ch1 - Data and Information

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Data and Information

Types of data
Processing of Data in a Computer
Problem Solving [Algorithms and Flowcharts]
Components of a Desktop Computer
Information Technology (IT)
Information : Processed Data
 Based on which decisions can be taken and appropriate
actions initiated.
 Improves our knowledge, enabling us to do our work better.
Information Technology
 Technology which is used to acquire, store, organize and
process data to a form which can be used in specified
applications and disseminate the processed data.
Types of Data
Types of Data
Numeric data

Text Data

Image or Picture

Audio or Sound

Video or Moving pictures

Text Data
Word Processing
Spell check and correction
Suggestions on sentence construction
Produces formatted text without errors as output
Text Data…
Picking up the right word
Image Data
Two dimensional
Ex. Photographs, Satellite maps
Fingerprint Recognition
Black and white images
Photo Album
House Plan
Fingerprint Recognition
Fingerprints of a known criminals are taken as black and
white images.
These fingerprints are stored in a computer’s storage.
When a crime happens, the fingerprint of criminals is
compared with those stored in the computer’s storage.
Computer programs are used to search and identify the
Currently available algorithms for fingerprint identification
have excellent recognition. They correctly identify the
person involved in more than 95% of the cases.
Photo Albums
Photographs are taken using digital cameras or mobile
phones. (color pictures)
The camera or the phone can be connected to a PC
with an appropriate connector or by wireless and the
pictures copied into the PC’s memory.
The pictures can then be annotated with information
such as date, place and occasion when they were taken.
 They can then be organized for easy retrieval.
 It is also possible to organize a slideshow of pictures
using software which is available in PCs.
House Plan
A house plan is normally made up of straight lines,
small circular arcs and other regular geometrical
It can be easily drawn, stored and modified by a
computer program.
Given a plan it is easy to calculate the floor area, the
cost of flooring, etc.
Audio Data
Continuous (vary with sound)
Reaches our ears through pressure waves
Music, Speech
Flight Data Recorder
 Black box – records conversations between persons in the
cockpit and flight controllers
Digital Audio Recording
Music Synthesis
 Generating sound using software or hardware
Internet Telephone
 Cheaper form of audio transmission
Video Data
Sequence of images shown at a rate of about 30-60
pictures per second
Persistence of vision => Illusion of movement
Video + Audio
Movie Applications
Dubbing movies
Animation movies [Ex. Toy Story]
Image Morphing
Data Processing
Processing of Data in a Computer
Simple Model of a Computer
Acquisition of data
Storage of data
Organization of data
Processing data
Output of processed data
Dissemination or distribution of information
Steps in Data Processing

Acquire Store Process Output

Data Memory, Disseminate

Display Results
Acquisition Databases, Processor
Units Clouds
Data Acquisition
Input System
Keyboard, Mouse, Video cameras, Microphones,
Memory System [Storage]
RAM – Primary memory – volatile
Hard Disk, CD, DVD, Flash memory, Magnetic tapes,
cloud storage
Processing System - CPU
 Heart of the machine
 Interprets and executes programs
 Controllers in microwave ovens, washing machines, digital signal
Output System
 Displays results after processing
 Video displays, printers, loud speakers
Network Interface Unit (NIU)
 Connectivity
 Communication
 Used for dissemination of data
Memory System program, input
data, results

Primary Secondary
Memory Unit Memory Unit

Input Processing NIU Output System

System System

Reads program Interprets and Connects to

+ Data to be executes communication Displays results
processed instructions network
Data Processing using a Computer - Steps
Analyze the data processing task
 Given input, required output
Find a method or solution – how
Express the method as a step by step procedure –
Convert into a program
Type(input) the program
Execute the program
Provide input data
Get output data
Problem Solving
Algorithms and Flowcharts
Count the yellow balls
Y= 0 Y= 0 + 1=1 Y= 1 + 1 = 2

