Iam S3 Cli

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S3 Complete Demo

Anyone can logged to machine and see the saved

credentials , to avoid this situation we use Role

Create a EC2 Role and give S3

Create EC2 and attached newly created Role
On Windows Machine install AWS-CLI
Check for access ( aws s3 ls )
To get user information – aws iam get-user
S3 Demo
To create bucket
Aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name

To list all the bucket

Aws s3 ls

To list content in particular bucket

Aws s3 ls s3://bucketname

To download content from bucket

Aws s3 sync s3://bucketname /path
Aws s3 sync userpath s3://bucketname

To copy contents from bucket

Aws s3 cp s3://mybucket /path 

To Give access to particular bucket

Go to policy – create policy – In service select s3 – select bucket – create – finish
Attach to user

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