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Perancangan Algoritma

Drs. Janoe Hendarto M.Kom.

Laboratorium Algoritma & Komputasi

Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika
Universitas Gadjah Mada
What is an algorithm?

• “An algorithm is like a recipe, it must be followed exactly, it must

be unambigious, and it must have an end.”
• An algorithm is a precise sequence of steps to solve a problem.
• An algorithm should generate a solution. The solution may
NOT be the “best” solution to the problem.
• The algorithm may NOT be the most efficient way to solve the
• An issue that arises in designing an algorithm is that we have to
describe the algorithm in an orderly and unambiguous way. This
is not as easy as it may seem.
Designing algorithms
• Determine the right steps
• Determine the correct order of the steps
• Follow the steps completely
• Verify that the algorithm is working correctly
• Determine if algorithm is the “best” approach for solving
A simple, but outdated, example to compare
Brute-Force and Divide and Conquer algorithms

• Consider the problem of looking up a

name in the phone book. (I know that
you have probably never had to do this
in your life!)
• If you are looking up, e.g., Mike
Shephard in the phone book then the
following would be an algorithm for
finding the phone number.
Brute-Force algorithm
Brute-Force algorithm
Brute-Force algorithm
Brute-Force algorithm
What can we do to reduce the amount of work?
Divide and Conquer Approach
Divide and Conquer Approach
Divide and Conquer Approach
Divide and Conquer Approach
Divide and Conquer Approach
Divide and Conquer Approach
Brute-Force vs Divide and Conquer
Different algorithms for the same problem
may give different answers
Algorithm I - Random
Algorithm I - Random
Algorithm I - Random
Algorithm II – Sort the value
• Arrange items from most valuable to least valuable and add
items in order if they fit
Algorithm II - Sort the value
Algorithm II - Sort the value
Algorithm III- Sort the ratio value/weight
• Compute the ratio of value per unit size and add items in order
if they fit
Algorithm III- Sort the ratio value/weight
Algorithm III- Sort the ratio value/weight
BackPack Problem
 Algorithm I - Random
 Algorithm II - Sort the value
 Algorithm III- Sort the ratio value/weight
Reference :

” Introduction to Computational Thinking”,

Peterson, Janet
Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University, in Tallahassee, Florida.

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