Critique of Nursing Research Studies

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Aspect of the report Critiquing questions

Title Is the title a good one, The title is a good one,

succinctly suggesting that clearly defined
key variables and the key variables and the
study population? study population
Does the abstract The abstract clearly
clearly and concisely and concisely
summarize the main summarized regarding
features of the report the problem , methods,
(problem, results and conclusion.
methods ,results
Statement of the Problem

A study to assess the effect of education programme on knowledge

regarding preventive measures of ICU syndrome among critical care
nurses in ICUs of selected hospital, Ernakulam.
• The research problem is clearly stated. The research problem is
Statement of the
problem • It clearly states the variables, population and clearly stated with
research setting under study is also included. variables, population and
• The variables are expressed in measurable terms research settings. the but
• The type of study is also included in the statement it does not have the
of a research problem. potential to produce
• Whether the problem is significant and has the evidence to improve
potential to produce evidence to improve nursing nursing practice.
practice. Purpose is clearly stated.
• Whether the purpose is clearly stated? is there a Qualitative approach is
good match between the problem and the paradigm better than quantitative.
and the methods used.
• Is a quantitative approach appropriate?
Hypotheses will be tested at 0.05 level of significance

H1: The mean post-test knowledge scores of critical care nurses regarding
preventive measures of ICU syndrome will be significantly higher than the
mean pre-test knowledge scores.

H2: There will be a significant association between pre-test knowledge scores of

critical care nurses with selected sample variables.
Hypotheses or Is there a formal hypothesis? If no There is formal
research hypotheses, their absence is hypotheses(associative)
questions justified? which is worded properly,
Are hypotheses worded properly? naturally flow from
Whether the hypotheses are research problem and
logically connected and are stated a predicted
consistent with the existing relationship among
evidence or relevant theory? variables but not the type
Do they state a predicted of relationship.
relationship between variables?
Is it naturally flow from research
Literature review • Is the review of literature up to It is up to date(2007 –
date and based on primary 2016) ,and based on primary
sources? sources.
• Does the review of literature It provide sound basis for the
provide a sound basis for the study (21 literature reviews).
study? It follows logical sequence
• Does the review of literature ( Literature related to ICU
review provide a sound basis for syndrome, knowledge of
the new study? nurses regarding ICU
• Does it follow a logical sequence syndrome and effect of
leading to a critical review of education programme on
supporting and conflicting work? ICU syndrome )
• Does the investigator describe
gaps in literature and support the
necessity of the present study?
Conceptual • Are the concepts adequately Imogene King goal
/theoretical defined attainment theory is a middle
framework • Is there a conceptual or theoretical range theory derived from
framework King's Conceptual System.
• Is it appropriate The Theory of Goal
• If not, is the absence of one Attainment focuses on the
justified? interactions between the
• Are measures for each of the personal, interpersonal, and
concepts identified and described? social systems.
It describes a dynamic,
interpersonal relationship in
which a patient grows and
develops to attain certain life
goals. The theory explains
that factors which can affect
the attainment of goals are
roles, stress, space, and time.
Protection of  Were approximate procedures Informed consent taken
human rights used to safeguard the rights of from the participants
study participants Ethical clearance for the
study obtained and
 Was the study externally
permission for conducting
reviewed by an IRB/ethics study was obtained from
review board Lourdes hospital.
 Was the study designed to
minimize risks and maximize
benefits to participants
Methods  Was the most rigorous possible Pre experimental
  design used, given the study one group pre test-
Research design purpose? post test design is used.
In one group pre test post
 Were appropriate comparisons
test design, the group is
made to enhance interpretability observed before and
of the findings? after the independent
 Was the number of data variable is introduced.
collection points appropriate?
 Did the design minimize biases
and threats to the internal
construct and external validity
of the study?
Population and  Is the population described? Is Sampling technique-
sample the sample described in Convenience sampling
sufficient detail?
Sample size-60 critical
 Was the best possible Sampling
care nurses.
design used to enhance the
sample’s representativeness? Sampling bias are
 Were sampling biases minimised by inclusion
minimized? and exclusion criteria.
 Was the sample size adequate?
 Was a power analysis used to Sample size is calculated
by n= [ (Z1-α/2)² × S² ]
estimate sample size needs?

Data collection and  Are the operational and Operational and conceptual
measurement conceptual definitions congruent? definitions are congruent.
 Were the key variables Reliability and validity of
operationalized using the best the instrument is adequate
possible method . as the reliability measured
(interview ,observation and so by spilt half method using
on )are specific instruments Spearman Brown Prophecy
adequately described? formula (r= 2r/1+r).
 Are reliability and validity of Value of r was 0.8 and it
instrument adequate was found to be reliable.

 Does the report provide evidence

that the data collection methods
yielded data that were reliable and
Procedures  Is there was an intervention, is It was a Pre-experimental
it adequately described study.
 Did participants allocated to
the intervention group
adequately actually receive it?
 Is there evidence of
intervention fidelity?
 Were data collected in a
manner that minimized bias?
 Was the staff that collected the
data appropriately trained?
Results  Were analysis undertaken to address Each hypotheses is tested by
Data analysis each question or test each hypotheses appropriate statistical methods(
 Were appropriate statistical methods Chi square and Paired t-test)
used, given the level of measurement type I and type II errors are
of the variables, number of groups
being compared and assumptions of
the tests?
 Was the most powerful analytic
method used?
 Were type I and Type II errors
avoided or minimized
 Were problems of missing values
evaluated and adequately addressed?
Findings  Is information about statistical Information about
significance presented? statistical significance
 Is information about presented and were
summarized with good
confidence interval presented
use of tables and figures.
 Are the findings adequately Results were reported in
summarized with good use of a manner that helps meta
tables and figures? analysis later.
 Are findings reported in a
manner that facilitates a meta
analysis and with sufficient
information needed for EBP
Discussion  Are all major findings interpreted There was proper
Interpretation of the and discussed within the context interpretation of findings
findings of prior research /or the study’s
  conceptual framework?
 Are interpretations well-founded
and consistent with the study’s
 Does the report address the issue
of the generatability of the
 Are study limitations identified?
 Are results described in light of
theoretical framework and
supporting literature?
Implications  Do the implications discuss the The implications
  interpretations of the study for discussed the
clinical practice and further interpretations of the
study for clinical practice
research----and are those
but they fails to make an
implications reasonable and enhanced change in
complete? clinical practice.
Global issues  Is the report well The report was written in
presentation written ,organized and a manner that makes the
sufficiently detailed for clinical findings accessible to
practicing nurses.
 In interventional studies is a
CONSORT flow chart provided
to flow of participants in the
 Is the report written in a
manner that makes the findings
accessible to practicing nurses?
Credibility of  Do the researcher’s clinical The researcher’s
researcher substantive or methodological experience enhance
qualifications and experience confidence in the findings
enhance confidence in the and their interpretations
findings and their as the researcher have
interpretations. clinical experience in
Summary  Despite any limitations do the The study findings appear
Assessment study findings appear to be to be valid and had
valid –do you have confidence contributed to make a
change in the nursing
in the truth value of the results.
practice by providing
 Does the study contribute any improvement in
meaningful evidence that can nurse’s knowledge and
be used in nursing practice or thereby the prevalence
that is useful to the nursing rate of ICU syndrome can
practice? be reduced.

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