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Alberts et al., 2008
Chapter 10
• Two types of biological membranes:
– plasma membrane
– membrane-enclosed organelles.
• Plasma membrane
- encloses the cell,
- defines its boundaries,
- maintains essential differences between cytosol and
extracellulair environtment.
• Membran-enclosed organelles
- maintain the characteristic differences (i.e. differences
in solute concentration) between each organelle and the
Figure 10.1. The structure of bilayer lipid
The Lipid Component of membrane
A. Phospolipid
• Lipid molecules:
- ± 50% of most animal cell membranes.
- All lipid molecules in cell membranes are amphiphilic or
amphiphatic, that is they have a hidrophobic (water fearing)
or nonpolar end and a hidrophilic (water loving) or polar end.
• Phospholipid is the most abundant lipid membrane.
• The most abundant phosfolipid in animal cell membrane is
- have three-carbon glycerol backbone.
- The hydrocarbon chain (the tail) is nonpolar or hiyrophobic
- the phosphate head is polar or hydrophilic.
By combining different head groups and fatty acid
chains, cells make various phosphoglycerides.
Shown is a phosphatidilcholine
Figure 10.7. Packing arrangement of lipid
molecules in aquaeus environment. Cone-shaped
lipid molecules form micelles while cylindrical-
shaped phospholipid molecules form bilayers.
The Lipid Component of membrane
A. Phospolipid
• Sphingomyelin, another type of phospholipid,
built from sphingosin rather than glycerol.
• Sphingosin is a long fatty acid chain with an
amino group (NH2) and two hydroxyl groups
(OH) at one end.
• Together the phospholipid, phosphatydilcholine,
phosphatidiletahnolamyne, phosphatydilsherine
and sphingomyelin constitute more that half of
mamalian cell membrane biomass.
The Lipid Component of membrane
B. Cholesterol
The structure of Cholesterol. The hydrophilic
head is a hydroxil group.
Fluidity of Lipid Bilayer
• The fluidity of membrane cell has to be regulated.
Membrane transport and enzyme activity cease
when viscosity of the membrane increase beyond
the treshold level.
• The fluidity of lipid bilayer depends on its
composition and its temperature.
• In liquid condition, phospholipid component in lipid
bilayer can easily make a rotation movement and
lateral diffusion in a monolayer. However it is
difficult to make a flip-flop or transversal
movement from one monolayer to aother monolayer.
Fluidity of Lipid Bilayer
The mobility of phospholipid in an artificial lipid

Figure 10.11
The Asymetry of lipid bilayer
The Asymetry of lipid bilayer

• The asymetry of lipid bilayer is

functionally important, especially
- to convert extracellulair signals into
intracellulair ones..
The assymetrical distribusi of phospholipid and
glykolipid in the lipid bilayer of human red blood
yellow phosphatidiletanolamine, green phosphatidilserin, red
phosphatidilcholin, dark red sphingomyelin
The Lipid Component of membrane
C. Glycolipid
• Glycolipid is
- distributed assymetrically in lipid bilayer.
- only found exclusively in the monolayer facing the
extracellulair part.
- produced by addition of sugar group into the lipid
molecule in Golgi complex.
- presents in all animal cell membranes and
constitutes 5 % of lipid molekul in extracellulair
• A more complex glykolipid, i.e. gangliosida, contains
oligosacharides with one or more sialic acid residu.
Glykolipid molecule found in cell membrane
The Protein Component of membrane
• The amount, type and function of membrane proteins are
greatly vary.
• Plasma membrane contains protein almost half of the
membrane biomass.
• Transmembrane protein (integral protein) is amphiphatic,
i.e. has the hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts.
• Peripher membrane potein is only bound to one membrane
surface through nonkovalent interaction with other
membrane protein
• Examples of membrane protein are those function as: -
- enzyme,
- cell recognition, etc.
Various ways in which protein associates with
the lipid bilayer
The Protein Component of membrane:
• Many of the transmembrane proteins in animal cell
are glycosilated.
• Sugar residu is added in RE lumen and golgi complex.
The oligosacharide chain is always in the
noncytoplsmic side of the membrane.
• Carbohydrate presents as an oligosacharide chain.
Covalently bound to protein membrane (glycoprotein)
and lipid (glycolipid).
• Glycoprotein and glycolipid constitute the sugar coat
or glycocalics.
Carbohidrate in lipid and integral protein of
plasma membrane

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