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Naufal, S.Pd
Ciri :
 Kulit kering, bersisik dari zat bertanduk,
tidak memiliki kelenjar lendir maupun
 Pada buaya terdapat glandula analis yg
menghasilkan bau untuk menarik lawan
 Terdapat dua pasang kaki yg berkuku
(darat) dan berselaput renang (air)
 Jantung terbagi 4 ruang, antara kanan dan
kiri sekat belum sempurna. Pada buaya
terdapat penghubung antara ventrikel
kanan dan kiri yg disebut foramen panizzae
 Bersifat poikilotermal
Terbagi menjadi 4 ordo
 Squamata : reptilia bersisik

 Chelonia : golongan kura-kura

 Crocodilia / Loricata : ekor memipih

 Rhynchocephalia : sudah punah

kecuali Sphenodon punctatum
Contoh klasifikasi reptilia
Kadal ( Mabouya multifasciata)
 Kelas : Reptilai
 Ordo : Squamata
 Sub ordo : Lacertilia

 Familia : Scincidae
 Genus : Mabouya
 Spesies : Mabouya multifasciata,Kuhl
1.Order Crocodylia (Crocodiles)
2.Order Squamata :
 Suborder Amphisbaenia (Worm-
 Suborder Sauria (Lacertilia) (Lizards)
 Suborder Serpentes (Ophidia) (Snakes)
3.Order Testudinata (Chelonia) (Turtles and
 Suborder Cryptodira (Hidden-Necked
 Suborder Pleurodira
Ciri khas reptilia
 Tubuh dilindungi kulit dg lap bahan tanduk (sisik
 Tak ada kel keringat dan lendir pada kulit
 Respirasi dg paru-paru
 Tetrapoda, pentadactyla bercakar
 Celah kloaka transversal atau longitudinal
 Di daerah mulut terbtk langit-langit sekunder
 Bergigi kecuali kura-kura dg tipe pleurodont
atau acrodont
 Ada lidah, pd buaya dan kura-kura lidah tebal
pendek melekat pd dasar mulut
Lidah pd ular langsing dan ujung
terbelah (bifida) dapat dijulurkan.
Pada anggota ular dan lacertilia
banyak mengandung corpusculum
Kelopak mata dapat bergerak atau
tidak dpt bergerak
Alat kopulasi sepasang berupa
hemipenis pd kadal dan ular
Embrio reptil mempunyai gigi telur
 Tubuh dilindungi oleh perisai yang berbtk kotak
Bag dorsal (charapax), bag ventral (plastron)
terdiri dari 2 lapisan :
-lap luar : bahan tanduk tipis
-lap dalam : kepingan tulang
 Tak ada gigi
 Kelopak mata dpt digerakkan
 Alat kopulasi jml satu, celah kloaka memanjang
 Dibagi dlm 2 subordo :
1. cryptodira
2. pleurodira
1.Chelonia mydas
2.Testudo hermanni
(SO Cryptodira)
 1  2
1.Chelodina longicolis
2.Pelomedusa subrufa
(SO Pleurodira)
 1  2
(fosil hidup)
 Ex : Sphenodon punctatum
 Pupil mata vertikal

 Bentuk tbh mirip anggota lacertilia

 Ekor memipih lateral

 Pada yg jantan terdpt jengger di

sepanjang kepala punggung dan ekor
 Tidak memiliki alat kopulasi
Sphenodon punctatum
 The tuataras are two
species of reptile
found in New Zealand.
They are the only
surviving members of
Rhynchocephalia, or
nodontida and have
been classified as
endangered species
since 1895.
Ordo Crocodila
 Kulit tebal dg kepingan tulang tersusun berderet,
pd bag punggung rapat dan teratur
 Kepala besar bentuk kerucut, dilengkapi dg gigi
 Lubang telinga tertutup oleh lipatan kulit yg
dapat membuka dan menutup
 Lubang hidung dg tutup
 Lidah besar tebal terletak pd dasar mulut dg
seluruh sisi ventral
 Mata kecil pupil vertikal
 Terdapat langit-langit sekunder yg memisahkan
rongga hidung dan rongga mulut
Dibagi menjadi 3 familia :
1. Gavialidae

