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Discussion Text &

Exposition Text

Receptive Written
Languange Skills
Group 4
• Della Puspita Sari
• Nadiyya Anis Khairani
• Nurmahyuni
• Nurul Khaifah
Definition Of
Discussion Text
The definition of discussion text is a text that
contains a discussion related to an issue. Issues
can be discussed from various points of view, for
example from the point of view of the people
directly involved, or just observers. Usually, this
discussion text is found in philosophical,
historical and social texts.
Struktur Discussion Text
1. Statement of issue
2. List of supporting points
3. List of contrast points
4. Recommendation
Language rules Discussion Text
1. Introducing category or generic participant
2. Using the thinking verb Such as feel, hope, believe, certain.
3. Using additive, contrast, and casual connection
4. Using modalities Must, should, could, may, etc.
5. Using adverbs of manner Deliberately, hopefully etc.
3. List of contrast points
Contrary to the paragraph that contains
things that support the issue, the author
provides several things that do not
support the issue in other words,
conveying contra arguments.

4. Recommendation the last paragraph, the author provides

ecommendations regarding the issue being discussed to the reader, or
the subject contained in the discussion text.
Struktur Discussion Text

1. Statement issue
The first paragraph is an introduction and/or
statementregarding the issue to be discussed.

2. List of supporting points.

The next paragraph, the author provides several things that support
the issue being discussed or convey pro arguments
1. Introducing category or generic participant
For example: “Homeschooling”, “Usage of the
Internet”, “Distance Learning”

Language Rules 2. Using the thinking verb Such as feel, hope,

Discussion Text believe, certain.

“Parents choose to homeschool to educate their kids
because they believe that homeschooling can be a
personalized schedule.”

3. Using additive, contrast, and casual connection

Similarly, on the other hand, however, and etc.
For example: “On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil
parents' time.”
4. Using modalities Must, should, could,
may, and etc.
“So, when thinking about putting children
through home school, I believe we should
make sure that we understand all of the
criteria involved in home education.”

5. Using adverbs of manner Deliberately, hopefully,etc.

“Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By
homeschooling, parents can set the curriculum freely.”
Defenition Of
Exposition Text
Exposition text, be it analytical exposition text or
hortatory exposition text, only discusses one
point of view (whether it agrees or disagrees with
the issues discussed).
Struktur Exposition Text
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Reiteration
Language rules Exposition Text
1. Use simple present tense
2. Use conjunctions
3. Use a lot of cause and effect words
4. Use connective words
5. Use vocabularies to express writer's expression
6. Use vocabularies which will provoke audience emotion
Characteristics of
Exposition Text
The characteristics of expository text are:
• Exposition text is a writing containing factual knowledge or information based
on real conditions. The information conveyed by the author is written briefly,
clearly, and straightforwardly, and uses standard language in accordance with
formal English grammar.
• The entire text contains answers from 5W+1H, namely what (what), where
(where), when (when), who (who), why (why), and how (how).
• The exposition text does not favor anyone for a particular purpose.
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