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Presented By:
Maria Elisa Belarso
• Normal Growth And Development Of

• Who are toddlers?

• Toddlers are children who are 1 to 3

years of age. This time period is a stage
of growth for your young child. During
this time, he will go through many changes
in his physical, psychological (mental and
emotional), and social development.
The toddler years can be
challenging ones (and
sometimes frustrating),
both for parents and
Toddlers learn by doing lots
of things, including parents,
who gets in their way.  
over and over, even after
they’ve been told not to.
Parents should Be patient with
a toddler. they will need to
teach them the rules again and
again and remind them over
and over when he forgets.
 A toddler is not trying to
drive us crazy so we shouldn’t
take their behaviour
Body contour is
normal for this
• Complete teeth
stage. Because
although they
• Prominent abdomen
walk well, their
abdominal muscles
• Has a forward curve
of spine are not yet strong
enough o support
• Weight and length: The child
may gain four times his birth
weight during this time. His
length may increase to about 22
inches. The length is your child’s
height measured while he is lying
In these years, a child becomes
stronger and starts to look
longer and leaner. Physical
growth is slower than in the first
3 years of life, but the outward
changes can be dramatic.
(gross & fine)
By age 2, most
children can walk
•Able to make up stairs one at
simple lines using a time, kick a
chalk and pencil. ball, and draw
simple strokes
with a pencil.
• child’s muscles develop as his motor (movement)
skills get better.

• Body control or movement: Your child may sit

without support at about one year of age. He may
start walking on his own or still need to hold your
hand. Later, he may be able to jump.
• Able to walk, By age 3, most
run, and climb can dress and
stairs alone. undress
draw a person
with a head,
body, arms, and
legs; and write
some small and
capital letters.
Children at this
stage are able to
•When his toys remember an
is missing he action, and then
knows where to imitate it later,
find it. it is what we
called “Deferred
•Able to identify A child this age
shape such as: makes great
Square and strides in being
able to think and
reason. In these
•Can identify years, children
color such as: learn their letters,
Red and White. counting, and
colors. Their play
becomes more
creative as they
learn to imagine.
He imitates what ever he sees in
At the end of the
•Could follow toddler period,
children enter the
second stage which
given by his is the “pre-
mother Like: operational
putting Garbage thought”, in this
on the trash can, stage children
and changing deals with symbols
his/ her clothes. that they did while
still in the
sensimotor period
of cognition.
•His parents are Child has develop
always His
because they
have learned to
•Friendly to others trust themselves
and others
•Cries when his during the infant
mother or father year.
leaves him.
(COMMUNICATION) The ability to use words
DEVELOPMENT grows quickly in these
•Can speak but not years. By age 2, most
children can say at least
too clear.
50 words. These are used
•Can repeat words to ask questions
he heard. constantly, up to 400
•Able to count times a day, mostly “how”
and “why? Questions.
Numbers such as 1
up to 10.
Speech: Your child tries to form
words which may result to babbling
(talking without meaning) at first.
Later, he learns to use actions to
tell what he wants. He learns a lot
of words which may start to come
out like sentences. At around two
years of age, he may be able to
make 2 to 3 word sentences.
• Understanding words: Your child may
be able to point to a body part when
named or point to pictures in books.
Later, he may be able to name
familiar pictures. He may recite or
fill in words in stories that he knows.
Your child may also be able to follow
simple directions and requests.
An example of Babbling:

An example of
All during the toddler
period, children play
beside children next
to them. This side by
•Cooperates with his side play (called
playmates. Parallel play)
•Plays ball and blocks Is not unfriendly but
usually. is a normal
sequence that occurs
during the
toddler period.

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