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Desired Outcomes

1. Think Workday

2. Use Workday

3. Test the system

Before we start

It is important to remember…

… We are now in the Testing Phase, meaning the system is not yet in the final configuration nor layout.
Things may not work properly yet. Nevertheless we train now to allow you time to absorb the
information load before we go live.

… Things may look different at go-live. We will organize a re-training before go-live to update you
on the changes post-testing. 

… We will by far not use all features of Workday HCM at go-live, the CP functionalities will increase
over the next months and years.

… Workday is a cloud-based system releasing a new version every half year – it will continually evolve,
meaning the interface and some business processes may change in time.

Workday @CP - Vision and Outcomes

A global HR platform for corporate-wide HR processes, which simplifies HR administration, upgrades existing HR processes

and makes room for new ones, increases transparency for employees and managers, and improves HR reporting for everyone.

1. Improve User 2. Improve Data 4. Empower Users

3. Platform Flexibility

Experience Quality


Deliver information and insight Deliver a unified platform that Empower employees and
Deliver a solution that is
that is accurate and broad, that is flexible, scalable, and managers to manage data with
modern, comprehensive,
users and management can rely supports future change. less reliance on HR.
automated and delivers great
user experience. on.

• Common / unified business • Employees and managers feel

• Modern, user-friendly interface • Modular, flexible system that
processes involved and in control
for all stakeholders can accommodate the

• Data and information are


• A broad range of HR data stored development of the HR • Clear ownership and approvals
accurate and reliable function
in one platform • Less admin burden on HR
• Less reliance on HR for ad-hoc • Easy to integrate with third
• Inbuilt automations to ease HR
reports party systems (i.e. payroll),
• Improved global and local supports future changes
• Reduced manual work
• More transparency


1. Navigation and search

2. Organizations
3. Positions
4. Security roles
5. Business process
6. Non-HR involvement
7. Integrations & PERS

Access to the tenant

SSO login with farm username & password

Search bar tips

 Dynamic search – results appear while tipping

 Misspelling is not recognized

 First three letters of every word is enough

 Prefixes can narrow down the search. E.g. to search only supervisory orgs use „ Sup: “ ,

 To search for a supervisory or matrix org you can search by the manager‘s name as well. Prefix „Org“
narrows down the search.
 Press enter to get more search results than what the bar displays

Notifications vs. inbox

 Notifications – for your info, no Workday action required.

 Inbox – action is required in Workday by yourself, represents a task.

 All role holders get the same notification & tasks (e.g. if HR approval is needed, all HR Partners in
that country will get it. First to solve clears it for all.
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2. Organizations

 Organizations are the foundations of Workday Organization Details

 Organizations group workers, resources, costs, and various Supervisory Groups people who report to the same manager
categories of data.

Cost Center @CP we defines only the Payroll cost centre type
• Positions are assigned to organizations and rules can be as an organization. The Reporting type is an
built around those assignments. earning type (details in the training later).
Location Branch office
 They can be combined into hierarchies to represent how
organizations roll up to one another Location hierarchy A geographical area (e.g. South China, China, NEA,
 Workers will be members of multiple organization types Company Legal entity that employs CP staff

 Only Corporate HR can create new organizations, edit or Pay group Groups people who are processed on the same
delete them.
Matrix organization Groups people who report to the same functional
(=matrix) manager
HQ Members These are 2 custom made orgs HQ and HQ IT, that
group people who work for HQ or HQ IT. Drives
permissions for the HR HQ Executive role. 7
Think Workday

What you want to achieve Workday logic and language

Assign a Matrix Manager to someone Assign someone‘s position into the respective matrix organization.

Move someone from one department to Assign the worker‘s position into a different supervisory org, the
another one managed by the new manager.

Change cost center Assign the position into a different Cost Center organization.
(100% on one cost center)

End the employment under one legal entity Assign the position to a different company organization.
and continue under another legal entity
(nothing else changes)

Record that someone is a HQ employee Assign the position into the HQ organisation.
(equivalent of the HQ FIS checkbox in PERS)
3. Positions

Position Management = the staffing model

Different than in PERS, Workday uses the concept of Position as the foundation for all hires.
People can only be hired into positions, and positions can only be created into supervisory organizations.

