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CHAPTER VI: Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere A

Diagnosis of Filipino Society

6.1. The Writing of Noli Me Tangere
6.2. Plot of the novel
6.3. The characters of the Noli
6.4. Diagnosis of Filipino Society
6.5. Reaction to Noli 
6.6. Attacks and Defenses of Noli

Gary I. Pagsuguiron
Cherielyn I. Anacleto
Jennie Rose V. Blancia
BSIT 3 - C
6.1. The Writing of Noli Me Tangere
 Towards the end of 1884 – Rizal began writing the novel in
Madrid and finish one half of it.

 In 1885, he continued writing the novel, finishing the one half
of the 2nd half. He finished the last fourth of it in Germany. He
finished the last two chapters at Wilhelmsfeld in April – June
 In Berlin during the winter days of February 1886, Rizal made
the final revisions on the manuscript of the Noli. Sick and
penniless, he saw no hope of having it published, so that in a
momentary fit of desperation, he almost hurled in into the
 Years later when he told his good friend and former classmate,
Fernando Canon: “ I did not believe that the Noli Me Tangere
would ever be published when I was in Berlin, broken-hearted,
weakened,and discouraged from hunger and deprivation. I was on
the point of throwing my work into the fire as a thing accursed and
fit only to die.”
6.2. Plot of the Novel
 “Noli Me Tangere” is a 19th Century novel by Jose Rizal that dramatically
showcases the persecution of a socialite in the Philippines by religious

hypocrisy and corruption. Rizal’s main character, Juan Crisóstomo Ibarra y
Magsalin, has returned to the Philippines from abroad. He is at first
surrounded by good friends, a beautiful fiancée and a supportive upper
class, but a priest with a vendetta against Ibarra’s late father torments him.
 Ibarra learns the tragic circumstances of his father’s death and the history
behind the animosity held against him by the Friar Dámaso Vardolagas. It is
obvious that Ibarra’s father was treated unjustly and died because of it,
explains Still, Ibarra chooses the higher road, avoiding revenge,
only to be harassed by Damaso at every turn. Damaso sabotages Ibarra’s
wedding and humiliates him constantly. Another religious figure by the
name of Padre Salvi becomes Ibarra’s enemy. Salvi attempts to kill him, lusts
after his former fiancée and stages an uprising in which Ibarra is implicated.
 Ibarra is imprisoned, loses his friends and reputation and is nearly killed, all
through the relentless hatred of two religious figures. At the end of the novel
he is deflated, disillusioned and weak. The bright future he envisioned for
his town was shattered and he finds himself surrounded by corruption and
6.3. The Characters of the Noli

 Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin, - Commonly called Ibarra, is Filipino-
Spanish and the only descendant of the wealthy Spaniard Don Rafael
 Maria Clara de Los Santos y Alba,- is the most dominant yet weakest
representation of women in the setting.
 Damaso Verdolagas- (commonly known as Padre Damaso), of Franciscan
order, was the former curate of the parish church of San Diego.
 Don Santiago de los Santos- (commonly known as Kapitan Tiago) is the
only son of a whealthy trader in Malabon.
 Pilosopo Tasyo-Don Anastacio (commonly known as Filosofo Tacio) is
one of the most important characters in Noli. On the one hand, he is
referred to as a philosopher/sage (hence, Pilosopo Tasyo) because his
ideas were accurate with the minds of the townspeople.
 Basilio - was a young boy living in San Diego and the older brother of
Crispin. Following his mother's death and his brother's disappearance,
Basilio fled the town and was taken in by Capitan Tiago. Living in Manila,
he became a medical student, also joining the student organization
attempting to found the Castilian Academy.
 Elias- came the family which the Ibarra clan had oppressed for
generations. He grew up in a wealthy family until he discovered
something that changed his life forever.
 Dona Victorina- is the one who pretended to be meztisa (a
Spaniard born in the Philippines) and always dreamed of finding

spanish husband, in which she married Don Tiburcio.
 Sisa- Narsisa- is married to the man name Pedro and the mother
Basilio and Crispin. She depicts how Filipino mothers love their
children unquestionably.
 Padre Salvi -was the town curate of San Diego and the successor of
Padre Damaso. Possessing a rivalry with the town's alferez, he
later orchestrated the downfall of Crisostomo Ibarra, manipulating
the townspeople in the process.
 Schoolmaster -he symbolized intellectual dissatisfaction in Filipino
 Doña Pia Alba - was the wife of Capitan Tiago and the mother of 
Maria Clara. A woman of wealth and status, she had her husband
buy land in San Diego, greatly expanding their business
6.4. Diagnosis of Filipino Society
 An in depth analysis of the Noli Me Tangere reveals Rizal's Diagnosis of
Filipino society of his time. From his novel, he made it plain and clear that

