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Source A; Poster from 1840

advertising a slave auction. Source B: What became of the slaves on

a Georgia plantation? 1859. Source C: An advertisement for a
slave auction in Charleston, South
What is its nature? Carolina
What is its origin?
What is its purpose?
What is useful about its
provenance? Are there any
limitations to the usefulness of
its provenance?

How comprehensive, accurate,

typical do you think the
content of the source is? Source D: An illustration of a woman
and child on the auction block.
Source E: Colour enhanced illustration
of an 1861 print of the slave market.
Source F: The Age of Expansion, John D Clare, 1996
When a slave ship arrived in America or the West Indies, the slaves were fattened up for
sale, and their skins were oiled to make them shine. Traders hid sores by rubbing them
with rust, and slaves with dysentery were “plugged” with rope dipped in tar.

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