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Sorting helps to sort the records that are

retrieved. By default, it displays the
records in ascending order of primary key.
If we need to sort it based on different
columns, then we need to specify it in
ORDER BY clause

Nahida Nazir

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Row id
 ROWID:For each row in the database, the ROWID
pseudocolumn returns a row\’s address. The ROWID
contains 3 information about row
address:FileNo : FileNo means Table Number.
 DataBlockNo : DataBlockNo means the space assigned
by the oracle sql engine to save the record.
 RecordNo : Oracle engine mantains the record number
for each record.

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SELECT ROWID address FROM neha4

WHERE id = 5;

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Aggregate Functions
 An aggregate function is a function where
the values of multiple rows are grouped
together as input on certain criteria to
form a single value of more significant

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Aggregate functions
1) Count()
2) Sum()
3) Avg()
4) Min()
5) Max()

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Count function
The SQL COUNT function is an
aggregate function that returns the number
of rows returned by a query

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Select COUNT(*) from epm2 where da >

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For retrieving a single row
id = 47

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Sum function
The SQL AGGREGATE SUM() function
returns the SUM of all selected column.
 syntax SELECT SUM(attribute name)
FROM tablename

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SUM() using multiple columns example

syntax SELECT SUM (attribute1 +

attribute2) FROM table;

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Average function
 The AVG() function returns the average
value of a numeric column.
AVG(id) FROM laptop33;

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Min aggregate function
 The MIN() function returns the smallest
value of the selected column.
FROM laptop33

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Max function
The MAX() function returns the largest
value of the selected column.
 SELECT Max(id)
FROM laptop33

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Group by
Group by clause is used to group the
results of a SELECT query based on one
or more columns.

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select department, sum(salary) from
professor1 group by department

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create table salary5(name varchar(22),age int,
salary int , emp_id int);
insert into salary5 values('neha', 44, 33000, 54)
insert into salary5 values('raj',34, 70000,43)
insert into salary5 values('poosh', 39,65000,23)
insert into salary5 values ('riya', 39, 23000, 33)
select name, age, Count(*)
from Salary5
group by name, age
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Group by

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Having clause
The HAVING clause was added to SQL
because the WHERE keyword could not
be used with aggregate functions.

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Syntax for having clause
Select column_name, aggregate_functions
(column name)
From table_name
Where condition
Group by column name
Having condition order by column name

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 create table professor(name varchar(22), department
varchar(22), salary float, id int);
 insert into professor values('raj', 'cse', 45000, 23)
 insert into professor values('rahul', 'cse', 34000,22)
 insert into professor values('rajat', 'english', 24000,33)
 insert into professor values('vikas', 'english', 94000,55)
 insert into professor values('amit', 'cse', 34000,29)
 insert into professor values('furqan', 'maths', 34000,92)
 insert into professor values('rahul', 'chemistry', 34000,22)
 insert into professor values('aditya', 'chemisty', 84000,62)

Nahida Nazir
select department, sum(salary) from
professor1 group by department having

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 A JOIN clause is used to combine rows
from two or more tables, based on a
related column between them.

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Inner join
The INNER JOIN command returns rows
that have matching values in both tables
The INNER JOIN keyword selects all
rows from both tables as long as there is a
match between the columns.

Nahida Nazir
Inner equi join
Select column_name from table 1
Inner join table2
on column_name=column_name

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create table z11( stuid int primary key, name varchar(20), city varchar(21));
insert into z11 values( 12, 'rahul', 'punjab')
insert into z11 values( 22, 'raj', 'phagwara')
insert into z11 values( 82, 'piya', 'jammu')
create table z22(depid int primary key, depname varchar(33), salary float,
stuid int,foreign key(stuid) references z11(stuid));
insert into z22 values( 45,'physics', 6000,12)
insert into z22 values( 85,'chemistry', 8000,22)

insert into z22 values( 95,'biology', 9000,82)

select, z22.depname from z11

inner join z22
on z11.stuid=z22.stuid;

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Equi join output

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Natural join
The SQL NATURAL JOIN is a type of
EQUI JOIN and is structured in such a
way that, columns with the same name of
associated tables will appear once only

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Non equi join
 Non-equi joins are joins whose join
conditions use conditional operators other
than equals.
 syntax
 column_name from tabel1
 inner join table2
 on column_name<>column_name

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Nahida Nazir
Outer Join
The FULL OUTER JOIN returns a result
set that includes rows from both left and
right tables. When no matching rows exist
for the row in the left table, the columns
of the right table will have null and vice

Nahida Nazir
Syntax left outer join
select, z22.depname from z111
left join z22
on z111.stuid=z22.stuid

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Right outer join
Right join keyword returns all rows from
the right table , with the matching rows in
the left table.

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Cross Join
 The SQL CROSS JOIN produces a result
set which is the number of rows in the
first table multiplied by the number of
rows in the second table.
 It is also known as Cartesian join .

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 select* from table1 cross join table2
 select attribute1,attribute2 from table1
cross join table2

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Cross join for selected columns

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Cross join of full table

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Self Join
 A self join is a join in which a table is
joined with itself.
 It is also called Unary relationships.

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 Views in SQL are kind of virtual tables.
 A view also has rows and columns as
they are in a real table in the database.

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Types of View
Simple View
 Complex View

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Simple View

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