Key Features of Position Management

+ + =
Find / Create a Job Hire a Worker Worker fills Position
Find a Worker

03.10.2022 9
Difference Between a Position and a Worker
You cannot hire someone without a position being available

In Workday the worker and the position are two separate objects:
Position Attributes Worker Attributes

Job Title: Senior HR Manager

Sup org: HQ Corporate Human Resources

Name: Max Mustermann

Hire Date: 01/01/2000

Employee Type: Regular

Gender: Male
Time Type: Full Time

Location: AT Fischamend Marital Status: Single

Pay Rate Type: Salary Home Address: Austria

Scheduled Weekly Hours: 40

FTE: 100 %

When a worker sits in a position, they gain the attributes of that chair.
Multiple positions concept

An employee (not CW) can hold multiple positions, each with their own organizational assignments,
meaning also each with their own managers or matrix managers if needed.

HR partner view Public view


Characteristics of roles

1) Most roles are assigned to positions (role based security). These are the business roles, needed to
navigate and operate in the system.
2) Some roles are assigned to people (user based security). These are the administrator roles,
needed to confugire and maintain the system. Corporate only!
3) Roles inherit down the hierarchy of that organization.

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Security roles @CP
Details in the Glossary Workday @CP -> Security Roles

HR Partner

Security Partner HR Analyst

Training &
Payroll interface
Rollout Manager

Security roles
in use @CP
Organization HR Executive

Manager with
Compensation HR HQ Executive

Think Workday

1. You do not see the full details of one of your employees, just the public profile. What could be
wrong, how do you check?
2. A manager complains they cannot see the details of one of their employees, just the public profile.
What could be wrong, how do you check?
3. A manager reports they can see compensation of employees outside their own area of
responsibility. What could be wrong, how do you check?

Because Manager and Manager with Compensation Access roles inherit

down the hierarchy, it is vital that the structure of the supervisory orgs is
absolutely correct!
Check the orgchart and the subordination of ALL supervisory orgs in
your area, and correct any wrong subordination of orgs using the
Compilation Supervisory Orgs file (HR Share, Publich Data folder).

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5. Business Processes

Business Process = is a sequence of tasks that happens within Workday to

complete a transaction



Vacant position /
Create position
Manage Manage Employee
Job Change Personal Data
Hire / Contract
Contingent Worker Manage
Manage Employee

Onboard End Contingent

Manage Worker/Contractor
Manage Absence
Compensation Contract

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Business Process Terminology

− You have completed an action.

− After submission, some processes have additional approval steps, some do not.

− Any approver is able to deny a request

− Once a transaction is denied, the process ends

− During a review or approval step, the approver may elect to send the process step back to the
Send Back submitter for correction

− Processes can only be cancelled while they are still in progress (before they are complete)
− Anyone can cancel a transaction they have initiated

− Option in the settings menu of an inbox task.

Skip − When clicking this, no change is made to the data, the task is considered completed and the
process moves on.

− Completion makes the data for this business process available to other systems
Complete − When a completion step finishes, the business process is listed as complete, even if there are
more steps to do 17
Characteristics of busines processes

1. There is a step by step sequence

2. You can always see remaining steps and overall status
3. They enable approval workflows
4. Can be tailored per country, allthough we prefer to keep things global
5. Can be initiated independently, either from the search bar or from the related actions button
6. Are fully auditable, history is recorded

We prepared BP Description sheets for the most common ones.

6. Non-HR ivolvement in business processes
1. Manager
 In the Hire BP responsible for Onboarding Setup. Without it, the Hire is not completed!
 Approval required for Delegations.
 Upon completion of the Hire BP, receives another inbox task as reminder to order licences & work tools.
 Probation period review

2. Matrix Organisation Manager

 Approval required if position is assigned to a matrix org. An inbox task is triggered
 BPs requiring approval: Create Position, Hire, Contract Contingent Worker, Change Job, Change Organization assignment
 NOTE: if a position is added to a seond matrix org, the approval request will go to both matrix Org Managers, even though the first one already
approved. It sucks, we know, can‘t change it.

3. Employee as self
 Can initiate some personal data changes, most of them requiring HR approval afterwards. More details later.
 Global policy is not to make it mandatory for employees to administrate their own data, but you decide it differently in you own country.

4. TRM
 Upon completion of the Hire BP, receives a notification with the new joiners basic details, as info for Onboarding.



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