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Use Of Media
After going through this module, you are expected to:
a) enumerate proper conduct while online ;
b) value the importance of netiquette and having a positive digital
c) discuss digital issues in the Philippines in relation to online
Definition of Terms
Digital Access - The ability to fully participate in a digital
society.  It allows for fair accessibility to technology as well as
the ability to use it in order to enhance the learning process for
all involved. 
This includes access to tools and technologies, such as the
Internet and computers, that allow for full participation.
Digital Literacy-The ability to use digital technology,
communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create
Examples of Digital Literacy skills
•Using your phone to check emails.
•Using an online search engine to find the answer to a question.
•Using online search to complete a research project.
•Creating an online profile on a social media platform.
Properties of conduct as established in any class or community
or for any occasion.
Good communication etiquette includes behavior and strategies
that can help you relay information clearly while maintaining
positive relationships with your supervisors, colleagues and
Flame War

Series of angry, critical, or disparaging

comments by two or more people in an
ongoing online argument.
Set of rules for behaving properly online.
Netiquette is a made-up word from the words net and
etiquette. Netiquette thus describes the rules of conduct for
respectful and appropriate communication on the
internet. Netiquette is often referred to as etiquette for the
Media and Information literacy recognizes the primary role
of information and media in our everyday lives.
Media and Information Literacy is compose of three main concepts:
Media Literacy, Information Literacy and Technology/Digital
We defined Digital Literacy/Technology Literacy as the ability of an
individual, either working independently or with others, to responsibly,
appropriately, and effectively use technological tools. This concept has
something to do with issues arising in the digital world today . With the
growing trend in the use of technology, cases of unethical use are also
surging up. With this concern, ethical use of media and information
should be given great emphasis through inculcating Digital citizenship
starting with Digital access.
Digital access
refers to the ability to fully participate in digital society.
This includes access to tools and technologies, such as the
internet and computers, that allow for full participation .
Having full access to technology requires continuously developing
norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use
which refers to Digital Citizenship.
Digital citizenship also includes Digital Etiquette which pertains to electronic
standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with the process of thinking about
others when using digital devices. Recognizing Online Proper conduct is a must and it
has something to do with “Netiquette”.
Merriam- Webster dictionary defined Netiquette as set of rules about the proper and
polite way to communicate with other people when using the internet. Common issues
in the digital world such as bashing and online bullying occur due to improper conduct
online. As a responsible online user, the following core rules should be taken into
Rule 1: Remember the Human,
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life,
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace,
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth,
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online,
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge,
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control,
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy,
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power,
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.
Learning is never never ending, the more information we
have, the more we seek for more. With the birth of technology,
access to information comes at the tip of our fingers. However,
despite of the leisure technology offers, people tend to abuse it
resulting to human conflict. Proper online conduct is a must
every time in contact with the digital world to avoid
unpleasant situations.

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