Y= 2 + 1 = 3 Y= 3 + 1 = 4

Y= 4 + 1 = 5 Y= 5 + 1 = 6
Count the Vowels in a Text

s h e s e l ls s e a

s h e l ls o n t h e

s e a s h o r e

v=0 v=0+1=1 v=1+1=2 v=2+1=3 v=3+1=4

v=4+1=5 v=5+1=6 v=6+1=7 v=7+1=8

v=8+1=9 v = 9 + 1 = 10 v = 10 + 1 = 11
Count the vowels in a text
1. Create a counter to count the vowels and initialize it to
zero. count=0
2. Call vowel = {a,e,i,o,u,A,E,I,O,U}
3. Read a character and store it in letter
4. If letter = stop, go to step 7, else go to step 5
5. If letter = vowel, add 1 to count
6. Go to step 3
7. Output count
8. Stop
Components of a Desktop
Input Devices Processor (CPU) Output Devices
(Keyboard, Memory (RAM, (VDU, Printer)
Mouse) ROM, Secondary)
Power Supply

Multimedia Components
Scanner, Printer, Microphone, Software
Loudspeakers, Sound card, Graphics Card, System Software
Video Camera Application Software
Desktop Computer
 Typewriter keys, function keys, control keys
 Used to enter program, data
 Input device
Visual Display Unit (VDU)
 Similar to a TV screen
 Used to display output
 Displays characters, strings, graphical symbols to provide
commands to computer (icons), images
 GUI (Graphical User Interface)
 Associated with a mouse – 3 buttons - clicking
Central Processing Unit – CPU, Main memory,
Secondary memory, Power supply
Ports – Sockets to connect to external devices like
printer, loudspeaker, microphone, telephone, networks
Microprocessor mounted on a motherboard along with
NIU, main memory
Secondary memory – Large hard disk
 Flash memory, CD, floppy disks
Multimedia PCs
Capable of processing pictures, audio and video besides
text and numbers
Scanner (Documents to digital format)
Sound card
Graphics card
Video camera
Instructions to be executed
System software and application software
Operating system
 Coordinates the activities of CPU, I/O unit, memory
management and organized data and other units
 Ex. Windows, Mac OS, Linux

Application Software
 Microsoft Office
Count the number of brinjal varieties from the given input
1. Create a counter to count the number of brinjal varieties
and initialize to zero. count = 0
2. Call brinjals = CO1, CO2, MDU1, PKM1, PLR1, KKM1,
3. Read a vegetable code and store it in code
4. If code = stop go to step 7 else go to step 5
5. If code in brinjals, add 1 to count
6. Go to step 3
7. Output count
8. Stop
A vegetable sample list contains numerous varieties of
ladies fingers, bitter gourd and other vegetables. Write an
algorithm to count the number of ladies finger varieties,
bitter gourd varieties and the number of other vegetables
in the list.

Ladies finger varieties : Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay and

Parbhani Kranti
Bittergourd varieties: COBgoH1, Arka Harit, Priya and
Input list : [CO1, PLR1, KKM1, PPI-B, PLR, VRM1,
COBH1, MDU 1, Arka Anamika, Arka Abhay , COBH2,
Parbhani Kranti, COBgoH1, Arka Harit, MDU1 , Priya,
CO2, Preethi, PKM1]
Counting Coins
A piggy bank that has been opened contained Re. 1, Rs.
2, Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 coins. Write an algorithm that
counts the number of coins and find the amount of
money in the piggy bank.
1. Create counters to count Re. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 coins and initialize them to
2. C1 = 0, C2 = 0, C5=0, C10=0
3. Read the denomination of the coin as input (Enter 0 if no more coins are left out)
4. If input = 0, go to step 10, else go to step 5.
5. If input=1, add 1 to C1
6. If input=2, add 1 to C2
7. If input=5, add 1 to C5
8. If input=10, add 1 to C10
9. Go to step 3
10. Amount = C1*1 + C2*2 + C5*5 + C10*10
11. Output Amount
12. Stop
Part A & B Questions
Define Information Technology.
List the types of data.
State a few applications of text data.
State some applications of audio data.
List some applications of image data.
List some applications of video data.
Essay Questions
Explain the simple model of a computer highlighting
the steps involved in data processing.
Write an algorithm to count the number of vowels in a
Draw a flowchart to count the number of vowels in a
Describe the components of a desktop computer.

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