Chapter01 - Week 1 Modified

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The Analyst as a Business

Problem Solver
 Analyst background: computer technology, object-
oriented analysis and design, curiosity  
 Chief task: define problem and outline solution
 Challenge: develop alternatives consistent with
corporate strategic
 Develop system requirements and design models
 Systems design models: databases, user interfaces,
networks, operating procedures, conversion plans, and,
software classes
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 2
Figure 1-1 The Analyst’s Approach to Problem Solving

Fig 1-1A Fig 1-1B

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 3

Systems that Solve Business
 System make-up: set of interrelated components

 System purpose: solve business problems

 System tools: functions or modules

 Functional decomposition: divide system into

components to simplify analysis

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 4

Information Systems

 Information system: collects, processes, stores,

and outputs information
 Subsystem: components of another system
 Components: hardware, software, inputs, outputs,
data, people, and procedures
 Supersystem: collection of systems
 Automation boundary: separates automated part of
system from manual (human)

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 5

Figure 1-3
Information Systems and Component Parts
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 6
Figure 1-6
Required Skills of the Systems Analyst
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 7
Special Projects
 Prototype executive information systems
 Business process reengineering study
Goal: raise efficiency
◘ Analyze business processes
◘ Redesign business processes
◘ Provide computer support for re-engineered
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 8
Figure 1-7
Components of an Information Systems Strategic Plan
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Enterprise Resource Planning
 ERP adopts integrated set of software packages

 ERP systems benefit: turnkey solution

 ERP disadvantages: complex, expensive, and
 Entire organization involved in ERP

 Analyst plays significant role in ERP

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 10

The Analyst as a System
(The Heart of the Course)

 Central theme: planning and executing an

information systems project

 Text organized into four conceptual components

 Barbara Halifax manages RMO customer support


Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 11

Part 1: System Development
and the Unified Process
 Chapters 1 - 3 describe work of Systems Analyst
 Emphasize Unified Process (UP)
 Unified Process defines project phases
Phases require one or more cycles, or iterations
Nine disciplines and associated tools complete

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 12

Part 2: Business Modeling and
the Requirements Discipline
 Chapters 4 - 6 detail object-oriented analysis (OOA)

 Two key OOA concepts

Use cases

Problem domain classes

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 13

Part 3: The Design Discipline
 Chapters 7 - 12 cover system design issues

 Object interactions defined for use cases

 Advance design models developed

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 14

Part 4: Implementation, Test,
and Deployment Disciplines
 Chapter 13 describes the latter part of the UP

 Chapter 14 discusses emerging topics and


Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process 15

Functional Areas and Business
 To understand ERP, you must understand how a
business works
 Two important terms:
Functional areas of operation
Business processes

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 16

Functional Areas of Operation (cont’d.)

Figure 1-1 Examples of functional areas of operation and their business functions

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 17

Business Processes
 Collection of activities that takes one or more
kinds of input and creates an output that is of
value to customer
Customer can be traditional external customer or
internal customer
 Thinking in terms of business processes helps
managers to look at their organization from the
customer’s perspective

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 18

Business Processes (cont’d.)

Figure 1-3 A process view of business

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 19

Marketing and Sales (cont’d.)

Figure 1-4 The Marketing and Sales functional area exchanges data with customers
and with the Human Resources, Accounting and Finance, and Supply Chain
Management functional areas

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 20

Supply Chain Management

Figure 1-5 The Supply Chain Management functional area exchanges data
with suppliers and with the Human Resources, Marketing and Sales, and
Accounting and Finance functional areas

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 21

Accounting and Finance

Figure 1-6 The Accounting and Finance functional area exchanges data with
customers and with the Human Resources, Marketing and Sales, and Supply
Chain Management functional areas

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 22

Human Resources (cont’d.)

Figure 1-7 The Human Resources functional area exchanges data with the
Accounting and Finance, Marketing and Sales, and Supply Chain
Management functional areas

Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning, Fourth Edition 23

What is BPM ?
What is Business Process Management ?

More than just technology

Improving or reengineering your processes and dealing with
managerial and organizational issues
Not just hype – it is an integral part of management
Modeling + implementation + execution + monitoring
“The achievement of an organization’s objectives through the improvement,
management and control of essential business processes”
(Jeston and Nellis, 2006)

Improving Processes before Automating Them
The first rule of any technology is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency..
The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
(Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation)

Black Box Syndrome

 Executives see their processes as a ‘black box’. They don’t know the details, but somehow the
processes produce outcome.

