Lesson 12 - Soul Making

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Soul-making – cannot
be defined. Heraclitus
said “you could not
discover the limits of
your soul, even if you
traveled by every path in
order to do so, such is
the depth of its
John Keats
English poet

He explained soul-making
as a process where the basic
need of divine intelligence in
all humans goes through
necessary experiences,
especially suffering, that
transform the intelligence
into unique soul.
Soul-Making Is a Metaphor

• The word ‘metaphor’ is

comprised of two Greek
words – Meta-above and
Phero- to carry.
• Metaphor is an image or
phrase that carries the
reader above the literal
sensory realm into the
realm of invisible
Soul Making Is Poetry Making

• The word ‘making’ in ‘Soul

Making’ comes out of the
Greek word poieo which
means “to be the author or
maker of something”
• Soul Making is psycho-
poeisis or soul poetry.
Soul Making Is Poetry Making

• Universe is not a lifeless debris field

resulting the Big Ban, but a Living
Organism .
• The Universe is animated, or a
Living Soul (Psyche).
• Psyche is comprised of many
brilliant aspects-ranging from
numbers and geometric shapes, to
qualities like Life and Death, Chaos
and Order.
The Poetry of Psyche

• One way to understand this is

to imagine the Universe as an
immense dictionary filled with
an infinite number of Living
Words (archetypes).
The Poetry of Psyche

• All human institutions,

feelings, ideas, pains and
pleasures are the writing
instruments that compose our
The Analogy of Word Particles

• Our partners,
education, jobs,
abuses, failures and
a whole host of
coincidences are
part of the poem.
•Philosophers and holy teachers have
named this process variously, referring
to the Fates, Destiny, Providence,
Demons, Guardian Angels, The Stars
and a host of other terms referring to a
life guided by more than random chance.

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