Kings Theory Sana Areeba

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King’s theory

of goal

Assigned by: Madam Natasha

Presented by: Sana Laraib,
Areeba Azhar
At the end of presentation the learner will be able to:
Who is Imogene king
Define Major concepts and assumption of Kings theory
What is Paradigm of kings theory
Nursing Process and king’s theory of goal attainment
Describe King’s work and Characteristics of a theory
Evaluation of King’s goal attainment theory
Imogene king
Imogene king born in 1923.
Earned a diploma in nursing from St. John’s
Hospital of Nursing in St Louis in 1945.
Worked as office nurse, staff nurse, school nurse,
and private duty nurse to support herself while
studying for baccalaureate degree.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. Louis
University in 1957.
Doctorate from Teacher’s college, Columbia
University, New York in 1961
Major concepts and definitions

King developed a general systems framework and a theory of goal

attainment where the framework refers to the three interacting system
• Individual or personal
• Group or interpersonal
• Society or social
While the theory of goal attainment pertains to the importance of
interaction, perception, communication, transaction, self , role , stress,
growth and development, time, and personal space.
1-Personal system
The concepts for the personal
system are:
• Perception
• Self
• Growth and development
• Body image
• Space
• Time
• Learning
2- Interpersonal system

The concepts associated for the

interpersonal system are:
• Interaction
• Communication
• Transaction
• Role
• Stress
3-Social system
The final interacting system is the social system. This shows how the
nurse interacts with co workers, superiors, subordinates and the clients
environment in general.
The concepts related to social system are:
• Organization
• Authority
• Power
• Status
• Decision

• Making
• Control
Major assumption

King’s conceptual framework and theory of goal attainment

‘‘ are based on an overall assumption that the focus of nursing is human
beings interacting with their environment leading to a state of health for
individuals, which is an ability to function in social roles’’
Paradigm of king’s theory
In king’s theory of goal
attainment, she discussed the four
concepts of human beings, health,
environmental society and
1. Human being
2. Health
3. Environment
4. Nursing
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1.Human being
Human being or person refers to social being who are rational and
• Person has ability to:
-set goals
-select means to achieve goal and
-to make decision
Human beings have three fundamental
Human being…. i. The need for health information that is
unable at the time when it is needed and
can be used.
ii. The need for care that seeks to prevent
illness, and
iii. The need for care when human beings are
unable to help themselves.

Health: King defines health as

‘‘dynamic life experience of human
being, which implies continuous
adjustment to stressors in the
internal and external environment
through optimum use of one’s
resources to achieve maximum
potential for daily living’’.
3. Environment
Environment: king’s framework does not
specially define environment, but views as
the social system, portion of her open
system framework.
‘‘Environment is function of balance
between internal and external interaction.’’
Internal environment: transforms energy
to enable person to adjust to continuous
external environmental changes.
External environment: involves formal and
informal organizations. Nurse is a part of
the patient’s environment.
Nursing is observable behavior found in
the health care system in society.
Nursing is viewed as ‘‘ interpersonal
process of action, reaction, interaction, and
transaction, whereby nurse and client
share information about their perceptions
in the nursing situation’’
And as a process of human interaction,
between nurse and client where by each
perceives the other and the situation and
through communications,
They set goals explore means and agree on
means to achieve goals.
Action: is defined as a sequence of
behavior, involving mental and physical
Reaction is not specifically defined but
might be considered to be included in the
sequence of behaviors described in action.
In addition king’s discussed.
• The goal of the nurse
• Nursing domain
• Function of professional nurse
Nursing process and theory of goal
Nursing Process Method Nursing Process Theory
 A system of oriented actions  A system of oriented concepts
 assessment  Perception, communication and
interaction of nurse and client
 Planning  Decision making about the goals
and be agree on the means to attain
the goals
 Implementation  Transaction made
 Evaluation  Goal attained
King’s work and characteristics of a theory

King has interrelated the

Kings work compares with the
characteristics of a theory concepts of interaction,
presented and discussed below: perception, communication,
transaction, self , role, stress,
Theories can interrelate concepts growth and development, time,
in such a way as to create a
and space into a theory of goal
different way of looking at a
particular phenomenon. attainment
King’s work and characteristics of a theory
2-King’s theory of goal
2-Theories must be attainment does describe
logical in nature. a logical sequence of

3- Although the
3-Theories should presentation appears
be relatively to be complex,
simple yet King’s theory of goal
generalizable. attainment is
relatively simple.
4-king(1990) presents following
King’s work and hypotheses that she states are
characteristics of a being tested:
 Mutual goal setting will
theory Continue… increase ability to perform
activities of daily living.
 Mutual goal setting by nurse
4- Theories can be the basis patient leads to goal
for hypothesis that can be attainment.
treated or for theory to be  Goal attainment will be
expanded. greater in patients who
participate in goal setting.
 ….
 Mutual goal setting will increase
elderly patients’ morale.
 Perceptual congruence in nurse-
patient interactions increases
King’s work and mutual goal setting.
characteristics of a  Goal attainment decreases stress
and anxiety in nursing situations.
theory Continue…  Congruence in role expectations
and role performance increases
transactions in nurse-patient
King’s work and characteristics of a theory

5-Theories contribute to and assist

in increasing the general body of 5-king reports the results of
knowledge within the discipline a descriptive study
through the research implemented conducted to test the theory
to validate them. of goal attainment.
King’s work and characteristics of a theory
6-As demonstrated in the
discussion of nursing process,
6-Theories can be used by king’s theory goal attainment
practitioners to guide and can be used as a guide to
improve their practice practice, she also developed the
goal oriented nursing record in
an effort to assist the practice of
King’s work and characteristics of a theory

7-Theories must be 7-King’s theory of goal

consistent with other attainment is not an apparent
validated theories, laws, and conflict with other validated
principles but leave open theories, laws and principles.
unanswered questions that Many questions are open for
need to be investigated exploration.
King’s statement about her theory

‘‘ Nurses who have knowledge of the concepts of this theory of goal
attainment are able to accurately perceive what is happening to patients
and family members and are able to suggest approaches for coping with
the situation.’’
Evaluation of king’s theory

A major strong point of King’s conceptual system and Theory of Goal
Attainment is how nurses can understand goal attainment theory and
describe a logical sequence of events.
For most parts, concepts are concretely defined and illustrated.
King’s definitions are clear and are conceptually derived from the
research literature. Her Theory of Goal Attainment presents ten major
concepts. The concepts are easily understood and derived from the
research literature, which clearly establishes King’s work as important
for knowledge building in nursing.
Theory of Goal Attainment has been criticized for having limited
application in nursing areas in which patients are unable to interact
competently with the nurse. King maintained the broad use of the theory
in most nursing situations.
Another limitation relates to the lack of development of applying the
theory in providing nursing care to groups, families, or communities.
King’s theory also contains some inconsistencies: (1) She indicates that
nurses are concerned about groups’ health care but concentrates her
discussion on nursing as occurring in a dyadic relationship. (2) King says
that the nurse and client are strangers, yet she speaks of their working
together for goal attainment and the importance of health maintenance.

King contributed to the advancement of nursing knowledge by
developing her conceptual system and middle-range Theory of Goal
Attainment. By focusing on attaining goals or outcomes by nurse-patient
partnerships, King provided a conceptual system and middle-range
theory that has demonstrated its usefulness to nurses. Nurses working in
various settings with patients from around the world continue to use
King’s work to improve the quality of patient care.

BT Basvanthapa
Tomey, A.M.,(1994) Nursing Theorists And Their Work. 3rd ed. Missouri:

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