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Excel – Basics

Abdul Ghafar
 MS Excel is a tool used to perform simple
business calculations such as finding income tax,
monthly expenditure totals, etc.
 Each page in excel is called spreadsheet, and
collection of spreadsheets is called workbook.
 Each sheet is divided into rows and columns and
intersection of each row and column is called cell.




Cell Address
 Each row is number as 1, 2, 3
 Each column is named as A, B, C
 Each adcress is addressd as ColumnName with
RowNumber, A2, C4
Cell Selection
 Press CTRL and drag mouse to cell multiple cells.
Copy Cell
 Select cells and copy and then paste them to other
 OR drag the selection with lower corner box.
Add New Row or Column
 Right click on any cell and then click on Insert and
select Entire Row or Entire Column and click OK.
Chang Size of Row/Column
 Dragthe mouse on the border between any two
rows or columns on heading.
Add New sheet
 Click on Insert Worksheet button on right of sheet
 Rename sheet : right click on sheet tab and click
on rename.
Type a Series
 Type any two number in two cells and select both
of the cells and
 Then drag with the mouse by lower corner box.
Formula / Function
 Everyformula or function is started with = sign.
 Adding two values as in third column
 =C2+D2
Sum function
 To add a range of cells
 =sum(A2:A10)
Merge Cells
 Select
cells and click on Merge and Center on
Home Tab in Alignment group.
Format Cell
 Use , button on Number group on Home tab to
insert , separator.
 Use . Button on Number group on Home tab to
add or remove decimal digits.
 Use $ button on Number group on Home tab to
add currency.
Format Cell
 Click on Cell group on Home tab and click
Format and select Format Cells.
 On Number tab, select data type and set its
 On alignment tab, change the alignment setting
such as vertical alignment, horizontal alignment,
and orientqtion.
Cell Styles
 Select
cells and click on Cell Styles in Style group
on Home tab and select the available style optins.
Conditional Formatting
 Click on Conditional Formatting in Styles group
on Home tab and select Highlight Cells Rules and
select any option and select format option.
 Select cell range and click on Sort in Sort & Filters
group on Data tab, now select the column for sort
and click OK.
 Select data range and click on Filter in Sort &
Filters group on Data tab.
 Drop down attached with column headings and
now set your filter to find out relevant records.
Other Functions
 If– used to apply some condition as
 =if (a2>10, “Good”, “Bad”)
 Max – used to find maximum from a list.
 Min – used to find minimum from a list.
 Count – used to count the row in a selected range.
 VLookup – used to find the any value from a given
range of cells based of one some index column in that
cells range. Data must be sorted before apply that
Insert Function
 Click on Insert Function on Formulas tab and
select the function from available list of functions.
 OR click on relevant function category on Formula
tab and select the function.
Import Data from Text File
 Click on From Text in Data Tab, and select the
Text File and click Import button.
 Now select Delimited Data
 Now select the Delimiting character such as , . Or
space. And click next
 Now change the each column type and click
Finished button.
Import Data from Text File
 Open text file in Notepad and select all the text
and paste into Excel.
 Now click on Text to Columns in Data Tab.
Insert Chart
 Select data to be converted into chart.
 Now select any chart type and category, such as
Pie, Line, Column, etc, on Insert Tab in Charts
 Legends – small color boxes with chart represents
the data element.
Insert Chart
 Select chart and then click on Change Chart Type
on Design Tab, to modify chart type or category.
 Chart title – click on Chart Title on Layout tab to
insert chart title.
 Legend – click on Legends on Layout to insert
legend on any desired location.
 Data Label – click on Data Label on Layout Tab to
insert data inside the chart.
Relative Cell Address
 Relative cell address will changed as you copy the
text to other cell, row will be changed if formula is
copied to next row, column will be changed if
formula is copied to next column.
 For example A7, it will become A8 in next row.
Absolute Cell Address
 Absolute cell address remain fixed as you copy
formula to other cell.
 For example $A$7 it remains $A$7 in next row or
 Press F4 to make any cell address to absolute or
Partial Absolute Cell Address
 Ifonly row or column is fixed, then it is called
partial absolute cell address.
 For example A$8, only row remain fixed.
Show Formula on Sheet
 On Formulas Tab, click on Show Formulas to
display the actual formulas on the sheet.

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