Looking at the Edges Syndrome

 The processes and associated people are treated like sacred objects : executives cannot or do not
want to discuss the efficiency and effectiveness or ask the tough questions.
“If business process inefficiencies could be easily solved by automating them, why are consultants
often called in after an organization has purchased an expensive automated workflow solution
that has failed to ‘solve’ the problem?”
“Why do automated solutions fail to deliver their expected business benefits?”

Main Drivers and Triggers
behind BPM Initiatives

The Four Value Propositions are Built Around Entirely
Different Operating Models

Operational Excellence Product Leadership Customer Intimacy Employee Capability

Core business• Product supply, basic • Concept invention, • Solution development, • People development,
processes service, demand product development, results management, expertise enhancement,
management market exploitation relationship management performance management

Organization • Central authority, finite • Ad hoc, organic, loosely • Empowerment close to • Empowerment on work
and structure level of empowerment knit, and ever-changing customer contact teams
• High skills at the core of • High skills abound in • High skills at boundary of • High skills at all levels
the organization loose-knit structures the organization

• “Command and control”,• Rewarding individuals' • Customer equity measures• Rewarding demonstrated
standard operating innovative capacity and like life time value and applications of individual
procedures new product success share-of client and team expertise
• Managing total quality • Managing risk • Managing outcomes • Managing learning and
• Process push • Concept push • Relationship push • Learning push
Culture: • Conformance, "one size• Experimentation and "out- • Resilience and growth
• Flexibility and "have it your
mindsets and
fits all" mindset of-the-box" mindset way" mindset mindset
• Emphasize efficiency • Emphasize breakthroughs • Emphasize complete • Emphasize development
and dependability solutions
Bina Nusantara
Process Selection

 Broken Processes: Which processes are in the

deepest trouble?
 Important Processes: Which processes have the
greatest impact on the company’s customers?
 Feasible Processes: Which processes are at the
moment most susceptible to successful redesign?
Value Analysis
Process Improvement
 Process mapping tools describe processes in a
universally understood format
 Task of completing a process map requires a team
of key personnel and frequently uncovers process
improvement opportunities
 Value Analysis is a technique that evaluates the
value added by each activity in the process
 Activities can added:
Real value: something the customer will pay for
Business value: helps the company run its business
No value: an activity that should be eliminated
Questions to Identify Areas for Improvement*

 Are there unnecessary checks and balances?

 Does the activity inspect or approve someone
else’s work?
 Does it require more than one signature?
 Are multiple copies required?
 Are copies stored for no apparent reason?
 Are copies sent to people who do not need the
 Is there unnecessary written correspondence?

*H. James Harrington, Business Process Improvement

Questions to Identify Areas for Improvement*
 Are there people or agencies involved that impede
the effectiveness and efficiency of the process?
 Do existing organizational procedures regularly
impede the efficient, effective and timely
performance of duties?
 Is someone approving something they already
approved (for example, approving capital
expenditures that were approved as part of a
 Is the same information being collected at more than
one time or location? Are duplicate databases being
*H. James Harrington, Business Process Improvement
Concepts to Improve Business Processes*
 Perform activities in parallel, for example, approvals
 Change the sequence of activities
 Reduce interruptions
 Avoid duplication or fragmentation of tasks
 Avoid complex flows and bottlenecks
 Combine similar activities
 Reduce the amount of handling
 Eliminate unused data
 Eliminate copies

*H. James Harrington, Business Process Improvement 33

Evaluating Process Improvement
 Implementing process changes can be:
Time consuming
 Dynamic process modeling can be used to evaluate
process changes before they are implemented
Dynamic process modeling uses computer simulation
to evaluate the impact of process changes on
performance measures like cycle time and cost

Week 1 Project Output
 Find and decide the case study company
 Overview of the company
 Products and (or) services
 Slide #26: Define Drivers / Triggers that relate
with the company (as basic reason to do the
project there
 Slide #27: Define which operation model that fit,
explain why. Define the 4 value prepositions
 Slide #29: Define which value analysis that fit the
company, explain why

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