2. Crocodilidae

3. Alligatoridae
Familia Gavialidae
 Moncong panjang dan ramping
 Rahang atas tiap sisi 28 gigi dan rahang
bawah tiap sisi 25 gigi
 Makanan berupa ikan (tidak berbahaya)
 The gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is the
only surviving member of the family
Gavialidae, a long-established group of
crocodile-like reptiles with long, narrow
jaws. The gharial (sometimes Indian
gharial, or gavial) is the second-largest
of all surviving crocodilians: a large
individual can be 6-7 metres long.
Gavialis gangeticus
Familia Crocodilidae
 Moncong kuat agak melebar
 Rahang atas dan bawah tiap sisi dg 19 gigi
 Habitat : danau, rawa, sungai
 A crocodile is any species belonging to the family
Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily
Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to
include all members of the order Crocodilia: i.e. the true
crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae)
and the gharial (family Gavialidae).
 The crocodiles (colloquially called crocs), are large aquatic
reptiles that live throughout the Tropics in Africa, Asia, the
Americas and Australia.
 The larger species of crocodiles can be very dangerous to
humans. The Saltwater and Nile Crocodiles are the most
dangerous, killing hundreds of people each year in parts of
South-East Asia and Africa. American Alligators, and possibly
the endangered Black Caiman, are also dangerous to humans.
Crocodylus palustris
Familia Alligatoridae
 Kepala pendek, lebar
 Moncong lebar membulat
 Rahang atas tiap sisi dg 17-20 gigi, rahang bawah 18-20 gigi
 Alligators and caimans are reptiles closely related to the
crocodiles and forming the family Alligatoridae (sometimes
regarded instead as the subfamily Alligatorinae). Together
with the Gharial (family Gavialidae) they make up the order
 Alligators differ from crocodiles principally in having wider
and shorter heads, with more obtuse snouts; in having the
fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw received, not into an
external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper
one; in lacking a jagged fringe which appears on the hind
legs and feet of the crocodile; and in having the toes of the
hind feet webbed not more than half way to the tips. In
general, the more dangerous crocodilians to human beings
tend to be crocodiles rather than alligators.
Alligator missisipiensis
 The true alligators are now restricted
to two species, A. mississippiensis in
the Southern United States, which
grows up to 4 m (12 ft) in length,
and the small A. sinensis in the
Yangtze River,
People's Republic of China
 Tubuh tertutup sisik dr bahan tanduk
 Tipe gigi pleurodont kecuali fam agamidae
 Lubang kloaka transversal
 Alat kopulasi berupa hemipenis
 Ordo squamata dibagi 3 subordo

1. Lacertilia (Sauria)
2. Ophidia (serpentes)
3. Amphisbaenia
 tubuh dpt dibedakan atas kepala, badan, tungkai
dan ekor
 beberapa ada yg tak bertungkai tp masih
memiliki gelang bahu atau gelang panggul dlm
keadaan utuh atau mereduksi
 Kelopak mata dpt digerakkan
 Lidah pendek tebal
 Pengelupasan kulit terjadi sedikit demi sedikit
 Contoh : Hemidactylus frenatus, Gecko gecko,
Iguana, Draco valans, Mabouya, Varanus
Lizards are reptiles of the order
Squamata, which they share with the
snakes (Ophidians). They are usually four-
legged, with external ear openings and
movable eyelids. Species range in adult
length from a few centimeters (some
Caribbean geckos) to nearly three meters
(Komodo dragons).
 They are distinguished from true snakes
by the presence of eyelids and ears.
Heloderma suspectum
 The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
is a species of lizard that was once thought
to be one of only two species of venomous
lizards. (The other is the
Mexican beaded lizard.) The Gila
(pronounced /'hilə/) monster lives in the
deserts of the southwestern USA and
northwestern Mexico. It is a heavy, slow
moving lizard, up to 60 cm
60  (2 feet
(2  ) long.
Its skin has the appearance of beads in the
colors black, pink, orange, and yellow, laid
down in intricate patterns across the body.
Heloderma suspectum
 Iguanas tend to have tall, flat plates
jutting from their back like spines,
when adult. Several species of this
genus are common as pets,
especially the Green Iguana in the
United States and Canada, which can
easily grow to six feet long
Varanus komodoensis
 The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest lizard
in the world, growing to an average length of 2-3 meters (10
feet). In the wild large adults tend to weigh around 70kg (154
 It is a member of the monitor lizard family, Varanidae, and
inhabits various islands in Indonesia. The Papua monitor, Varanus
salvadorii may surpass the Komodo in length but it is slimmer and
weighs less.
 Komodo Dragons are carnivorous. Although they seem to like
dead prey.
 The Komodo dragon's prey is wide ranging, and includes wild pigs,
goats, deer, and water buffaloes.
 Komodo dragons take around five years to mature, growing to 2
metres in length, and they can live for up to 30 years.
 There are approximately 6,000 living Komodo dragons, restricted
to the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia, including the islands of
Komodo (1,700), Rinca (1,300), Gili Motang (100) and Flores
(maybe 2,000).
Varanus komodoensis
Green tree monitor lizard, Varanus
Calotes versiclor
Gecko gecko
Draco taeniopterus

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