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• Each participant is given three talking tickets, each

representing a certain amount of time.

• Once someone has used all her or his tickets, that person has
no further opportunities to speak.

• It encourages students for critical thinking, time management

and confidence, but also gives every student an equal
opportunity to speak.


• This technique was introduced in 1981 by Professor Frank Lyman. This strategy is based
on the idea of co-operative learning and peer interaction.

There are four steps in think-pair-share technique:

• Problem: Teacher asks students an open-ended question or poses a problem to which

there may be a variety of answers.

• Think: Students are given ‘think time’ and are directed by the teacher to think about the
problem or question.

• Pair: Students utilize the ‘think time’ and turn their faces to their learning partner and
work together to share ideas, discuss, clarify, challenge and arrive at possible solutions.

• Share: The pair then shares their ideas with another pair, or with the whole class. It is
important that students need to be able to share their partner’s ideas as well as their own.

• In this method, the discussion is carried out in written form. It is

also called silent discussion.

• Teacher poses a key question and asks students to write a response

at the top of a page.

• Each paper is then passed to the person on the right, who reads the
first statement and responds to it by writing something below.

• Because the facilitator does not see what participants write, this
method can enable them to express views they might desire to keep
from the facilitator
• Turn to Your Neighbour: This is used
when there are easy answers to questions Sharing limited resources :It is another
and teacher wants quick response. A way to create positive interdependence.
question is asked; students turn to a Giving one
classmate sitting next to them to discuss paper/book/quiz/poster/markers/assignment/
their answer within 30 seconds. to a group helps draw group members
together to complete an assignment.
• Jigsaw: Material or work is divided
among each member of the group. Every Limiting resources is important not only in
individual has a portion of the required light of budget constraints but is also the
task and no one has everything that is best way to increase the chances that
needed to complete the task. Students cooperation will occur within the group.
share their information within the group
members. Group members need each
other to obtain the full experience.

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