the friars were the enemies of reform, progress, and justice in the country.
 There were actually three reasons why Rizal considered the friars, the enemy
of reforms, progress, and justice in the country. The agrarian problem in
Calamba betweem the tenants and the Dominicans, while he was in Europe.
 Another factor that could expound Rizal's conclusion was the influence of the
Spanish anti-clericalism. A third explanation to the foregoing was Rizal's
overall assessment of the Philippine political situation in 1886 and in 1872.
 A question in relation to what mentioned above is, was Rizal correct in his
analysis? Seventy years after the publication of the Noli, the research
undertaken by Catholics on Philippine political situation confirmed the
veracity of Rizal's contention. The friars wielded so much powers, such that
they were the real authority in the different pueblos, throughout the
archipelago, due to the following roles they played then:
 -Parish priest; -Superintendent of public works by force labor;
 -Tax collector; -An intelligence officer;
 -School inspector; -And president of all local boards
6.5. Reactions to Noli
 Prior to the publication of the Noli Me Tangere, a number of works by
Filipino writter from 1882 to 1896 were produced.

-Paterno’s novel “Ninay” published in Madrid (1885)
-Del Pilar’s La Soberiana Manacal Barcelona (1889)
-Graciano Lopez Jaena’s Discurso y Articulos Varios Barcelona (1891)
-Antonio Luna’s Impresiones Madrid (1893).
 Antonio Regidor
-One of those who congratulated Rizal for writing and publishing of novel.
-He said that “the book is superior “ and if Don Quijote has made its author
immortal because he exposed the world the sufferings of Spain, your Noli Me
Tangere will bring you equal glory.
 Ferdinand Blumentritt
 Became Rizal’s friend thru corresponndence
 Praised Rizal by saying “your work, as we German say, has been written
with blood and heart…your work has exceeded my hopes and I consider
myself fortunate and happy to have been honored with your friendship.”
6.6. Attacks and Defenses of Noli
The Attacks
 Senator Fernando Vida, Deputy Luis M. de Pando, and Prime Minister Praxedes

Mateo Sagasta were among those who unjustly lambasted and criticized Rizal and
his Noli in the two chambers of the Spanish Cortes in 1888 and 1889.
 Vicente Barrantes, a Spanish academician, attacked Rizal by describing him as a
man of contradiction, whose criticisms of the friars and the Spanish Regime were
actually an insult to the Filipinos themselves.
 first attack on the Noli in the Philippines came from an anonymous, signed by a
friar. Labeled Rizal as an ungrateful man.
 Fr. Salvador Font who issued the official censure of the Noli, tried to prevent the
circulation of the novel by publishing a few copies of his report.
 His report consisted of four parts:
- attacks on the religion of the State
- attacks on the administration, the government employees and the courts
- attacks on the civil guards
- attacks on the on the territorial integrity of the Spanish Kingdom
 Father Jose Rodriguez - issuing a series of pamphlets under the title Cuestiones de
Sumo Interes.
 Fr. Rodriguez judged the novel and said that it should not be read because it is full
of heresies, blasphemies and grossest errors...
 Rizal responded to Fr. Rodriguez attacks through the satirical pamphlet
entitled, La Vision del Fray Rodriguez.
 write an essay entitled Por Telefono.


 Fr. Vicente Garcia, a filipino, writing under the pen name Desiderio
Magalang, refuted Fr. Rodriguez's condemnation of the Noli for its alleged
blasphemy and heresy.
"If reading the Noli is a mortal sin, then Fr. Rodriguez had also committed a
 Fr. Fransico Sanchez was one of those who defended Noli Me Tangere.
He told Rizal that it was the pamphlet written with the feet and not the Noli Me
 Marcelo H. del Pilar answered Fr. Rodriguez' pamphlet entitled Caiingat
(Beware) by writing Caiigat Cayo (Be Slippery as an Eel
 Ferdinand Blumentritt praised both work of the Jesuits and the friars in the
Philippines. Nonetheless, the religious orders failed to keep up with the
times. For Blumentritt the novel was patriotic one. It was the truthful and
heartfelt effort to make Spain realize the need to remedy the social ills
plaguing Filipino society then.

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