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Kiran Mishra
MSc Part II
Sem 3 Paper 1

• What is research design?

• Why is research design important?

• Classification of study designs - Observational and interventional studies

• Role of the researcher


• Also known as Experimental study designs

• What is an intervention design?

• Test group, control group

• Where are experimental study designs used?

- To establish Causal Relationship
- To compare the effects of multiple drug/treatment

• Two groups – Control and test/treatment.

• Both groups are randomized

• Intervention and placebo/sham procedure

• Unbiased study
• Example:
-A Pilot of a Randomized Control Trial of Melatonin and Vitamin C for Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 (effect of dietary
supplements on symptom course and quality of life in patients)
- 3 arm study –
1. Control group (n=34)
2. Vitamin C – 1000mg (n=32)
3. Melatonin – 1o mg (n=32)
- All supplements taken for 14 days

- Conclusion of the study :

Vitamin C 1000 mg once daily has no effect on disease progression. Melatonin 10 mg daily may have a statistically
significant effect but it is unclear if this represents a clinically significant benefit to those with mild-to-moderate
symptoms of COVID-19 infection. Further study is warranted.

• Allocation concealment

• Blinding

• Compliance

• Co-intervention

• Prone to bias

• No randomization

• Depends on researcher/patient

• Results aren’t too valid.

• Example: Effects of Oral Multi-Vitamin Multi-Mineral Supplement Formulations on Laboratory Outcomes and Quality
of Life
- Three-arm non-randomized controlled trial.
- A total of 72 healthy adult individuals with total serum 25-(OH)D level of 20–29 ng/ml were invited to choose from the
three available options
(1) Hydro-Cell-Key (HCK®, Hepart AG, Switzerland) –
a) vitamin D3 2,000 IU,
b) vitamin C 1,000 mg,
c) vitamin E 166 mg,
d) vitamin A 1 mg,
e) coenzyme Q10 30 mg,
f) natural carotenoids 8 mg, and
g) citrus flavonoids 200 mg in granule formulation
(2) VTL-7 (VWSC) contains similar vitamins and minerals but in capsule formulation
(3) Placebo capsule (no supplement)
• Conclusion: The supplements of MVMM in capsule formulation increased the serum
levels of some micronutrients to a higher extent than that of granule formulation.
Participant adherence remains a potential confounder and should be further explored.

• Cluster of similar people.

• Requires special statistical analysis

• Example: Implementation Evaluation of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Promote the Use of Respiratory
Protective Equipment Among Migrant Workers Exposed to Organic Solvents in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

- 60 SMEs -> random allocation to a low- or high-intensive intervention group, or a control group.
- The low-intensive intervention group was subjected to both traditional and Health occupational health education.
- The high-intensive intervention group was subjected to the low-intensive group activities and peer education.

- Conclusion: A multi-component occupational health intervention to promote the use of RPE among workers in SMEs was
feasible and acceptable. Peer education had great potential to enhance implementation of use of RPE.

• allows the study of two interventions in the same trial without unduly increasing the required number of participants.
• Allows study of interaction between both the interventions

• Example
- In a study, infants in south India being administered a rotavirus vaccine were randomly assigned to receive a zinc
supplement and a probiotic, only probiotic (with zinc placebo), only zinc supplement (with probiotic placebo), or neither
(probiotic placebo and zinc placebo)

- Conclusion:
- Neither zinc nor probiotic led to any change in the immunogenicity of the vaccine
- The group receiving the zinc-probiotic combination had a modest improvement

• A special type of study designs – participants intentionally crossover to the other arm
• Washout period between the crossover

• Advantages:
• Self controls
• Compensation for failed randomization.

• Limitations:
• More advantageous over RCT but is not possible in all conditions (if disease is curable)
• Example:
-In healthy adults resistant maltodextrin produces a greater change in fecal Bifidobacteria counts and increases stool wet
weight: a double-blind, randomized, controlled crossover study.
- 51 participants were randomized to consume
0g of RMD (25g of maltodextrin)
15 g RMD (15 g RMD and 10 g maltodextrin) and
25 g RMD
- Followed by a 2-week washout.
- Participants collected all stools for 2 days at weeks 0 and 3 of each intervention for stool wet weight (WW)
measurements and fecal Bifidobacteria counts.

- Conclusion: RMD was well tolerated and allowed individuals who typically consume an inadequate fiber diet to exceed
recommendations for total daily fiber intake. Gastrointestinal symptom data suggested that both 15 g and 25 g of RMD
were fermented, whereas only 25 g of RMD resulted in a greater change in Bifidobacteria and an increase in stool WW.

• Aka Pre-post or before after studies.

• No control arm
• Causal relationships can’t be established.
• Basis of deriving a conclusion - the temporal relationship of the measurements to the intervention
• Variable of interest is measured before and after an intervention in the same participants
• Example - Etramp5 as a useful serological marker in children to assess the immediate effects of mass drug campaigns
for malaria.

- Study Design:
- 25 schools – with at least 100 students per school who are available to take the intervention, and are regularly enrolled in
the school.
- Children self reported who all took part in the mass drug administration campaign.
- Control was also done on the basis of children who denied participation in the mass drug campaign

- Conclusion:
-> In the present cohort of Haitian children, antibody responses against ETR51 were rapidly affected by a tMDA campaign
using primaquine.
-> Seropositivity to ETR51 was significantly reduced in the 2–6 weeks following the intervention, confirming its usefulness
as a short-term marker in child populations.

• No control arm in the study at the present moment.

• Historical Control

• Liable to high risk of bias


• Design is limited to the testing population, variations are expected across the globe.

• Artificial settings of experiments may alter the behaviours or responses of participants

• Cost if special equipment or facilities are needed

• Limitation to carrying out an experiment due to ethical reason.

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