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Alfonso Paolo A. Rivera, LPT, MAEd

Mission, Vision,
and Core Values

Course Introduction
Grading System
Classroom Policies

WCC Education System is committed to

develop World Citizens who contribute
to the advancement of humanity by
providing excellent and holistic
education with a firm Christian
foundation that is relevant,
responsive and outcomes-based in
curriculum, global in scope,
nationalistic in perspective, and
culturally diverse in orientation.

By the year 2020, the WCC Education

System envisions itself as one of the
leading providers of industry-
relevant, highly competent graduates
with a passion for improving society
1. High quality specialized education
2. A culture of excellence
3. Strengthened values formation

In my heart and mind, Christ's love and sacrifice is treasured. In words
and in deeds, the love that was given to me through the cross is shown to
my fellowmen. The truth that has set me free remains the light that
guides me in my walk. 

Inspired by the words of Christ, "I came not to be served but to serve,"
I help the community through an excellent, competent, humble and
righteous direction. Marked by my deep desire to look after those who are
in need, as a World Citizen, I plant the seed of my youth to the fertile
soil of authentic Christian leadership. 
Excellence In all toil and labor, I give my best effort. Where there
is a need for sacrifice, I am always ready to offer that extra-mile. I
shun off mediocrity but rejoice in the success of my pursuits. 

I am a person of strength, yet my heart remains broken before Jesus. I
realize that God-given might shall be for those who need it the most.
I am always ready to give a helping hand, no matter how costly the
sacrifice maybe. I am gentle in spirit, an epitome of unconditional
love and tenderness. 

The love of God has made me a complete person. Being such, I cherish a
life that shows the virtues of Christianity. In home and school, in
every work or play, wherever and in whatever circumstances I am in, I
become the salt and light that Christ commands everyone to be. I set
the example of a Godly attitude.

1. CLASS PARTICIPATION: All students are strongly encouraged to ask

questions during class sessions. Students can also present their ideas
on topic regardless of whether they are consistent with those of the
instructor or author of the textbook they are using. Students are not
free to talk or whisper with individual during class session.
2. MISSED EXAMS AND ASSIGNMENT: Students who will miss any major
examination will be given a chance to take the said examination after
a week of the scheduled major examination and will be required to
present a special permit from the cashier’s office. For quizzes or
assignments taken online, if an error in the system or internet
connectivity problems occurred while taking the quiz or submission of
the assignment, a re-scheduled time and date will be set by the
professor for the particular student.
3. ACADEMIC HONESTY: All students are to adhere to high standards of
integrity in their academic work. Plagiarism and cheating are not
acceptable and will not be condoned by the college. Students
involved in such activities are subject to serious disciplinary
action. For further explanation on this topic, please refer to the WCC
Student Handbook.

PRELIMINARY GRADE - Average of quizzes (3 quizzes) + Class standing (Recitation,

Learning Activities, Oral Report) + Prelim Exam

MIDTERM GRADE - Average of quizzes (3 quizzes) + Class standing (Recitation,

Learning Activities, Oral Report) + Midterm Exam

FINAL GRADE - Average of quizzes (3 quizzes) + Class standing (Recitation, Learning

Activities, Oral Report) + Final Exam

OVERALL GRADE - Prelim Grade + Midterm Grade + Pre-Final Grade


1. All Class Related Activities, Announcements, Projects, and Major Exams will be
posted in the LMS (Learning Management System) – WCC Orange App.

2. Kindly Switch ON Video Cameras during Synchronous Lectures.

3. Wear decent Clothes during ONLINE Classes

4. FB Groups are for Asynchronous Classes and LINKS are posted in the WCC Orange
App- Designated for this Subject.

5. BE prompt in submissions of Graded Activities and Participation is highly

Getting to Know Activity: “Two Truths and a Lie”
Part I. Introduce your Self
Answer the following questions:
(NOTE: If your subject is PANPIL- kindly translate he questions and answers in Filipino)

 What is your Name?

 What is you Nickname? or How do your friends and family call you?
 Why did you choose your College Course?
 What do you intend to accomplish after College?
 What is your greatest Goal in Life?
 What words do you live by?
Answer the Getting to Know Activity on a Sheet of PAPER
Note: For PANPIL this game is called
“Dalawang Katotohanan at Isang Kasinungalingan”

“Ask all players to arrange themselves in a circle. Instruct each

player to think of three statements about themselves. Two must be
true statements, and one must be false. The more unique or
interesting the statement, the better! Thus, it’s recommended to
avoid common statements like “I like ice cream,” as most people
could say this and it would not be as interesting as something much
more unusual like “I enjoy eating bugs.”

Be sure to make your statements TRIVIAL as you strive to make an IMPACT in

TRAIT 4 3 2 1


Holds attention of entire audience with the use of Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, No eye contact with audience, as entire report is read from
direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes. but still returns to notes. while reading mostly from the notes. notes.

BODY LANGUAGE Movements seem fluid and help the audience Made movements or gestures that enhances Very little movement or descriptive gestures. No movement or descriptive gestures.
visualize. articulation.

Student displays relaxed, self-confident nature about Makes minor mistakes, but quickly recovers from Displays mild tension; has trouble recovering from Tension and nervousness is obvious; has trouble recovering
self, with no mistakes. them; displays little or no tension. mistakes. from mistakes.


Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic. Shows some negativity toward topic presented. Shows absolutely no interest in topic presented.
during entire presentation.

Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise Student’s voice is clear. Student pronounces most Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and
pronunciation of terms so that all audience members words correctly. Most audience members can hear pronounces terms. Audience members have speaks too quietly for a majority of students to hear.
can hear presentation. presentation. difficulty hearing presentation.


Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering all Student is at ease with expected answers to all Student is uncomfortable with information and is Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot
class questions with explanations and elaboration. questions, without elaboration. able to answer only rudimentary questions. answer questions about subject.

Student presents information in logical, interesting Student presents information in logical sequence Audience has difficulty following presentation Audience cannot understand presentation because there is
sequence which audience can follow. which audience can follow. because student jumps around. no sequence of information.

Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical Presentation has no more than two misspellings Presentation has three misspellings and/or Student’s presentation has four or more spelling and/or
errors. and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

Para sa PANPIL



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