
The World During Rizal’s Time

• During the time of Rizal, people saw the mighty expansion of

Western Imperialism.

• 1877: England and Germany recognized Spain’s rights over Sulu.

• 1880: The Hong Kong –Manila submarine cable was laid. It was to be
used for telegraph cable communication between Hong Kong and

• 1884: Cedula Personal was introduced in Manila. Petition to expel the

Chinese was raised to the crown.
The World During Rizal’s Time

In 1885, Germany turned to the islands in the Pacific and seized the island of
Yap (Carolines) which was under Spanish Rule at that time. A dispute
erupted and was elevated to Pope Leo XIII for arbitration. The Pope
recognized Spanish sovereignty but allowed Germany trading rights.

Rizal was in Barcelona at this time. He even wrote an article on the Carolina
Question at La Publicidad.

• 1887: Philippine Exhibition was held in Madrid

• 1890: Municipalities in the Christian provinces were created.
• 1891: The first Philippine Railway was opened.
The World During Rizal’s Time



• 19TH Century was characterized by colonialism and struggle for
nationalism. Throughout the century, people continuously revolted
against their rulers.


• Conservatives subscribed to Kings and Monarchial Rule. Liberals
believed that a country should be free from domination by another
country, and must enjoy liberty.

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