Presentationbiology Nutrition

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Types of Diets

1.Why people diet

-to life healthier life

-to gain weight

-to loose weight

The Paleo Diet
-The modern Paleo diet is a nutrition plan
thateliminates the consumption of
processed foods - itdoes so in an attempt to
recreate the dietaryconditions experienced
by early humans.
The Blood Type Diet
-diet based on your blood group
The Vegan Diet
-A vegan diet involves eating only foods comprising
plants. Those who follow this diet avoid all animal
products, including meat, dairy, and eggs. Some people
also avoid eating honey. For some, being vegan is a
dietary choice, while for others, it is a lifestyle choice
The Mediterranean Diet
-The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that's
based on the traditional cuisines of Greece, Italy and
other countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.
-The Mediterranean diet varies by country and
region, so it has a range of definitions. But in general,
it's high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans,
cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as
olive oil. It usually includes a low intake of meat and
dairy foods.
Starvation is a severe deficiency in caloric energy
intake, below the level needed to maintain an
organism's life

In humans, prolonged starvation can cause

permanent organ damage and eventually,
Kwashiorkor is a severe form of
Kwashiorkor malnutrition. It's most common in
some developing regions where
babies and children do not get
enough protein or other essential
nutrients in their diet.

The main sign of kwashiorkor is too

much fluid in the body's tissues,
which causes swelling under the
skin (oedema).
Marasmus is severe malnutrition
characterized by energy deficiency

It can occur in anyone who has severe

malnutrition, but it usually occurs in children.
It typically occurs in developing countries.
Marasmus can be life-threatening, but you can
get treatment for it
Anorexia is an eating disorder and serious mental health

They often have a distorted

image of their bodies, thinking
People who have anorexia try to keep their weight
they're fat even when they're
as low as possible by not eating enough food or
exercising too much, or both. This can make them
very ill because they start to starve.

Bulimia is a psychological eating disorder

in which you have episodes of binge
eating (consuming a large quantity of
food in one sitting). During these binges,
you have no sense of control over your
eating. Afterward, you try inappropriate
ways to lose weight

Obesity is a complex disease involving an

excessive amount of body fat. Obesity
isn't just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical
problem that increases the risk of other
diseases and health problems, such as
heart disease, diabetes, high blood
pressure and certain cancers

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