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One’s Limitations and the

Possibilities for Transcendence

What are the things that
you CAN and you CANNOT
What are the implication of
this activity?
It is true that we have number of
advantages compared to other creatures
but we as a human being are not perfect
in terms of capacities or capabilities.
Our human nature has also
One’s limitations and the
possibilities in transcendence
Exploring our human nature leads us to discover
our capabilities, skills and talents that we are
endowed with.

.. And there are things that we can’t do no matter

how hard we try such as flying, breathing
underwater for a longer time, etc.
But this limitations, human have invented
things or apparatus that could make
them experience the things that we
cannot do.
Yes, we have
.. But people can create or find some means
to surpass these limitations, because being
physically limited does not prevents us from
achieving or accomplishing things beyond
our abilities.
Watch this:
Unbelievable but
Human beings have this trait that distinguishes as
from other creatures and that’s what we called
Ability to surpass one’s limitations
Trans – go beyond
Scandere- climb
Going beyond limitations by exerting effort
1. Have you experience transcendence?
2. Were you able to surpass limitations?
3. How did you do it?
How do we overcome limitations?

If you know that you have lot of things to learn and to
improve that is the time that you can think of ways how to
surpass limitations
 Transcendence also means having control oneself
 When you know how to discipline yourself then you can
govern your life well
 There are body limitations (sick)
 Social and environmental limitations (location)
Challenges are just learning
Isn’t it that sometimes the more that you are
underestimated, the more that you exert
effort improving that you are more than
what they think you are?
• Do not be afraid of your limitations because you
have the possibility to transcend.
• Kaya mo, kaya ko, kaya natin 
Over- all Presentation 20pts
Creativity 20pts
Submitted on time 10pts

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