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What will be your reactions:

From being a little girl , that coud not see and talk, because of her blindness and deft. its very
hard for her to communicate the people around her.thats why, she is always messing and
meaking trouble. Bec. The people around her also dint know what to do with her.
But bec. Of the Perseverance and patient of Annie Sulivan, the tchr. Of hellen. She did not
give up, even in the very hardship of being an assistant of Hellen.she pursue her very best , so
that Hellen could learn to communicate and for her perseverance and patient soon.. Hellen,
Learn how to communicate the people around her.
It is also like in GMRC , That in every aspec of our life being a Christian .
What so ever strougles or hardship we encounter…We must be patient on how GOD can make
possible in the imposible.we never stop serving HIM even in a very difeccult times couse we
know that in our prayer GOD moves.
Hellen keller , graduated from Radecliffe colle with A.B honors
And become a world famous advocate for social equality. She was also awarded by the
President , Medal of Freedom.

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