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How Reviewing Health and safety performance:?

Health and safety performance should be reviewed by managers at all levels within the
organisation on a routine basis to ensure that management system are working
Reviewing performance relies on date gathered from various sources,
1.Such as accident date
2. Inspection reports
3.Absence date
4.Safety tours and audits.
Review enable action to be taken so that health and safety performance is continually
Purpose of regular reviews:
Reviewing health and safety performance is a key part of any health and safety
management system. The purpose of a review to identify any key areas that need to be
addressed and should be carried out by managers at all levels with the organisation on
a routine basis . Each review is likely to have a different focus and will be conducted
at different planned intervals.
A full review of safety management might be undertaken at the height level of the
organisation (board of directors/ senior management ) on an annual basis.
The management team may meet every quarter (3 months)to carry out a review
to ensure that performance remains on truck (clearly reviewing progress only
once a year is not enough) This information will feed into the annual review
A review of department performance might be conducted every month, with the
information in the departmental reviews being fed into the quarterly
management team review
The essence of the review process is to answer the question
1.Are we on target?
2.If not, why not?
3.What do we have to change?
For example if the board of directors set an objective for the organisation to
achieve a 5% reduction in the lost time accident incident within one year, and
the board review performance at the end of that year and a 6% reduction has
been achieved, then clearly the organisation is on target.
Effective performance reviews provide information not only to the board
of directors,
Summarising the health and safety performance of the organisation but also
to the workers. This demonstration of commitment to control
improvement can boost morale and help establish a positive health and
safety culture.
Reason why an organisation should review health and safety
To identify whether the organisation is on target if not on target, why not?
To continually improve. What do we have to change so that we continually
improve? for example are their risk that aren’t being controlled
adequately? What need to do done about them?
Become monitoring is an essential part of any management system.
Become reviews are a required part of accreditation to the management
system such as iso 45001.
What are the Issues to be considered in reviews?
• Reviewing health and safety performance relies to a great extent on having
good quality, reliable information about current and past performance which
usually depends on data gathering. One of the first steps in the review process
is gathering this information and data.
1.Legal compliance –the organisation must be aware of any legal compliance
issues, and therefore the review should recognise any areas of legal non-
2.Accident and incident data – Concerning injury accidents, property-damage
accidents, lost time accidents reportable event etc, often take from accident
records and accident investigation reports, together with the review of
corrective and preventive actions arising from investigations to ensure that
these have been implemented.
3.Safety tours, sampling and inspections – information and
data gathering from general workplace inspection reports
and statutory inspections reports and statutory
inspections may provide evidence of conformance or
non-conformance to standards.
4.Absence and sickness data – concerning work-related ill
health gathered from absence monitoring records of
perhaps the occupational health department(if one
5.Audit reports – findings of internal and external audit
should be reviewed which may present detailed and
organisation achievement towards these targets can be
6.Enforcement action – such as reports from inspectors,
enforcement notice and prosecutions
7.Previous management reviews – in particular the completion of
actions identified during those reviews.
8.Legal and best practice developments – It is important that the
organisation remains up-to-date with its legal responsibilities and
responds to any changes. There may also be technological or best
practice change that can be taken into consideration to further
improve the workplace.
9.Other sources – such as
a)Quality assurance reports
b)Results of participation and consultation
c)Communication and complaints from external sources.
d)Monitoring data/records/reports
These performance indicators can then be used to evaluated performance
of the organisation against the required standards.
These standards might be:
1. Legal standards established by legislation.
2. Oranisational standards that go above any beyond legal compliance.
What is the Output from the reviews:?
Various outputs will arise from the review process. Records of
management reviews should be retained. These may be retention
duration set within standards, but in any Case the review should be
recorded in order to demonstrate that an adequate review was carried
out in accordance with legal requirements(e.g in Britain, the
Management of Health and safety at work regulation 1999) Records of
reviews will often take the form of minutes of review.
Some organisations will also required to report annually to shareholders on
their health and safety performance through the annual company report.
Finally the review process should form part of the continual
improvement process of the organisation. Strategic targets are set by
senior management – these targets are then channeled down through
the organisation and reviewed by line management at different levels.
1.Senior management set strategic targets.
2.Middle management review performance and sets local targets that
will collectively allow the strategic targets to be achieved.
3.Junior management review performance and sets local targets that
will collectively allow the strategic targets to be achieved.
This means health and safety reviews, at all levels must feed directly
into action plans. These plans should identify the action to be taken
by responsible persons by appropriate deadlines. In this way
continual improvement of health and safety performance can be

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