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Animation Production

Pre Production

 Story
 Story is considered as the king of animated videos.
Without it, there is no end result as this is the
basis of all other elements involved in the
production process.
 Assuch, every Filipino creator’s first task is to
develop a script.
 Did you know? A Filipino animator, named Ronnie
del Carmen, co-written and co-directed the
popular Pixar film “Inside Out”.
 Storyboarding
 Storyboarding is the method whereby the story is
broken down into scenes and drawn into panels
similar to a graphic novel.
 Ithelps the director to imagine the animation 's end
look and helps him to make the right artistic choices
with other people involved in the production.
 Editorial
 They are sent to the editorial team after the
storyboards are finished, which will produce an
animatic based on the pencils drawn.
 The animatic portrays the beats of the story, and
comprised of the required storyboard images, scratch
dialogs and even temporary music and sound effects.
 Visual Development
 Visual Development is the stage where Filipino design
artists create the animation's final look. It involves the
elements of design used in characters, settings,
environments and palettes of colour.
 Ultimately,this provides a simple visual guide for the
entire team to follow during development.
 Pre-visualization
 At this point, animators are reviewing the script and
storyboard to scale through the computer characters
and environments into three dimensional space. It also
serves as a final product blueprint which enables the
customer to make changes before they even start

 Modeling
 The modeling method is widely used in 3D animation
and creates a digital object which can be fully
animated. This is an important stage of development,
since it typically includes character sculptures, sets,
and props.

 Surfacing
 Itis the process in which surface artists use colours,
textures and shades to make an animated film's different
elements pop out. Take for example the Disney film
Ratatoiulle. Part of the reason the ratatouille dish looks
appetizing is because of the efforts of the surfacing team.
 Finally,surfacing artists ensure that the animated
textures fit the visual department’s approved concept

 Rigging
 Rigging gives animated character the freedom to move
their faces and bodies according to the script 's
requirements. Without it, they will not be in a place to
hod up and drive about.

 Layout and Set Dressing

 Design includes conceptualizing environment based on an
animated film plot. Design artists are entrusted with the
task of designing the stage where character animation takes
 On the other hand, set dressing is preparing the proper
props and furniture needed in the scene. The main job of
the set dresser is to create and preserve the continuity of
these items in sequences and shots.

 Character Animation
 Character Animation is an important stage of the
animation process.
 Character animators are tasked with using the rig
made by the rigging department to carry the
characters into being. However, to tell a story
effectively, they do need to think carefully about the
characters' gestures and expressions..

 Crowd Simulation
 Besides the main characters, animated films should
also include scenes with crowds.
 Assuch, the crowd department is primarily
responsible for the animation of a large number of
characters in the film. They work to simulate
realistic looking actions that should not be distracted
from the main action.

 Technical Directing
 Since animated film revolves around the lives of the
characters, it is essential to make the scenes feel alive
and believable.
 Technical directors create a motion or simulation that
responds to how a character moves. For example, when a
character sits on a couch, they let the cushions react by
flattening it. In the end, this makes it realistic.

 Lighting
 Lighting is an important element in creating the look and tone
of a specific animated video. It guides the viewer's eyes to
where the main action is taking place.

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