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What do we mean by Outbound training?

Corporate Outbound Training entails use of soft adventure activities and management games to develop various themes such as leadership skills, confidence building conflict management, communication and teamwork in a group of people. This training programs aims to take executives, out of the comfort zone of their normal office environment -that is out of doors -to participate in some specially designed outdoor exercises and management games. These exercises are in turn reviewed and integrated to the corporate environment through facilitator led sessions.

Why Outbound Training?

Outbound Training enables participants to learn and experience the challenges in an unfamiliar ground. It helps to enhance behavioral skills and qualities of an individual, bringing out latent facets of one's personality. Interactive sessions, creative activities, nature trails, leadership, team building exercises, treasure hunts, camp fires, etc helps in building confidence among the participants and better relate to their work situations.

Mission of OBTs
Our use and practice of 'action learning' - utilizing concrete experiences as a learning tool - helps participants gain immediate and powerful insights into their work behavior. The importance of teamwork, communication, planning, delegation get highlighted automatically during this process. The consequences of every wrong action are immediately faced by the participants and similarly the fruits of right actions are also immediately savored by them. Trained facilitators help them relate the fantastic and fulfilled experiences to their real work place experiences.

The area of emphasis:

Team Building Team Working Leadership Skills Creative Problem Solving Interpersonal Communication Group Interaction Decision making

Outdoor training is a proven and effective method to train and develop staff, irrespective of their level and responsibilities within organizations. Outdoor methods differ from standard training strategies in several Important ways: Outdoor training task is a direct and clear means by which group interaction is assessed and developed. The impact of decisions and action participants take is immediate and directly relates to the success of the team. When out of doors, the familiar influences and the support culture within the workplace are removed and the participants are able to concentrate on the activity and the training. By removing of the daily work environment, the explicit aim of the method is to provide an effective, enjoyable and challenging experience.

A situation in which a particular set of conditions is created artificially in order to study or experience something that could exist in reality. The act of pretending that something is real when it is not. Simulation is imitation of some real thing, state of affairs, or process

Computer Simulation
A computer simulation(or"sim") is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical situation on a computer so that it can be studied to see how the system works

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