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Where else did the Romans

Shum Yun Rou
Year 5R
Greece - Location
• Located on the continent of Europe
• A country in South Eastern Europe
• Surrounded by the following countries/seas:

North – Albania, North Macedonia & Bulgaria

East – Turkey, Aegean Sea
South – Cretan and Libyan Seas
West – Ioian Sea (separates Greece from Italy)
Greece-In the past
• Founded on 25 March 1821
• In the 8th century BC, Greece began to emerge from the Dark Ages
which followed the fall of the Mycenaean civilization
• Ruled by Alexander the Great in the 3rd century BC. He was the
founder of the Ancient Greek Empire, which stretched into Europe,
Egypt and South-West Asia
• Population then – around 7.5-10 million
• Food available then - grains, wheat, barley, fruit, vegetables, breads,
and cake.
Greece -When the Romans attacked
• The Romans began conquest in the 2nd century BC

• Ancient Romans travelled by carriage, chariot, walking, riding horses

Greece -When the Romans attacked
• Initially, the Romans were fighting the Carthaginians. However, the
Romans then decided to attack Greece because they were very angry at
the Greeks for some of the Greeks decided to help the Carthaginians
fight the Romans.
• Greece fell into Romans in the 146 BC in the Battle of Corinth.
• Rome first made Macedonia (northern Greece) a Roman province and
slowly invaded other Greek cities.
Why did the Romans come to Greece?
• The Romans were very much attracted by the Greek construction and
Greece– After the Romans left
• In 1967, Greece fell victim to a military coup and became a military dictatorship from 1967-1974. Following a
failed counter coup by the King against the Junta government, the Monarchy was abolished. Greece became
a democracy again in 1974 and joined the European Community in 1981, however they remained a Republic.
Greece - Today
• Population today 10.72 million
• Language(s) used : Greek. The other languages spoken there are Macedonian (called "Slav-
Macedonian" in Greece), Albanian, spoken in the centre and the south, Turkish, spoken by
Muslim communities around the Aegean, Arumanian and Bulgarian.

The Trojan War (1250BC) 26 February 2020 - The country confirmed its first COVID-19
case in Thessaloniki.

Introduction of the Olympic Games (776BC) 12 March 2020 - The Olympic torch relay began in Olympia
without public attendance. A week later on March 19
the Olympic flame was handed over to Japan.

FOOD bread, beans and olives fish, squid and shellfish

DRINKS Ouzo is considered the national drink of Greece 
Rakomelo is a mixed drink that is alcoholic and native to Greece
Greece - Today

Industries Involved: tourism, shipping, industrial products, food and tobacco

processing, textiles, chemicals, metal products, mining and petroleum.

Old Popular Places:

Olympia is the place where the first ancient Olympic Games took place in
776 BC.

The Acropolis of Athens is the most famous historical monument in Greece. 

Greece - Today
• New Popular Places:
Athens  -Greece's most visited spot by tourists worldwide

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